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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Remind me again about the Biden conspiracy you backed for years ?
  2. It's all a show and you're buying it hook kine and sinker.
  3. Again slowly. Your comment history is the evidence. Try to keep up.
  4. You attacked scorned and belittled people on this forum for years for disagreeing with your wrong outlook. It's all there in the comment history for everyone to see. Then you vanished and hid in the background. Only now reappearing with more anger than ever. Bravo.
  5. Op is trolling.
  6. Pretty much everything to do with the political landscape. Glad to see you back with as much anger as the rest of the 8.
  7. The OP. Move to an area known to be noisy then complain about it.
  8. Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars.
  9. Most normal people realize that there are loads of celebrations at this time of year.
  10. Thank you for that clarity. It explains a lot about you.
  11. In today's world we do no discriminate by age or sex. Everyone is equal. If you have reservations about this I suggest speaking to progressives. They brought us to this point.
  12. I love confused emojis. They taste just like liberal tears.
  13. It's the holidays people celebrate. Is this news to you or ?
  14. Your whole comment sounds schizophrenic. You'll be letting us all know where you got your phd to make all of these wild assumptions right?
  15. Can somebody call the whambulance. My god what a whiner.
  16. Dark times for those who are absurdly out of touch with reality.
  17. What no Trump reference ? You sure don't talk to talk though eh Tug.
  18. The daughter of a marxist would repeat that marxist saying all the time.
  19. I,wouldn't bother engaging with the emoji troll.
  20. You're one of the last people that should be talking about facts Mr Biden is all good team member guy.
  21. Try elements papers. Really good.
  22. Thank you Dr fauci. Great movie by the way.
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