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Posts posted by foxxx

  1. i think the idea behind it like any other organisation is to qualify the agencies and offer some kind of re-assurance to the customers that the agency has taken steps hold itself to a higher standard and ethics.

    from what i know - there's no real regulation of the agencies compared to other countries, anyone can start an agency, so i'm assuming the people behind that organisation is similar to other organisations - trying to show a standard of quality and assurance to their customers.

    but maybe i'm wrong? i have no idea about agencies.

  2. the red bull here is the original thai Kratingdreng - the thai partner seems to have retained the rights to thailand.

    buy some soda and mix them :)

    that nasty stuff is RB just without soda. same formula.

  3. one things for certain, you cant trust their spelling on their website!

    i dont have sophon but sometimes i wish i do so i could have a laugh...

    long story short, stick to what you're good at.

  4. i cant vouch for the content, but i can say the website will be undergoing more updates early next year to make it easier to read again, simpler and probably a bit larger fonts and what not. :)

  5. it would seem that the glitterman isn't getting enough attention riding around on a gold bike with a gold suit.

    "ive been lucky, no girlfriend of mine has ever proved worthy of getting 'too close' to me and getting past my James Bond name"

    i feel sorry for you that you've never had anyone close to you in pattaya. sure 99% of the bargirls are in it for the money, but there's plenty of girls with real jobs in real offices who want the real thing, not just your money.

    maybe if you spent a bit less time preaching and a bit more listening, opening yourself to new things you'd work that out... you could learn a lot from tv, and a few drinks with people.

    i honestly think if you dont have anyone close to you, or all the other things you preach against you'll probably end up doing just that - throwing yourself off a balcony.

    if i was you, i'd stay in a ground floor apartment just in case.

  6. there are hospital comissions and they do steal from victms (from a thai source who used to do rescues). comissions vary and i'm not sure how much they are.

    but like anything here, there's a fraction that do it out of their kindness, the rest are doing it to make extra money on the side and to look cool in their pick up.

  7. no doubt it'll be expensive, in the thousand baht+ for an hour range, and even with those prices they'll have to be packing in 100+ a day. if they DO get 100+ a day, ti'll be almost pointless going, for the size it'll be too busy to do anything on.

    what's their electricity bill going to be like? electricity isnt cheap here.

    anyway, it has to get built first.

  8. that'll be great, i can finally use all my snowboards and snow gear i have here!

    Agreed, if they build this and the cost of admission isn't too high, I will definitely check it out!

    But just out of curiosity, why do you have so much snow gear in Thailand? Until this snow park opens, there's not much use for it!

    i live here now, so just about everything i owned back in aus is here, also thailand is close to south korea, japan and russia, a few good snow destinations :)

  9. i picked up a 50" LG plasma for about 35k from powerbuy.

    i prefer the plasma over lcd, better for motion and better blacks, 100,000 hour lifespan, they do run hot though.

    i'll skip lcd and wait for the led /oled tv's to go into critial mass and cheaper before i buy one. crazy prices at the moment for them.

    oh and FYI at powerbuy they have an inhouse service center, if they cant fix an issue inhouse, they'll ship it off to the manufacturer. and another FYI for 3% of the purchase cost you can purchase an extended warranty for the tv. the manufacturer offers 1 year, for that 3% cost powerbuy will cover it for 3 years, on top of that it's also insured against accidential damage and theft. not a bad deal.

  10. i went to join wow, but they wernt open late (i prefer to go 10-11pm ish), i had a look anyway and found out pricing, they tried to hard sell me for a while, cant remember the price now but after i said i'm going to tony's it halved, i still said i'm going to tony's another staff member (slightly higher up) came to authorise a cheaper price, i still said i'm going to tony's and the main farang manager came and discounted even more. he came across as a real wanke_r so i said no sorry, i'm going to tony's.

    personally i dont like companies that price their services deliberately way too high to rape profits from people. set a price, make it fair and take care of your customers, dont just try to sell any crap to everyone just to make a buck.

    they wern't doing me any favours by dropping their price and offering me discounts, they were just showing how overprice their services were worth.

    my 2c anyway.

  11. double pricing goes on in western countries, it's just more subtile. the standard rates are high, but local magazines / newspapers that the average tourist doesnt read has discount offers for 'locals' to encourage them to come.

    I'm fairly sure most of these places offer you the local price if you show them your local drivers license, some proof that you're not a short term tourist, but a long term resident.

  12. maxnet is tt&t & 3bb

    really they are all as good as each other, i've been on just about all of the providers all over town, in some locations cat (tot) is great and maxnet blows, other location it's the exact opposite.

    IMO they are all the same, it all depends on the quality of the local lines in the ground in your area. the newer the better. if your signal is rubbish, pay them to come out and run new lines down the street for you.

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