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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Unlike your pathetic delusion that Biden was mentally fit. Trump ran to dodge prison eh. What a laugh considering the trumped up charges are falling like domino's.
  2. I expect this thread to be filled with shock and apologies from those on the left who continued this lie. It was so thick on this forum daily with comments ridiculing anyone who dared question the narrative. What other lies have been started by theses despicable people. Anyone on the left still want to say Biden was tippy top in the year before he crashed out. Still ill a few on here willing to defend it The whole system was exposed as a farce.
  3. The source is the Bill. Thought that was brutally obvious.
  4. Still angry about the election results eh bro.
  5. Google who resigned I'm not your teacher . It's public knowledge. You're so far off on your viewpoint. Expected though as your track record on American politics was abysmal at best.
  6. What ? The number 2 resigned right before the budget was about to expose the corruption ? Then it's so calm that the next in line resigned immediately after. Yes just another day in a stable political scene. You should go back to the I support razor blade Biden threads. It's no surprise he wants a UN job. That's been known for years now.
  7. Do they cut the crusts off for you too ?
  8. Chaos within the liberal party. Are you really playing the i'm obtuse for 200 game alex.
  9. Great way to help out the ladyboy stole my gold chain epidemic.
  10. I knew it wouldn't be long until a but but but Trump person came rolling through.
  11. I'm surprised you didn't fit in convicted felon and weird into that frothy rant. Maybe get a vaccine.
  12. Na you just reek. Banging on about how much smarter you are than others yet so wrong about the political landscape.
  13. You would be a great candidate for first shot.
  14. What would a day be on here without you calling people dumb and stupid.
  15. We have your ip address.
  16. You just don't get it. Sad really. Oh well.
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