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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. People gleefully blaming Thaksin (yawn) but ignoring the real culprits; The Thai Army and their backers in the establishment.

    Quite right. The Army are a law unto themselves, would make absolutely no difference whether Thaksin or anybody else was in charge, the Army do as they please.

    "The Army do as they please", So who's music do you reckon Yingluck is Dancing to, the Military's or "Big Brother,s"??
  2. People gleefully blaming Thaksin (yawn) but ignoring the real culprits; The Thai Army and their backers in the establishment.

    Who Covered up for the Army,s treatment of detainees in the "Tak Bai" incident?? ,Thaksins pitiful excuse for the deaths was believed by no one , Especially by the loved one of the "victims".
  3. There must be many "moderate"Muslims in the South who know the whereabouts of these murderers ,do you think they will turn them in?, IMHO NOT A SNOWBALLS IN HELLS CHANCE, perhaps a 20 million baht reward for information leading to there capture may provide a bit of stimulus ,there is nothing worse for a criminal/ terrorist to know that there is a price on his head!. they could start by nailing wanted posters in every village ,even put them on TV like they do in the US which appears very successful in apprehending lawbreakers.

    Sadly the brutal and ill-disciplined approach of the Thai military has done a first-class job of alienating most of the local population in the Pattani region, and simultaneously boosted the appeal of the insurgents.

    As ever a political solution is the only solution.

    You write "most" it only needs "one" to blow the whistle and its game over for these maniacs, 20 million Baht may achieve quite a few wagging tongues, concessions to these people are just seen as a sign of weakness.
  4. Could there be a cause and effect? No of course not. Everything happens for no reason. We live in a chaotic random world.

    The Asian Human Rights Commission accused the military of beating and torturing suspected insurgents by burning their genitals with cigarettes, smashing beer bottles over their knees, and chaining them to dogs. Such abuses were alleged to have occurred in October 2006, after the military seized power.[196]

    In December 2006, a group of 20 Muslims, 9 men and 11 women aged between 2 and 55, sought political asylum in Malaysia. They claimed that the post-coup regime was more aggressive against civilians and that they were continuously harassed by the Army. The Army admitted that the group sought refuge in Malaysia out of fear for their lives - but that the threat was from forces.[197]

    A group of Muslims from Narathiwat that fled to Malaysia in March 2007 claimed that they were escaping intimidation and brutality by the military. The group complained that they have been beaten and that their sons have been missing or detained since 2005. It also claimed that some youths had died after they were poisoned during detention.[198]

    In late January, 2012, an unknown number of insurgents ambushed a thahan pran base before retreating. The rangers chased the insurgents and were fired upon from a pick up truck. The rangers fired back in self defence resulting for dead civilians in the truck with others wounded. The rangers found AK-47 assault rifles but also claimed that the four dead civilians were not affiliated with insurgents in anyway. Soldiers from the 4th army regiment are investigating.This killing has angered many Thai Muslims as the four dead persons are mosque leaders (an imam, a moulana,a khatib, and a bilai).[199]

    In early February, the ministry of interior porposed a 7.5 million baht to all victims of the insurgency including those from the Tak Bai Massacre and the Kru Se Mosque Incident. [200]

    It will be quite interesting to read when the "victims" family's actually get paid out!!, (if ever)
  5. There must be many "moderate"Muslims in the South who know the whereabouts of these murderers ,do you think they will turn them in?, IMHO NOT A SNOWBALLS IN HELLS CHANCE, perhaps a 20 million baht reward for information leading to there capture may provide a bit of stimulus ,there is nothing worse for a criminal/ terrorist to know that there is a price on his head!. they could start by nailing wanted posters in every village ,even put them on TV like they do in the US which appears very successful in apprehending lawbreakers.

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  6. Well judging from the devastation and the number of casualties it looks like the m.o. of the separatists has changed to an Al-Quaeda, J.I style model - namely indiscriminate carnage. Jihad brings poverty and then ethnic cleansing sadly - mediation is not what is desired by the separatists, even if that was the original gripe I fear rent-a-jihaddist will only be happy reversing back to the 7th century.

    Your last two posts just about sums up the reality of the situation ,nothing more nothing less.
  7. Wow GentlemanJim---------------------------7.5 million bt EACH !!!!!!!!!!!! That will make a few people happy

    It will make a few happy for sure, but there will be 1000 times more people very unhappy. Wait till you see the next protests in Bangkok, there will be reds pushing their Grandmothers under buses to collect their payouts.

    It is very sad concerning Hat Yai, the area that has been hit is the hub of activity in the city and it has a large muslim contingent. Seems the bombers are truly indiscriminate in whom they harm and kill. I cannot believe they are doing it in the name of God.

    How do you know they did it in the name of God or anything? Too early to speculate.

    Yeah quite correct its a bit too early to speculate ,but the law of averages would say the normal cry before the Semtex is detonated is "Alluha Akbar" so therefore its in the name of "their" god for whatever stupid reason they can think of, of course if you can furnish me details whereby the majority of acts of terrorism against ("proven" and I do mean proven) non combatants are not performed by Muslims then by all means be my guest.
  8. What percentage of terrorist activity in the world, is carried out by Muslims?

    I think there must be a connection.

    Do you think this has to with a Palestine home land?

    Hey Harry ,I hardly think this has anything to do with Palestine!, but then again its very trendy to blames the Jews for everything these days ain't it!!.
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  9. quote:

    Rights groups have said the failure of Thai authorities to hold security forces to account over the deaths has fuelled further violence and alienation in the southern region.

    The insurgents are not thought to be part of a global jihad movement but are instead rebelling against a long history of perceived discrimination against ethnic Malay Muslims by governments in the Buddhist-majority nation.


    And that is the real reason indeed. Thai officials are never responsible, no matter how big their mistakes are. They are never put on trial and they are never punished for the wrong they are committing almost every day in the South. I challenge every father and mother here on Thai soil to tell me if they would accept what's going on, after hearing that their child has suffocated on a military truck towards a prison, but that no one was found responsible for this "murder"... This is a despicable act of white-washing officials for their act and no one, believe me, no one will ever accept this. Even admitting that it may have been an "accident" (we heard of so many accidents during the Thaksin Government when drug dealers were shooting each other, killing more than 2,500 "drug-dealers" of their own rank) but no, even this has never admitted! Put yourself in their place... You would also call for revenge if compensation is not considered (following acknowledgment of guilt). This unrest and bombing will unfortunately go on for several more years to come until the Government and the military change attitude, admit guilt, punish the responsibles and compensate the families!!!

    That is what I call a "state of law" showing maturity!

    Of course yours is a powerful message ,the message of truth, which unfortunately will be completely Ignored ,and so the misery will go on and on, which will not be suffered by those in "high places"who "make the rules" but by poor people who have no voice as to their future, so sad, so sad!.
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  10. Maybe its somewhat overdue that The "security" services sought "outside help" as it would appear the Thai ones are clueless at stopping this modern day scourge to man kind ,indeed they seem to be alienating themselves more than ever after the"mistaken Identity" debacle only a few short weeks ago which NO ONE will be found responsible and punished., buying off the victims loved ones seems very much in vogue here in Thailand.

  11. I believe the attack was by an Afghan soldier. I think he knows what he is doing in Afghanistan. I mean he knew what he was doing in Afghanistan.

    Both Guy's knew Exactly what they was doing ,whether it was justified ----?, I'll let others far more qualified on the subject to answer

    Well enlighten us as to why you think it may be justified.

    As stated BEFORE I'll let the "experts" Answer , who I feel are far more qualified than I!. and I did write "whether" which is far far different than "may" .
  12. Using children as suicide bombers is inexcusable, no matter how many other hateful savages have done it.

    Of Course UG nothing and I do mean NOTHING excuses the Taliban or for that Matter any other regime from using kids or women non combatants as Suicide Bombers ,but what we are talking about is happening right now at this moment in time, maybe that is the stark difference to what has happened in the past ,Suicide means just what it imply's, certain death ,which certainly was not the case with other suggestions of Children being exploited which was put forward.
  13. There is nothing wrong with moderate Muslims who speak out against the hateful nuts who use these kind of deplorable tactics.

    Indeed. There are big differences between most Muslim people and Islamic fanatics.

    It isn't the religion of Islam that is the trouble, it is the warped interpretations of fanatics. This applies to all religions.

    The use of children is no surprise. Young minds can be more readily brainwashed and controlled. Look at the use of child soldiers in Africa

    Yeah but the difference is many of the Child soldiers in Africa live to tell the tale!! in fact a former Child soldier took up Boxing and became light Middleweight Champion of the world!!.

    Well that's wonderful then, child soldiers all live happily ever afterwards....

    The use by the Taliban of children as suicide bombers is utterly depraved though luckily a fairly rare event, but obviously one that catches media interest when it does occur. It is also just another sick twist in the long history of children misemployed as soldiers (see below):


    Child suicide bombers fits in with the total concept of asymmetric warfare and making one's opponents wary of/scared of every member of society to the degree that an overreaction occurs, innocent children get killed and fantastic headlines are written for the terrorists.

    The LTTE (Tamil Tigers) of Sri Lanka invented not only the suicide bomb vest but also were early pioneers of child suicide bombers, a concept then taken up in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and now in Afghanistan.

    Tragically the abuse of children as soldiers has a long history and is still found widely today (see report below):


    Even in Thailand the Chor Ror Bor village patrol groups in the Southern Provinces regularly use under 18 year olds (the technical definition of a child soldier).


    No child should ever be involved in armed conflict and their use causes life long issues and severe psychological problems. The Khmer Rouge were particularly keen on using easy to idoctrinate child soldiers to torture and murder civilians as part of their warped recreation of Kampuchea. Sierra Leone also saw widespread use of children during its brutal civil war and Kony's LRA has been the subject of Facebook frenzy in the last few weeks drawing new attention to this tragic issue.

    You have a Rare talent for twisting the truth , there is one hell of a difference in between ALL and MANY with regards to Boy Soldiers which is what I Plainly wrote , so could you with respect please quote me correctly ,instead of going on some fantasy ego trip, With Suicide bombers there is a 100% death rate , with the Boy soldiers this was plainly not the case!!!.
  14. There is nothing wrong with moderate Muslims who speak out against the hateful nuts who use these kind of deplorable tactics.

    Nothing wrong at all UG ,but I wonder how long a "moderate" Pakistani Muslim would live (before they tore him limb from limb) if he stood on a soapbox(Ala Hyde park corner) before a crowd of Thousands in Down town Karachi and denounced Islamic extremism and ALL its manifestations ??? Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was a moderate Muslim ,and look what happened to him!!.
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  15. There is nothing wrong with moderate Muslims who speak out against the hateful nuts who use these kind of deplorable tactics.

    Indeed. There are big differences between most Muslim people and Islamic fanatics.

    It isn't the religion of Islam that is the trouble, it is the warped interpretations of fanatics. This applies to all religions.

    The use of children is no surprise. Young minds can be more readily brainwashed and controlled. Look at the use of child soldiers in Africa

    Yeah but the difference is many of the Child soldiers in Africa live to tell the tale!! in fact a former Child soldier took up Boxing and became light Middleweight Champion of the world!!.
  16. "Lieutenant General Ash Power, Chief of Joint Operations of the Australian Army, said the suicide bomber is believed to have been a child. "The deliberate use of children as suicide attackers in Afghanistan contravenes every law and has been universally condemned by ISAF, the Afghan Government, the United Nations and independent human rights groups yet the Taliban continue to act with little regard to rights of children and civilians," he said".

    This is pretty typical behavior for Islamic terrorists - not a big surprise. sad.png

    Of Course I stand corrected but I seem to remember reading an article which said that The Taliban has been buying kids from Pakistan for ages and then "groom them" to become suicide bombers.

    BBC had a special a year ago or so about this. The Taliban would even kidnap children, brainwash them, and use them as suicide bombers. They got one as the vest didn't go off and they reunited him with his family. It was amazing his view on the world. They really teach some bad stuff to kids.

    And yet there are people on this forum who by definition must approve of it cos when "normal" people write against this Religous abomination to mankind , such as using young kids as Suicide bombers depicted in the OP ,we are branded as Muslim haters , maybe they are Muslim lovers who knows!
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  17. This is sad. Rest in peace brothers.

    As for the bleaters, all military folk know the risk of war and do as they are told and go to do their duty. That is the only way. What does grate is when you are fighting a war and people "back home" bleat about what a waste of time it is. They have a job to do and to them and a lot of Afghans it isn't a waste of time.

    I have nothing against the initial aims of eliminating terrorists or giving human rights to the people. The sad truth is the commitment needed to achieve this is truly enormous and even the kahzai regime we helped install still puts more importance to the accidental burning of Qurans to the lives of innocent people killed as a result. Huge swathes of Afghanistan are still under Taliban control and our government is negotiating the terms of our surrender to the Taliban so they can reassert their 7th century status quo.

    To succeed in replacing a totalitarian ideology with democracy might take hundreds of years and being imposed from the outside is even more difficult due to the resentment of outside interference. What really needs to happen is a Muslim civil war, not between Sunni and Shia, but between faith and reason. Reason has to win before progress is possible, but the whole world will welcome reason as a victorious brother should it eventually prevail.

    Edit: This is the sort of thing I'm talking about - It's not worth sacrificing the lives of our brave troops to perpetuate this.


    This sort of thing were women are treated worse than the village Donkey has been going on for decades ,funding it should cease forthwith and allied service personell withdrawn , no doubt some left wing trendy will post and say its justified .
  18. "Lieutenant General Ash Power, Chief of Joint Operations of the Australian Army, said the suicide bomber is believed to have been a child. "The deliberate use of children as suicide attackers in Afghanistan contravenes every law and has been universally condemned by ISAF, the Afghan Government, the United Nations and independent human rights groups yet the Taliban continue to act with little regard to rights of children and civilians," he said".

    This is pretty typical behavior for Islamic terrorists - not a big surprise. sad.png

    Of Course I stand corrected but I seem to remember reading an article which said that The Taliban has been buying kids from Pakistan for ages and then "groom them" to become suicide bombers.
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