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Posts posted by foxxx

  1. how did he get caught?

    every time I've come through customs etc I just walk out, never seen anyone stopped for anything ever.

    come into Australia they search everything for anything that could harm the environment and anything illegal... the difference is light and day...

    He had 1500 tablets in his underpants. I would imagine that the cabin crew on the aeroplane thought something was suspect. Or perhaps the way he waddled like a duck through customs may have been a give away.

    1500 tablets in your pants is a lot.

    still, you'd have to assume the border control at the country he was leaving would be better than the Thailand control.

    like i said, unless things have changed, there isn't any, you just walk out the front door.

  2. why is everyone assuming the remote was wireless? why not just a line with a switch... that's a remote.

    think low tech before you over analyse everything.

    probably wasn't C4, the thai english translation to keep things simple what probably explained in the way that 'a explosive, like c4'

    there's no point in stealing the car, why take his car and be seen driving around in a car that belongs to a person who was just murdered. better chance of getting away with it if you just leave the car behind, if your not in the car chop shop business it'll be hard to sell anyway.

  3. ummm internet banking...

    inside my SCB internet banking there's an 'introduction'

    Welcome to International Fund Transfer System

    We are pleased to provide International Fund Transfer service via SCB Easy Net only for the following purposes. For other purposes, please contact any SCB branches.

    - Education (for Thai only)

    - Family Support (for Thai only)

    - Remittance of Savings (for foreigner only)

    - Remittance of fund belonging to Thai who is permanent resident aboard (for Thai only)

  4. i find it funny that when it was installed - or most likely well before it was installed, they would have been told about the 1 year battery life and the responsibility that is theirs to replace it - in exchange for the buoy, the warning system and the tracking for free.

    so they had (more than) 1 year to plan the replacement, then a whole second year to fast track a replacement knowing that it would die soon, and still nothing... the fact they know about it being dead doesn't mean they are doing anything about it yet...

    really, why are they talking about gov funded mission out there - guarded by the navy, when it should just be added to an upcoming navy route, the navy patrols out there for pirates and what not anyway, just extend a route, do a fix while they are out there.

    just another typical example of how much of a joke this country is to everyone in the world.

  5. i kinda live on the darkside, between the train tracks and sukumvit, we eat on khao talo and there's some nice small places around, good food and good prices.

    speaking of economic times, my girl is an office worker and she pitty's the westerners who she sees walk past her office every day and buys sticky rice for breakfast every day and the other westerners who ask her to borrow money for food...

    on the topic of Great British Fish & Chip Shop - i went there a couple of weeks ago and had their fish... out of ten for the whole experience i'd give it a 3. I wont be going back.

  6. i'm of the opinion that 90% want to be there - for the money / marriage / enjoy going out partying every night and getting paid etc - whatever the reasons. maybe not at first but after a couple of years they don't want to do anything else. it's easy money and 2x 5x more then they'll make anywhere else - even if they had an education they'd still only pick up 8-15k working an office job. 15k if they are super lucky - realistically 10k. so what's the point? i know if it was me i'd be doing it, base wage + tips, commissions, ST's and LT's etc. not that difficult to hit 25k a month and more without much effort. perfect Thai job. I've known girls who turn over 80k+ a month.

    7% don't want to be there and do what they have to do, but they need the money, they cant get a job elsewhere and they have a kid/family to support so they do it for the cash.

    and i think there's a small percentage do it as a means to an end (3%). I know a couple of girls who have a business they run and work the bars to pay rent, stock, staff... more recently with the slump i know girls who maybe once upon a time worked in the bars, but haven't for 2-3 years, but are now going back just to keep the business alive - just to try and survive through the low period.

    so there is hope, there are good ones out there - but in relation to the OP - unless they are motivated and really want to do it, they wont.

    the 3% minority i mentioned really do only do it to the minimum, if they are 5k short on rent, they'll work till they make 5k then no more. the girls can make good money and they can live very cheaply. if they can bring in 30k a month they can live on 7k a month so there's 20k+ a month they can bank and save to start a business.

    it's all personal motivation. i little to no sympathy for the girls in the trade, they all have options and 90% choose to rape your wallet.

    maybe i don't care so much because I've seen what they are capable of - not to me personally but my neighbor. he works 1-2 month in outside thailand and gets, 1-2 months off at home here. pulled in 500k+ a month - gave her 100k per month plus extra for rent etc etc. took care of her kids, family the works. but she cheated every baht out of him. told him their house rent was 15k when it was 12k, told him her kids school costs 50k a month for the two when it cost 10-15k, so on top of her personal pocket money of 100k a month she still raped more from him and worse yet, when he went away for work every 1-2 months for 1-2 months at a time, she's be back out working the bars and making more money. nice guy, never did anything bad to her, took care of everything but she left him for a new man, divorced him and is forcing him to keep paying her 100k a month to support her kids and herself etc (1 kid his, the other is not).

    fun times. just another story to add the the pile

  7. also - if you have every episode from all 13 series like i do - you notice that a few seasons ago when ben collins was racing in the evo on gass downhill vs the kid on the offroad skateboard that ben is wearing this big watch...

    if you watch some of the stig laps, the same big watch sometimes sticks out between the gloves and sleeves...

    the going theory is there's a few 'stig' drivers, swapped around depending on schedules etc, but ben is the favorite as a deffinate at the moment since he works with them so much, runs a driver training school, does driver / race consulting and is a seasoned nascar / touring car racer.

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