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Posts posted by foxxx

  1. Some people need to read better and more and bitch less.

    The bar owner story was in the Pattaya Mail


    The rape story is in Friday's Pattaya Mail. And, as howard accurately stated, the victim herself inissted the matter not be disclosed to the press.

    Thank you for proving my point, although you need to be more attentive to dates.

    1. The bar owner died on October 1st, was removed to Bangkok, autopsied and brought back for cremation with zero publicity here. The Pattaya Mail story appeared over 2 weeks after the death and after the temple rights and only as a result of the Pattaya Ghost journalist’s involvement. No crime scene photos or report, and no follow-up on the bizarre death story.

    2. Re the rape, the Pattaya Mail isn't out yet. We have many daily news bulletins on the internet, some of which have no fear where others do. None have so far covered this story in the time since it occurred.

    I don't recall the poor father whose son drowned in Pattaya Water Park having much say in blanking out news coverage. Didn't he get fined for trying?

    Obviously the local news outlets don't have the resources to cover every single incident, or the channels to get the info on every single incident that happens in pattaya from every police station every day, process it all and report on it.

    Yes the news isn't fantastic, they pick up the handful of stories they can find and report for the day and move on to the next day. there's no bbc budgets, usually just a half dozen people to do everything.

    On one hand your telling everyone about a conspiracy to cover up the news 'the effective blackout' and on the other your shouting out how bad and slow the reporting is. as if they could organise a media wide blackout on an article while at the same time not being able to report anything else property because they're too slow and inept.

    How is it no different to all the crimes that go on in any other country every day that don’t get reported because the person in question doesn’t want it publicised?

    If you have so much time on your hands and are concerned about the news, donate your time to one of the local agencies to try and improve it. i doubt many tourists read the local news and the locals know the local news isn’t fantastic, so like yourself they also read international news.

    End of the day there's not enough resources, reporters, staff or money to do it all, find the news, report on it, fact check it and follow up on the outcomes.

    But I digress, i'm just feeding the fools own delusion on reality.

    Maybe users should have to pass a reality check before they are allowed to post on a forum?


  2. sponsor or not, this an other threads are obviously annoying people and are pointless, they aren't constructive to or generating any conversation, or dare i say business.

    benchmark is better off creating a discussion, leaving their business details out of it until later in the conversation when people actually care about what's being discussed. this up front spamming is just hurting their image rather than making more people interested.

    aside from that, if you were to just post ad advert, don't treat the users as if they are stupid, they know you are trying to sell something, rather than posing a question that no one's going to answer, get direct and to the point.

    how about starting something, then inject your services.

    'there's plenty of 1m baht property around for holiday stays or long term people, who are you and what do you prefer?'

    not trying to bash what you're doing, rather trying to help you break this image of spamming and actually get people interested in what you have to offer.

    if you want to sell 1mb property, talk about it.

    start a converstaion about 1mb property, are people looking to buy 1mb? is it too cheap or expensive? do you trust it? can you find it? who has one?

    dont forget your name is in your posts, and your advert is at the top of the page. you dont need to push your point in the post itself, your advert is just above the page for people to see anyway. the more posts you can start with real conversation, the more people that will be reading them, and the more people that will be viewing you radvert.

    food for thought.

  3. shit loquent, how about taking your own advice and getting to the point.

    next time how about a simple "I'm an old douche with too much time on my hands and no friends to talk to. also, the OP's point annoys me and i disagree."

    you could just use that summary for all the posts you've made.

    if you do have so much to say without making any real point, go start a blog.

    then again, being the douche you are does reall make you fit in with the pattaya crowd... welcome and good to see you on the forum :) keep up the good work.

  4. 2mbit up is good if you do backups offsite (like we do to amazon s3), gigs of files need to go up.

    its also good for any other upload intensive work like web design etc, or if you have your own local server that you/your staff need access too when they're out of the office for crm or general file usage.

    again on the local server, if your at home and need to access your local office network you have a good connection for it to transfer files / remote desktop to.

    i'd get an shdsl connection if the price was right, but 3k isnt when i can get 1mbit upstream for half the price. 1mbit is enough for us.

    and true's not in my area :)

  5. I think they are just saying - they are moving them to inactive posts for the time being - while they are being investigated. inactive posts where they can do no harm or anything.

    "They have been assigned to job desks at the Metropolitan Police Bureau for 30 days, pending investigation and disciplinary action."

    they need to build a case against them yet.

  6. should start a competition on who can guess the number of days until the avenue turns into a nana plaza pattaya.

    it's got potential as a big entertainment complex... turn the cinema into Insomnia 2, bowling alley into marine disco 2, and everything else under it gogo's and ground floor beer bars...

  7. the issue would be with your local route / lines.

    TOT has a larger NOC&DC with more international capacity than tt&t, on top of that their connections are with better providers like singtel, so routes that go direct over the ocean or via australia rather than across china, russia, europe to america (tt&t bandwidth).

  8. sorry should have really just made one reply, but this will be my last for the time being...

    regarding speed, torrents arent throttled, some come down at 200kps which is ok for the average torrent.

    i grab files off easynews.com - they have a great set of servers and massive bandwidth, i max the 10mbit connection out - full 1060kps... get 700mb in a bit under 10 minutes or so.

    that's using a file download manager (freedownloadmanager)

    things like high bandwidth websites aren't as good- such as youtube is slow most of the time, and streaming video from ustream, justintv and what not is not even worth trying.

    any website that's large media is slowish. (browsers run 1-2 concurrent connections, whereas something like freedownload manager will split a file into 12 concurrent connections, allowing you to achieve maximum download speeds).

  9. regarding the OP's question, when we were speaking to them, everything was like 'it's cable'

    which lead us to believe it was like other countries, where there's cable networks and phone dsl networks... so we figured it'll piggy back off the sophon cable networks or ubc or whatever...

    but that's wrong, they just dont have the temanology right.

    it's a new phone line that gets laid / or they'll use the existing if there's one there that's not being used that they can use.

    you dont need a phone account or a phone connection, it's straight up adsl2, which is a phone line.

    think we paid 300b to run a new line into where i wanted it in the house.

  10. I've been on the 10mb for about 2 months now, it's up and down, you do get 1mbyte per second from high bandwidth sites, but you still rely on the tt&t network - and the same international connections.

    so you're still prone to the same quality drops, 2-3 days of very slow to no service and other general problems that the overall network has.

    they also seem to have on and off problems with their content filter, from time to time every other site you visit will get blocked, and other times you'll get just re-directed to the thai internet goverment site.

    previously i was on the 5mb package from tt&t, overall the connection quality isn't much different.

    so unless you want high speed - from time to time, there's no great advantage.

    FYI - TOT is launching a new 8-12mbyte adsl2+ service at the end of september, TOT have a MUCH better network and global backbone connection that tt&t - mostly because they charge more therefore they can spend more on the network.

    IMO i'd wait and jump on them, i'm something like 2km outside of the TOT availability area, so i'm stuck with 10mb tt&t until i move house or TOT come closer.

  11. I am a firm believer in giving a test to all who want to come to Thailand before they get on the plane, weed out the fools and misfits. This is no place to be without a brain.

    maybe that's the whole point of thailand, to weed out all the idiots in the world. lure them all here and clean up our home counties.

  12. 40b are notes, not coins - makes it easy to see how much cash and what cards are inside your wallet. might as well find out if your worth following and robbing than just hitting at random and getting caught for nothing.

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