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Posts posted by foxxx

  1. for every 1 they catch there's 2 more getting addicted or running out of cash and doing stupid shit to get the next score.

    gotta remember, as soon as you defend yourself it's no longer a general threat, it's a fight. he'll defend himself, and if there's 2, its now 2v1.

    travel in a group, stick to populated areas.

  2. Yep, after the recommendations on here, we saw Nigel this morning, fixed a shoulder problem that my girl had for a few months now, after doing xrays and seeing doctors and them all saying its fine...

    Nigel fixed it up in about 5 minutes, professional, very nice guy, will definitely be back next time we're in trouble, and in my opinion, 500b was a good fair price, not expensive IMO, considering a doctor to prescribe paracetamol and say nothing is wrong was 900b. so yeah, 500b to solve the problem is very fair.

    he's by appointment only, call, it was 4 day wait for us. but well worth it.

  3. same old shit everyone has a bitch about, thais dont know squat about customer service.

    the waitress should have taken it up direct with the manager, not left it to themselves to try and work out and the customer.

    end of the day, it's either 2baht worth of postmix generic cola, or 5b of a bottle of coke. hardly worth taking the customer to point with.

  4. what about a beauty salon, 7-11, massage place or any of the other many overdone businesses? why go against the trend... new ideas are for losers... i mean, there's so many of them all already, so they must all be popular and make great money... why else would they open 5 of the same shops in the same 10m space...

  5. yeah i'm with jsixpack here, i know more thais with nice cars and 2k a month rooms with no fridge than thais that have a nice place. no one goes to their homes so they spend on things everyone can see, cars, bikes, clothes, phones etc. they cant afford any of it, but it all looks good.

  6. a lot of the property was overpriced to start with. pricing for westerners with money rather then what the local market is actually worth. i even think the 'normal market' price here has been fictional for a long time, forgetting that overpriced western stuff, just the base market rate is a bit over the top.

    your property isn't in a great position, you have shitty facilities, bad plumbing, bad surroundings, high crime, very little police or rescue service extremely poor construction (sure the rendering on top looks fine, but under it's a mess) and what not, the land is cheap and construction cheaper, how they are pricing some of these basic homes at 12m+ is amazing. especially since they are so far inland the land is almost free and building wages cost them almost nothing.

    which i guess furthers the point that people just buy new not 2nd hand, its cheaper at build your own house then buy someone else's at an increased price that's speculative at the best of times.

    i'm sure there's great buys around that could be worthy of investment, renovation and sell, but it's just as easy to buy land and build your own, just as you want it.

    all depends on what you want and how much you have to spend i guess.

    i'm interested in buying at the moment, i think there's lots of overpriced places around, not interested in an apartment in the slightest.

  7. mental problems are mental problems, fair enough

    but additions aren't mental problems, and there's ways to fight and control an addiction. (not saying its easy by any means)

    if you're a gambling addict, dont go to vegas, if your a alcoholic, dont go to pattaya / octoberfest.

    you can change your surroundings to help fight your problem.

    garro - reformed drunk - how do you survive here? is the drinking no longer an issue and you can go out to a bar and have a few, or do you steer 100% clear of drinks?

    in a town like this unless you live outside of the main area, it's hard to go anywhere without being surrounded by bars. not the best place for weak people who can succumb to a drinking addiction (not saying your weak, people who currently are addicted to alcohol and can't turn away).

    but thats all beside the point.

    falang beggar on the street. I've had westerns hit me up for money before, I've given out a couple of K so they can get what they need to get out, but with the dollar what it is now days i'm working hard for my money and doing my best to get ahead and stay there, if they are stupid enough to come here, risk it by taking girls to their room and not keeping their shit secure or piss it all away in a bar, it ain't my problem. i'm not working hard to bail you out.

  8. there's down on your luck, and there's people who have put themselves in that position. willingly or unwillingly.

    thai atm card, home bank visa card, they can get to both. you should also keep funds in a 3rd bank (like a high interest put in take out anytime one) that doesn't have an atm card - only web access.

    if the bar girl / wife takes you for all you have, you have a reserve you can call on.

    take care of yourself, plan shit. i feel nothing for these people who come here, drink themselves blind every day, take girls and fuc_k about.

    it all costs money. if your spend exceeds your intake, then your going to be screwed in the end, so back off. the idiots don't, so i feel nothing. let them beg.

    you're always in control of what's going on. you don't end up like that from bad luck, but from bad decisions and planning. a massively bad decision on their part was coming here in the first place. sex and drink got them over excited and they blew it all.

    as for people who live here and have lost their jobs, or live back home and have lost jobs, they obviously can't plan for that or control that. (you still should have a sink fund to call on). but i do feel for those people. people who have truly been put in a position by someone else and their cash has just run out - as long as it didn't run out from partying it away and doing stupid shit.

  9. maybe there's a business there. private security and emergency response service. you call, tell what the deal is (being robbed, stabbed, dying or whatever) and before they respond they give you a quote!

    as crazy as it sounds, it's viable and it's how the old fire services used to work basically. they only saved houses that had paid the fee.

  10. mmmmmm i was down near utapo on the weekend on some bikes and we noticed about 6 bus loads with a police car escort of just thai's going to the airport - students and what not. they looked like a school trip to australia.

    and as for the newspaper calling pattaya seedy and you people replying in anger. i mean really, get a f-king clue, pattaya IS seedy. sex capitals of the world hardly represent un-seedyness.

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