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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Probably a PEREGRINE FALCON, but can't be sure with out more color. But its a good bet as they are relatively common in this area (Pattaya) to winter. OPPS, what area are you from? They are fairly common winters in south central/so.east Thailand. They reside over several parts of Thailand.

    Yeah I agree ,it looks very much like a Peregrine to me ,plenty of pigeons in the area so it won't go hungry eh!
  2. Oh Lord when i am the reasonable one saying KEEP ON TOPIC, snowmen have taken over hell. Pretty sensitive issue, no?

    Quite correct Food lover ,but as Naam started the snowball rolling, pitifully pointing out a member's simple mistake ,cos he was grasping at straws and could not come up with a sensible answer , just thought I would bring it to members attention ,for me only the lowest of the low point out a simple error in either grammar or Spelling ,as long as the message comes through loud and clear which is undoubtedly to Dan's credit, that,s good enough for me.
  3. At least in this case, we won't be hearing any wacky Israel "false flag" insinuations. Al Queda terrorist fanatic murders innocent Jewish babes. Even the most rabid false flag fantasy spinners won't touch this one. coffee1.gif

    Anyway, very tragic news. Not the first time (innocent Jewish targets in the west have been attacked many times over the years) and unfortunately not the last time either.

    You really are a disgrace. False flag first - commiserations second.

    It is not a disgrace, but a fair observation. Whenever a horrific act such as this occurs, the first response of those with a bias is to blame the victims or to suggest that they were responsible. The most recent examples were the failed attacks by the Iranians in Bangkok and the comments about the ongoing barrage of missiles and rockets against Israel. In this case, because the accused has been identified and has admitted to his acts, it is hard to trot out the usual "false flag" excuse.

    In addition to the school kids were the 3 French military personnel (out of uniform) that were shot in their backs. We now see the nature of Al Q. terrorists and why this is not about politics but a fight between right and wrong.

    Well written "kiddo" I'm sure "most poster,s" agree entirely with your sentiments ,I know I do 110%.
  4. Yeah is must leave a bad taste in your mouth seeing all that dough going from your Country going to A Country you abhor clap2.gif

    It is not mine so I dont care but............If the US are going to give there are certainly better/more needy recipients to give it to.

    Lastly the truly sad thing is the USA themselves are spinning down a drain financially & Israel is one of the bigger leeches that should be surgically removed

    Never thought that is why they are giving them the dough ,cos they do not want to see their greatest ally in the middle East "surgically removed" .

    Surgical sounds so painless and without collateral damage, but the would be surgeons favoured by some posters leave a lot to be desired. Also for whatever Israel receives it's contribution to science, medicine etc is enormous compared to that made by many of the other recipients of U.S aid combined.

    Hit the nail right on the head Dan ,What the Jews have contributed through science and technology for the advancement of the Human race is priceless !.
  5. Yeah is must leave a bad taste in your mouth seeing all that dough going from your Country going to A Country you abhor clap2.gif

    It is not mine so I dont care but............If the US are going to give there are certainly better/more needy recipients to give it to.

    Lastly the truly sad thing is the USA themselves are spinning down a drain financially & Israel is one of the bigger leeches that should be surgically removed

    Never thought that is why they are giving them the dough ,cos they do not want to see their greatest ally in the middle East "surgically removed" .
  6. I wonder when the countries in the region, pro-claiming to be supporting the Palestinian cause, will become the real contributors to their aid-packages...

    And I wonder how much of the money is spent actually on aid and how much finishes up buying more arms or in Swiss bank accounts?

    Dont worry it does not scratch the surface of the 3 BILLION Israel gets from the US ...........But of course Israel only uses that for humanitarian cough cough reasons

    Yeah is must leave a bad taste in your mouth seeing all that dough going from your Country going to A Country you abhor clap2.gif
  7. Could the one link that a killed over 5,000 people in the southern provinces have any thing to do with it.

    Road side bombs and suicide bombs are not uncommon to these people.

    And if you speak out against their views they feel justified in violence. Happens in many parts of the world.

    Nothing to do with Southern unrest....they get their support from groups based in Malaysia, not Iran. Suicide bombings also not carried out in Southern provinces as yet.

    You missed the whole point. There is a reason these things happen world wide and are all related by one factor under many excuses.

    I would have thought there is only one Excuse "In the name of Allah"
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  8. The people firing the rockets into Israel, it's academic what you call them. If they get hit back, they asked for it.

    But they don't get hit back, women and children do.

    When you fire a rocket at a residential area, and the eye in the sky tracks you home, do you have the right to complain when your family becomes collateral damage? It's a bit hard to claim the moral high ground when you're starting from an abyss.

    Hey Mick,Hamas as been using women and kids has "human shields" for years ,as one of the Hamas leaders Fathi Hamad said quite plainly "they desire death as the Zionists desires life" .
  9. ]Not sure what you mean. Are you saying the world supports Gazans attacking Israel with rockets? Clearly, many in the world do, but I still don't get your point.

    Come now.....you hinge on anything Israel & you surely noted the world support for a Palestinian State recently....

    Well before the big Iranian diversion stole all the press.......as it was designed to. wink.png

    Again, not sure what you are on about. I have been for a Palestinian state myself all my life. Alongside the Zionist state of Israel. In the long term, if there are not two states, there will be one state, and it won't be a Jewish state.

    Why does it have to be a 'Zionist state'? Why not just a state of Israel?

    Please give me one credible reason as to just WHY it should not call itself a Zionist state. is there not an Islamic republic of Iran ?
  10. Maybe its OK cos against the Jews possibly the most maligned race on the planet .,it could be cos they are very successful at what they do ,and we all know how the left hates success(unless its going to them).

    laugh.png...yeah right

    Yeah they sure are a clever and resourceful people ,one only has to look at the advancements in science and technology for the good of mankind of which the accolades for doing so are endless!!.

    About a third of the Israeli population is Arab. Nobody is trying to belittle Jewish capability nor to doubt the huge average IQ advantage they have over the Arabs. In fact, the point I continually make is, what an accomplishment it is to leverage your own terrorist arrangement so that on your end it is pretty much all upside.The downside is fear and a few dead. What world leader would not enter an agreement which gave him a 100-1 kill ratio over his enemy? Regardless of the body count ration, you have the complete sympathy of the rest of the world. Of course they would never admit that they were willing to sacrifice an Israeli for the common good of the country. This sort of thing has happened routinely throughout history.

    Abraham Lincoln as outlined in US Grant's memoirs sacrificed northern POWs at Andersonville for strategic reasons.

    So correct me if I am wrong in my assumptions ,what you are alluding to is that Israel has entered into some sort of unholy alliance with Hamas so as to garner pity from the rest of the world!!! , what about the other Islamic Country,s are they "in" on this too?,with the greatest of respect Pakboong I find this whole scenario laughable ,it would appear that the whole world is being hoodwinked apart from yourself.violin.gif
  11. Maybe its OK cos against the Jews possibly the most maligned race on the planet .,it could be cos they are very successful at what they do ,and we all know how the left hates success(unless its going to them).

    laugh.png...yeah right

    Yeah they sure are a clever and resourceful people ,one only has to look at the advancements in science and technology for the good of mankind of which the accolades for doing so are endless!!.
  12. Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

    Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

    Did you pick up on the fact that the Saudi Arabians asked the Americans to bomb Iran as they are terrified of the implications of them having a nuclear bomb?

    In fact. would you like to impress us all with your superb insight into the current geo-political state of the country?

    They are not on the brink of having nuclear weapons; this has been stated by 2 former and the current head of Mossad, CIA and US military generals.

    It’s Israeli propaganda working overtime.

    That madman Netayahoo wants an Arab world subservient to Israel.

    You really make me smile ,how many times have the Arab Country's tried and failed miserably to drive the Israelis into the sea,?, this is the simple fact that is eating them up, BTW Iran is not Arab.
  13. Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

    Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

    Did you pick up on the fact that the Saudi Arabians asked the Americans to bomb Iran as they are terrified of the implications of them having a nuclear bomb?

    In fact. would you like to impress us all with your superb insight into the current geo-political state of the country?

    Actually I do not know any high ranking Saudis who are capable of making that call so I cannot say yes to your question/fact?

    Who do you have ties with there who filled you in? Or are you talking MSM type info?

    Ditto for any superb? insights of other countries geopolitical conditions......I am quite busy keeping up with my own (USA's) country's current state of f*#*ed up-ness

    Theblether is quite correct about Saudi, Just Google up "Saudi Arabia asks the US to bomb Iran" plenty of Info to verify his post.
  14. I don't know how I can break this down to a simpler example.

    Catapults used during the middle ages in sieges against fortified positions inflicted more casualties and caused more property damage than the 21st century rockets and mortars in us by Hamas out of Gaza against mostly residential areas.

    I find it extremely odd that so few seem to see this.

    While historically correct, you fail to mention that catapults were used to lunch disease infected bodies (both animal and human) into crowded besieged cities. They were also used to break down walls and gates, not on residential buildings.

    Does the fact that your enemy is using pitifully inadequate weapons in any way diminish the fact that he is attacking you with the intent of causing death and destruction? Do you ignore him because his success rate is low and he hasn't killed one of your children YET?

    Why are their weapons so inadequate? The popular claim is these terrorist are being supported in such matters by the Iranians who have all the latest stuff. If Hamas is their proxy of choice, as many claim, why the inadequate weapons?

    There have been a couple of post that in answering this question, with the position that the terrorist and Iran do not want to use the good stuff because it might start a war. What could I possibly say in answer to that?

    You could say "Crap" because launching a missile into another country's land is an act of war. Doing it regularly and asking for sympathy is illogical, and in this case suicidal. But that's OK because they're doing it for god.

    Maybe its OK cos against the Jews possibly the most maligned race on the planet .,it could be cos they are very successful at what they do ,and we all know how the left hates success(unless its going to them).
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  15. I don't know how I can break this down to a simpler example.

    Catapults used during the middle ages in sieges against fortified positions inflicted more casualties and caused more property damage than the 21st century rockets and mortars in us by Hamas out of Gaza against mostly residential areas.

    I find it extremely odd that so few seem to see this.

    While historically correct, you fail to mention that catapults were used to lunch disease infected bodies (both animal and human) into crowded besieged cities. They were also used to break down walls and gates, not on residential buildings.

    Does the fact that your enemy is using pitifully inadequate weapons in any way diminish the fact that he is attacking you with the intent of causing death and destruction? Do you ignore him because his success rate is low and he hasn't killed one of your children YET?

    My actual point was/is that the death rate is purposely low. I am sorry if I failed to make that clear to you.

    Pakboong, whilst I enjoy your posts and of course respect your opinion,s you cannot really expect any one (even an old fool like me) to swallow that when Rockets are fired from Gaza into Israel by whoever that it is with the fervent hope they do not cause too much damage to life or propertywink.png
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  16. I think some posters should visit their home countries before they moan about the rising costs of living. The increases in Thailand are nothing compared to Europe. I can remember when petrol was 5 shillings a gallon. (25p for 4.5 litres in modern terms).

    Why not compare how long a Thai has to work to buy a kilo of pork or 5 litre's of diesel in comparison to how long a European has to work, No contest!!!
  17. Good to see they are on their toes these scum who kill and maim in the name of religion are pure evil but the real killers are the their teachers in the religious schools.

    Not forgetting of course the parents who brainwash their own kids into believing that any non Muslim is a target and into believing that Allah (peace be upon him) looks on you with benevolence if you sacrifice your life in his name!
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  18. Talk softly, but carry a big stick.


    Normally this site provides good information, but I tend to question the part where it says the US Navy has three carrier battle groups IN the Persian Gulf. With the bottleneck at the Straits of Hormuz, there would be no effective way out without suffering some losses.

    The Fifth Fleet is normally there and if the other carriers are in the area, I doubt seriously if they are inside the Straits of Hormuz. The three US carriers have around 220 attack aircraft that can get to Iran in very short order if need be. There is no reason to expose three battle groups to a confined area like the Persian Gulf.

    Yes, I've heard about the lack of room for maneuver in the straight. Perhaps one group is replacing another, or even moving there for a very short time to coax a response out of Iran. I don't think we need wait very long to find out.

    Coax a response Dan?, nah my mate it just ain't going to happen!, I doubt very much that Iran has the backbone to adopt the Kamakazi stance, cos in essence this is what it would amount to ,I've no doubt though that this is just what the Americans want , however given that I agree that the Iranian regime are a set of crackpots ,but not that stupid enough to bring humiliation among themselves and their insane stone age religion by a load of infidels wink.png
  19. I don't know how I can break this down to a simpler example.

    Catapults used during the middle ages in sieges against fortified positions inflicted more casualties and caused more property damage than the 21st century rockets and mortars in us by Hamas out of Gaza against mostly residential areas.

    I find it extremely odd that so few seem to see this.

    While historically correct, you fail to mention that catapults were used to lunch disease infected bodies (both animal and human) into crowded besieged cities. They were also used to break down walls and gates, not on residential buildings.

    Does the fact that your enemy is using pitifully inadequate weapons in any way diminish the fact that he is attacking you with the intent of causing death and destruction? Do you ignore him because his success rate is low and he hasn't killed one of your children YET?

    You make a very good point Mick ,and in truth there is simply (as far as I'm concerned) no answer to it that carry's a grain of common sense!
  20. I am feeling kind of offended by the snarky thinly veiled conspiracy theory insinuations. I propose -- provide some evidence ... or drop it.

    JT, that is pretty much all I have. No conspiracy involved just a bit of a twist on the commonly accepted status of a particular terrorist group.

    Sorry if you are offended. That was not my intention. Actually, I thought the theory was complementary to the Pro-Israel crowd.

    No, it is not, and I don't really believe you that you think that it is. You have voiced your groundless conspiracy theory numerous times. You admit you have zero evidence. Really: 'NUFF SAID!

    I agree. You have no evidence to back up this Hamas is controlled by Israel nonsense, but keep bringing it up over and over again.

    The way I see it Pakboong is just fishing around for opinions ,ain't this what this forum is all about!?, personally writing I think his thoughts are somewhat off the mark, never the less as stated before his posts are somewhat thought provoking on my behalf and I for one fully condone his right to post them even though I may disagree , for me only those on the left want to stifle free speech.
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  21. Wage hike to be delayed until April

    The Cabinet yesterday approved the postponement of the Bt300 minimum daily wage to April 1 from January 1

    The Bt300 rate was due to be implemented first in Bangkok, Phuket, Samut Prakan, Nakhon Pathom, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani and Samut Sakhon, said Labour Minister Phadermchai Sasomsap, who proposed the delay.

    Word this morning of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) representing 100 companies will file a petition with the Administrative Court to stop the government's policy to raise the minimum wage.

    They will be joined by 7 employers' associations representing 50 companies in seeking to postpone Yingluck's government's election promise.

    The petition is likely to be submitted after April 1st (when the increase is slated to begin), because previous efforts to block it were rejected by the courts based on no damages occurring yet.


    And there are people on this forum that think Thaksin is running the country clap2.gif

    If he is'nt then who is?
  22. TGMA President Sukij Kongpiyacharn disclosed that the THB300 minimum wage policy coupled with the labor shortage had forced the country’s 15 largest garment companies to halt their business expansion in Thailand and turn instead to new investment bases in Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

    Surely one of the reasons for a labour shortage is the fact that they aren't paying enough?

    There is a hardcore of young men 19/22 years in my Village who have never ever worked in their lives, but are kept by their Hardworking parents, I call them "cuckoo's in the meadow pipits nest" these loafers are to put it bluntly bone idle and consider themselves too light for heavy work and too heavy for light work ,I have lived in Issan for almost 9 years now and have seen this in many villages , maybe the labour shortage is due that as long as these people can leach off their parents there will always be labour shortages.
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