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rough diamond

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Everything posted by rough diamond

  1. What a disgusting and meaningless response to a serious statement regarding appeasement and possible wars.
  2. You did give me the reference to "DILLIGAS" to look them up on Mr Google! The singing duo came up first. Your smartphone letters came in at no9!! Try searching it yourself. As I said before I do not believe that anyone should have to look "smartphone" type abbreviations to read properly constructed posts.
  3. Have been looking at his back posts where he claims to be a teacher!!!! God help the kids if he teaches history or morals!
  4. 2018 what? Pounds of potatoes? Yet another pointless post by you.
  5. And burn it so we don't have to keep seeing the repeats over and over again!
  6. Better still. Bob; Stop dreaming and posting the results as nobody gives a ..........
  7. Isn't that what your post is doing as it adds nothing, as usual, to the discussion?
  8. You do know who you have just replied to with that " Don't be silly,.............🙄" comment don't you? How superfluous it is once you realise! 🤣!
  9. Where are the facts (not the OP) to back up that claim?
  10. I believe that one should not need a "clue" to read erudite postings. This is a forum, not a place for 16yo smartphone talk.
  11. You must know what they like then in order for you to make such a knowledgeable, and for you erudite statement!
  12. To take the US down the now very steep slope to insignificance on the world stage and potential internal insurrection.
  13. Due to an illegal invasion by the dictator Putin!
  14. Glad I could help as it may help you to desist from your own pointless postings like "Dilly..." whatever it was.
  15. I'm not really into an Italian dance and electronic music duo! Dilligas is an Italian dance and electronic music duo. Their songs include "Czech It Out", "Gumballs", and "Jack". https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=DILLIGAS&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
  16. Which one (if I had one)? There are two people in the photo!
  17. Do you want the money to come from the poor?
  18. Just noticed that your figures have jumped $5BN in 55 minutes. Wow! What consistency and accuracy!
  19. You ask others for links so where is there a verified link, with a breakdown of programmes involved in reaching that lovely round number to justify it?
  20. Why should he be "forced" to do any negotiations for his Country's natural resources? Just Trump steamrollering as usual but getting it ALL wrong.
  21. I am not allowed to post the names I would really like to call that waste of AN posting space. Still AN must be happy with all the posts and clicks it generates.
  22. WW11 ended on 15 August with the defeat of Japan.
  23. Who are "they" as Zelensky was on his own against the rest? Given the above I assume you have not watched the video either.
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