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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Why concern your self with what other people consider acceptable risk?

    If it seems unsafe to you than your don't have to do it. This is a different place where people are allowed to judge for themselves how much risk they will take, and if they screw up they can't hit the state up for damages or make a big law suit. It is simply sum num na.

    This society has not yet learned to be outraged at how their neighbors go about their business, but sure enough they will one day be submerged under regulations and taxed to death like everyone in the west.

    Ever been turning left on a blind turn when some grinning maniac is turning right on YOUR side of the road???
  2. sitting at the back of a pick-up, what is the problem? Did it myself a couple of times.

    Try sitting on the tailgate when the driver slams all on doing 120!!!
  3. passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

    How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

    It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

    Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

    Do you find it acceptable to see three young kids sat on ON THE TAILGATE on the back of a pick up speeding down the road ?, if the driver has to "slam on the brakes" the end result is inevitable !, the way to travel on a pickup is to sit with your backs to the cab if the driver has to do an emergency stop the worst they will suffer is a few bruises as they cannot move forward as the cab stops them so no need for a seat belt! ,not flying through the air like Superman just before they connect with the road!!.
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  4. I won't dignify allusions to racism with a reply, but instead offer this very current article based on the Obin report, which was carried out by a team commissioned by the French education ministry. If you read it there can be no doubt where the real racial and religious hatred is coming from and in that light it is little wonder that many Jewish children in French schools are reluctant to admit their religion. But alas, some would prefer to smear those who highlight such unpleasant truths.


    Thanks for the link Dan and quite enlightening as to why this tragedy happened ,I feel too, that many will not be convinced ,so how much evidence is put forward
  5. To distill things into bullet points there are the following factors the French government needs to consider.

    • Why is it that many Muslims, especially the younger ones actually de-assimilating relative to the previous generation.
    • If current trends of birth and migration continue what will France look like in 20 years and are indigenous those who regard themselves as culturally French going to be happy to change to reflect a new cultural consensus of values?
    • What (if anything) can be done to integrate into society those that want to live separately from it or change its laws or values?

    I think the following link is required background towards understanding why integration is proving a problem, which should be given consideration instead of focusing on manufactured external gripes or social provision issues.

    Thanks for the Video Dan ,for me it made a lot of sense especially bearing in mind that IMHO religious or cultural integration is a lost cause , what we witnessed in France and other acts of Islamic terrorism World wide attests to this all too well, As for the cold blooded murder of the 3 French(Muslim) Soldiers ,maybe he thought they had "sold out" to a mainly Christian Country (for now ) so there fore deserved to die.

    If integration is a "lost cause" what are the alternatives?

    I was not aware that Muslims are aware the word even exists as the Koran forbids it, so in that way its a lost cause ,I'm not trying to affect a cure nor do I pretend to have one, just stating a plain fact.,as its up to the Muslims who are living in someone else,s Country , even British born Muslims burn our flag , pour scorn on our service men and want Sharia law imposed on Brits and regard themselves as Muslims first and Brits second ,you call that an Integration success story??laugh.png
  6. What are we wasting our time for out there? Any noble aims to bring democracy and human rights to Afghanistan have all but evaporated and the Afghan population are obviously far closer to the Taliban than they are to us.

    Of course I stand to be corrected I think there has been more than 45 attacks on Nato Service men by their Afghan Colleagues since 2007 more than 75% of those in the last 2 years and approx 14 service men have lost their lives in the last 6 months or so to the very people they are posted there to help !!.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk...europe-17512436

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy has promised to ban militant Muslim preachers from entering the country.

    Well it's a small symbolic step, but in the age of the internet pretty meaningless. Unfortunately he fails at the first real hurdle by condemning Marine Le Pen's call to end Muslim immigration because the killer was born and brought up in France. The glaringly obvious conclusion is there are still others coming in radicalizing French citizens and some never even assimilated in the first place but had children who were born in France.

    P.S Colin, If you get flak its a sure sign you are above the target. jap.gif

    Bombs away !laugh.png
  8. "Thai students have traditionally been taught simply to pass exams, most of which are in a multiple choice format. But that attitude must change."

    Let's cut the cr_p and say it like it is: Thai students pass the exams whether they can actually pass the exams or not. If multiple-choice tests is the real problem with Thai education, then my name is Donald Duck. The article is right that attitudes must change. Corruption is, by now, so endemic to Thailand that you see it expressed daily all the way from the very top to the grassroots level. By high school, most Thais have figured out how to survive/thrive by paying their way through the system (and to their credit, they are astute because in this country, at this point, money is the only way to get anyone off their <deleted>). If one could flay open Thai society for the world to see, many would be shocked by the cynicism of contemporary life in the Kingdom. I think Thai society could start by actually caring about something (anything, even). This population is so distracted by the latest overpriced tech, that you could sell them their own property multiple times and no one would be the wiser. I will be fascinated to see how the AEC works out for Thailand.

    Never a truer word written , but writing it so Thai's actually understand the point you are trying to make would be considered highly offensive and so the "merry go round" will never stop.
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  9. I think narrow minded bigots are a much bigger threat.

    Like those found in the enclaves of some ethnic groups where even the police fear to go?

    Yes, probably. But it was really aimed at some of the re-hashed/re-fried/mis-quoted Daily Mail statistics in some of the earlier posts that appear to often in these threads by some people pushing their own little agendas.

    With respect again is there any chance of you answering my question in my post #55?,and with respect again could you please clarify your statement " people pushing their own little agenda's", agenda's against what or who?.
  10. A recent gallup poll found 35% of French Muslims thought terrorism was justified if it advanced Islam, that equates to 360,000 people. There sure are a lot of bigots around it would seem. sad.png

    Hardly a "tiny Minority" eh Dan , and that,s only in France ,how many in Europe as a whole does not bear thinking about!!.
  11. To distill things into bullet points there are the following factors the French government needs to consider.

    • Why is it that many Muslims, especially the younger ones actually de-assimilating relative to the previous generation.
    • If current trends of birth and migration continue what will France look like in 20 years and are indigenous those who regard themselves as culturally French going to be happy to change to reflect a new cultural consensus of values?
    • What (if anything) can be done to integrate into society those that want to live separately from it or change its laws or values?

    I think the following link is required background towards understanding why integration is proving a problem, which should be given consideration instead of focusing on manufactured external gripes or social provision issues.

    Thanks for the Video Dan ,for me it made a lot of sense especially bearing in mind that IMHO religious or cultural integration is a lost cause , what we witnessed in France and other acts of Islamic terrorism World wide attests to this all too well, As for the cold blooded murder of the 3 French(Muslim) Soldiers ,maybe he thought they had "sold out" to a mainly Christian Country (for now ) so there fore deserved to die.
  12. I think narrow minded bigots are a much bigger threat.

    Not quite sure what you mean by "narrow minded bigots"? with respect is there any chance you could enlighten me (and others) as I'm in a quandary as to what or who you are alluding to! , get it off your chest, I guarantee you will feel personally a whole lot better instead of writing in riddleshappy.png
  13. Ooooohhh....I'll bite.


    (1) Marry her, sure she really loves you

    (2) transfer all your funds from home to Thailand

    (3) purchase a house and car solely in her name

    (4) burn your bridges back home and stay in Thailand

    (5) if you have any money left over, mebbe think about purchasing a bar or some other quality investment in Thailand

    I think you have missed 2 out ,Buy her old man a tractor and her old lady 5 baht of gold!.
  14. Considering the deceased's lengthy juvenile offender record and a history of violence, it isn't surprising he met a violent end. The shame is that he had to kill so many before he died.

    The question now is whether or not his body is released within 24 hours to respect muslim burial rites and who will claim his body. His mother wanted nothing to do with him and refused to assist the police trying to talk him into surrendering. Where does he get buried? Toulouse where the burial plot risks becoming a martyr's tomb, or perhaps back to Algeria?

    IMHO they should study his brain to see if they can identify abnormal areas which would lead to extreme violence and belief of bronze age religions.

    Why should anybody respect the burial tenets of his religion when tenets of the same religion led him to violate the LIVING rights of others, including 3 young children. In fact, why should his religious beliefs have any more credence than mine - and I believe that the bodies of murderous terrorists should be left to rot in the sun as per ancient burial practice of Zoroastrianism, the world's oldest monotheistic religion.

    Bronze age religions? I presume you are referring to Islam, which missed the Bronze Age by about 1000 years.

    Fundamentalists of any faith and extremists in general are not the most attractive types and when they resort to violence are beyond contempt.

    Sadly your intemperate response is exactly that desired by terrorists and would only act as a brilliant recruiting tool for more extremists.

    Knowing Mick or "kiddo" like I think I do, I hardly think they should be considered as a "recruiting tool" for more(Islamic) extremists wink.png
  15. Doing a "runner" seems to be the logical course of action for Thais when they are involved in motor vehicle accidents. Obviously the penalties for this must be a slap on the wrist. Leaving the scene of an accident is treated as a very serious offence in most western countries. Even the petrol pump attendant did a runner when he accidentally filled my brother's brand new Isuzu with gasoline instead of diesel, I guess he thought they would ask him to pay for a tank full of petrol, or the cost of draining the tank. Or both.

    Its called diminished responsibility or admitting that you are wrong which of course means Immediate "loss of face" possibly for some Thai's a fate worse than death.
  16. Maybe a driving ban, thus giving them no chance of earning any salary, for at least a year.

    Driving Ban???, pray tell me ,just how do you intend to enforce it? ,I know 3 Thai's who ain't had a driving licence since I came to live here in Nov 03 ,all have been stopped by the police on numerous occasions ,a quick "backhander" of 200 baht and you are free to go on your merry way .
  17. Only up to 15 Dan?, That could well mean that the remaining pupils agreed with this left wing lunatic ,I dispare I really do ,this sort of thing is on the increase ,the dangerous part of it is that this sort of infantile brainwashing starts at a very early age, many Muslim kids are taught to hate European Culture ,and many Europeans are taught to be ashamed of it "lest they offend" , The end result?, you tell me!!

    I can't tell you as it would be ruled hate speech, as would most of Winston Churchills warnings about national socialism had it been on the rise in 2012 as oppose to the 1930's. If you really want to know what I think google 'Sultan knish The New' and you will see the sad reality spelled out as it is in France and indeed Europe today.

    Sultan Knish?


    Sounds like a Borat routine.

    You need to google a knishe to understand. Sort of like perogies, but not as heavy.

    Why Not Google it up? ,then you may be more enlightened as to the point Steely is trying to make .
  18. Only up to 15 Dan?, That could well mean that the remaining pupils agreed with this left wing lunatic ,I dispare I really do ,this sort of thing is on the increase ,the dangerous part of it is that this sort of infantile brainwashing starts at a very early age, many Muslim kids are taught to hate European Culture ,and many Europeans are taught to be ashamed of it "lest they offend" , The end result?, you tell me!!

    I can't tell you as it would be ruled hate speech, as would most of Winston Churchills warnings about national socialism had it been on the rise in 2012 as oppose to the 1930's. If you really want to know what I think google 'Sultan knish The New' and you will see the sad reality spelled out as it is in France and indeed Europe today.

    Powerful stuff Dan and riveting reading(thanks), I thought the name "News Nazi's" just about said it all , Complacency and total appeasement in the world in the name of left wing political correctness ,appears to be the order of the day .
  19. Yeah George its quite plain you know "the Score" ,and could be that Bookmans remarks about Chooka's post being somehow "ludicrous and nonsense"for me just meant that political correctness is very much alive and well even "down under" and speaking or writing the truth is very much frowned upon just in case you "offend" someone ,maybe thats the problem with modern day society

    Oh please! Lets not cover racist or ignorant comments with the 'politically correct' rebuttal. laugh.png

    Firstly, I am one of the last people to be politically correct for the sake of correctness. I am however not prone to make nonsense statements that carry obvious racism towards the aboriginal population.

    if George knew the score Colin Yai, the he would know that the ACJP is a Victorian based system, and not New South Wales. He would also know that no murder inquiry is compromised because the alleged offender is of Aboriginal descent.

    Of course the Police would have liased with the aboriginal community, in the hope of a speedy resolution. The same as they do for a myriad of ethnic communities in Australia. That is called good policing.

    The Police forces across Australian states and territories have a long history of racism and violence and false imprisonment towards persons of Aboriginal descent. It seems prudent, at the minimum, for police to be briefed and reminded of the sensitivities of a major high profile case involving a person of Aboriginal descent, given the very recent history of Australia's Police forces

    Times have moved on from twenty years back, and when it comes to Police and the way they deal with the indigenous population of Australia, I for one am thankful they have.

    Politically correct? If that's how you view it, so be it. wink.png

    Just pointing out Bookman that Chooka's post was (IMHO) neither "ludicrous or nonsense" but based on fact which you contested ,but no big deal cos as George says you are entitled to your opinion just the same as Chooka is.coffee1.gif
  20. they must have known he was somewhere in the area

    Yes but he is also aboriginal so things had to be conducted differently and treated more sensitively you can't just track down an aboriginal like you would other members of society. There are certain rights afforded to the aboriginal community.

    Oh please, what a ludicrous nonsense statement!

    At the operation briefings it would have been strongly emphasised to the teams that this person was of aboriginal decent and the protocols in dealing with aboriginals would have been reinterated. Police would have also liased with the (ACJP) Aboriginal Community Justice Panel who may have also been in attendance at the briefings or even the scene. (background) to monitor the situation.

    Yes when dealing with persons of Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander decent there is a very different set of guidelines and protocols that are not afforded to other members of the public. I have been in this situation a number of times..

    Yeah George its quite plain you know "the Score" ,and could be that Bookmans remarks about Chooka's post being somehow "ludicrous and nonsense"for me just meant that political correctness is very much alive and well even "down under" and speaking or writing the truth is very much frowned upon just in case you "offend" someone ,maybe thats the problem with modern day society
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  21. Aw, I think he just had an unfortunate upbringing, how about a minutes silence for the mass murder as oppose to his victims. sick.gif

    Meanwhile an English teacher sparked outrage across France yesterday after calling for her pupils to observe a minute’s silence for Merah.

    In disturbing scenes at Gustave Flaubert High School in Rouen, Normandy, Lorraine Collin, 56, described the terrorist as being the ‘victim of an unhappy childhood’.

    This prompted up to 15 pupils aged between 17 and 18 to storm out of their classroom and report Ms Collin to their headmaster.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1q1JaCaWn

    Yes, there are elements of the lib-left who are so far beneath contempt it boggles the mind.

    Only up to 15 Dan?, That could well mean that the remaining pupils agreed with this left wing lunatic ,I dispare I really do ,this sort of thing is on the increase ,the dangerous part of it is that this sort of infantile brainwashing starts at a very early age, many Muslim kids are taught to hate European Culture ,and many Europeans are taught to be ashamed of it "lest they offend" , The end result?, you tell me!!
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  22. they must have known he was somewhere in the area

    Yes but he is also aboriginal so things had to be conducted differently and treated more sensitively you can't just track down an aboriginal like you would other members of society. There are certain rights afforded to the aboriginal community.

    Oh please, what a ludicrous nonsense statement!

    Obviously you've never lived in the Northern Territories!!.
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