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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. The major financiers of Muslim terrorism is the Saudi royal family,

    Unless you have something to substantiate this type of remark, I would suggest that you exercise care in what you post.

    I have just Googled up ,"Which Country is the major financier of Islamic terrorism?" it would appear that Thaimats statement is not without foundation.
  2. So what do you suggest - take pre-emptive action and kick them all out of Europe like Ferdinand and Isabella did after the re-conquest of Iberia?

    Thank you for your reply, but I am not suggesting anything,cos mine is but a cry in the wilderness ,just observing and writing the simple truth as I see it of what is slowly transpiring pure and simple,but of course if you disagree with my opinion about the rising tide of Islamic radicalism in Europe (and in Africa too) and all the many problems that are arising because of it just say so ,I am sure there are many members who are curious to read your views as to whether you approve or disapprove of what is currently taking place in Mali and the 3 European Country's I mention?
  3. So the Arab spring spreads to Mali, like a plague, and now the population can enjoy 7th century norms being restored by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic not Islamic enough Maghreb.


    Cancer like its slowly spreading ,aided in Europe by the leftest appeasers in Norway, Sweden and Denmark who condemn any one who voices their concern and disapproval at what is slowly taking place there ,as alarmists,extremists ,racists, Islamophobics ,Neville Chamberlain would have been justly proud of them.
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  4. Here is a Hamas spokesman ranting on about Egypt's failure to provide them with fuel. He does make a couple of points that Hamas apologists may struggle to explain though, especially concerning the origin of the fakestinians. smile.png


    The Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security in Gaza, Fathi Hammad, wants more petrol from Egypt and makes two points that few in the anti-Israeli lobby will want to hear.

    First, he wants the help of Arab nations so that Gaza can wage “jihad” against Israel so “Zionists” will be “annihilated”. (From 1:15)

    Second, the people of Gaza are not originally from Israel - “Brothers, half the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.” (From 1:45.)

    And this is where your obsession let's you down.

    Try watching the actual video of this Hamas guy and you will see the context of his comments. It's rather like your use of the word "indigenous", beloved codeword nowadays of racist organizations such as the BNP and extremists such as Breivik. Does that mean you are a racist? Context is key.

    The Hamas person was trying to appeal (and doing a pretty poor job of it) to Arab countries by drawing attention to the origins of the Palestinian people. Without wishing to be too controversial, where do most Israelis come from?

    It's a silly argument for any friend of Israel to get into. The Middle East is a hideously complicated mish-mash of diametrically opposed objectives and objections, reducing it down to simplistic viewpoints serves little purpose. Quite who is truly "indigenous" to that scrap of real estate is basically irrelevant. What needs to be addressed are the concerns and priorities of those sharing it today, and if Israel ever wants real peace and be allowed a normal life as most people crave, it will have to sit down with scumbags from Hamas and other unpleasant folk just as the Brits had to deal with murdering scum like Adams and McGuinness to resolve the N. Ireland conflict.

    You forgot to unspin jihad to annihilate the Zionists. What is there for Israel to discuss, quick annihilation or slow annihilation? Indeed that the Hamas spokesman is there at all speaking in the capacity he does is down to Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, uprooting 7,500 of their own citizens while they were at it.

    As for where do the Israelis come from, there is a wealth of archeological evidence of a Jewish presence in Israel for 3000 years, including the temple which the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on top of.

    P.S it is most revealing you seem to have Breivik and Baruch Goldstein on a continuous loop seeing as these two apart you are really pretty hard pressed to find racist religiously motivated mass murderers who are not Muslim, and even Breivik is a stretch.

    Just been doing a bit of research on Google about who was there first etc etc, its pretty obvious to me that the Jews was there in Roman times and Palestine was just a nickname given by the Romans for Israel , but let members not get carried away and try and the face facts , this is not and never has been about who owns what ,that is just an excuse that is eagerly taken up by the West , this is solely about the total liquidation of the Jews through Jihad by the Islamic Middle East ,sorry to write it but any one thinking any different is living in some sort of topsy turvy dream world ,as Hamas says in their own Charter or Covenant they want the WHOLE of the state of Israel to be ruled by Islam, nothing more nothing less.
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  5. Netanyhu said........ If the Palistinians lay down their arms today , there will be peace !

    If Israel lays down her arms today, there will be no more Israel.

    Says it all does'nt it !

    And I stand corrected but I think it was former Israeli PM Golda Mayer who said and I quote , "when the Arabs learn to love their Children more than they hate us then there will be peace" , this statement is sadly Impossible as the Islamic Arabs are taught from Childhood to regard the Jews as "subhuman" and without compassion for those of a different religion (Muslims) which is basically what this thread is all about, ,and of course I truly welcome members to prove me wrong in my assumptions .
  6. Might as well just go, another one goes kaboom.

    Yes I am afraid you are quite correct ,Somalia as every one is aware has been in "the doldrums" for quite some time and badly needs to "move forwards " into some sort of "civil order" and drag itself into the 21st Century ,however with some Islamic Country,s many seem quite content to live in the stone age ,and many of the modernizers meet their fate in the name of Allah through "Suicide bombers" who eagerly seek Martyrdom for "the cause" , so sad and so unnecessary .angry.png
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  7. There is way way way too much generalizing and 'putting people into boxes' going on in this thread. "Muslims are all this" "Buddhists act like this", that is just a narrow minded and ignorant way to view the world and the people living in it. I have known people from both religions across the world from East to West, and to label each person as a Buddhist or a Muslim who all seem to act in a similar fashion is really quite ignorant. Each person has a personality, a set of morals and are not the same when you scratch just a little beneath the surface. Yes you will find certain traits in some people within the same culture, but that cannot be said for every person who is related to that faith.

    I guess the common perception isn't helped by the fact whilst 'muslim bombers' are all over the place (sometimes literally) when did you last hear of a buddhist bomber?

    I seem to remember that the Red shirts used a few in Bangers!.
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  8. Certainly a tragedy. No idea how people go on after something like this happens. Hope the baby will make it alive.

    I'm not quite sure this could be chalked up the situation in Gaza - sadly, those kind of stories tend to ignore borders: http://www.washingto...4fcS_story.html (that's about 80km away). Blaming politics, parents and statisitcal chances might work for some, personally my mind tends to stall after reading the first three words of such headlines.

    You can stop reading here, the rest is just details and politics.

    Israel is required, under international law and bilateral agreements, to provide the Palestinian Authority with means to produce (or to have) energy (this covers both electricity and fuel).

    Since both Hamas and Israel don't recognize each other as legitimate, of course there's an issue.

    Hamas denouncing both the PA and any agreements with Israel, made a go-around solution even harder, especially as Egypt was not very receptive to the ideas of it taking over Israel's place or fully opening its border pass with Gaza.

    Even with Egypt clamping down on Illegal oil smuggling to Gaza (which cut off the "independent" line of supply for the Hamas), the Hamas refused get the oil direct from Israel or via the PA, and insisted on Egypt supplying it through the Egyptian border pass.

    Hamas used this situation to rile the population against Israel and the PA, with the focus just recently shifting to blaming Egypt. Seems like not all locals are buying this, though, as there were some attempts to demonstrate etc. - which did not go very far, yet.

    Apparently, there is already a temporary solution in place - basically just make pretend with nominally no official contact between Israel and the Hamas.

    Mean while the ordinary Citizen in Gaza who look to Hamas to take care of their interests and welfare Continue to struggle with every day life ,how much money is pouring in to the Hamas coffers from world wide "sympathizer,s" is any ones guess !!.
  9. Um, isn't this so called " Insurgency " a PAYBACK for what the Thai army did to those people in that Southern Thailand? I mean what do you expect when you round up all the men in the town and cattled them away then half of them came back?? How come the videos are not blasted on Thai TV? Heck, even a drunken backpacker sitting here in the US knows that.

    They stirred up the hornet's nest big time on this. Good luck solving this one.

    I do take your point , but I certainly do not think the Tak Bai incident was the main reason for the troubles in the South ,although I do admit it did quite a lot of damage, this problem has been handled badly ,the "iron fist" just did not work , what will at this late stage is beyond me , what a bloody mess!.
  10. Sadly wherever you get Muslims in great numbers you get war and oppression.

    I feel for the good Thai people in the south.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    If the Palestine's get their own home land will this stop?

    As far as I am aware there is no such Country as Palestine or indeed a people called Palestinians , and in closing just what do you regard as 'their homeland "??
  11. I wonder if Yingluck has "Socialist tendencies" throwing money around and making promises as if money itself is inexhaustible ,I think it was Churchill who coined the Phrase , "Socialism is good until you run out of other peoples money" ,or words to that effectwink.png

  12. Cabinet approves Bt1.4 Billion for buying excessive 200,000 tons of pineapples

    The Cabinet Monday approved Bt1.4 Billion from the central emergency fund for buying excessive 200,000 tons of pineapples from farmers, a government spokesman said.


    200,000 tons = 200 million kg

    200 million kg @ B4/kg = B800 million

    So what's the other B600 million allocated for?

    "Administrative" costs of course ,laugh.png
  13. Muslims value life. A life for a life as it also says in our good book the Bible. They have been killed by the government and now the battle is turning to innocent tourists now that the 5,000 death milestone has been reached. It is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a teeth. Read Tak Bai massacre etc. There are still many more deaths to make the score even they will believe. If there is no reconciliation this I have no doubt will end in Phuket and Pattaya Bali style bombings which we can all do without. Comments about napalm will not help the situation. If the security improves they will turn to suicide bombings. Not music to the ears for tourists but I believe it describes the situation accurately. The first step should be to arrest Taksin for the Tak Bai massacre. I live in Songkhla and have been to the deep South many times. I have been in the middle of battles with insurgents and soldiers - caught in the middle. I have had machine guns pointed on me with the trigger squeezed. I have an interest in peace like the holiday makers in Phuket do.

    Muslims value life?! Not by any stretch of the imagination. Not even their own. And nowhere on this planet. They have NO interest in "tolerance" but instead manage to generate open conflict with any & every other religious and social group with which they come into contact. They cut off heads. Kidnap. Blow up buses & coffee shops. They love to prey on innocents. They're like the brat kid in class who gets along with no one and tries to pick a fight with everyone - except THESE brats are psychotic killers & have bombs & guns. The more blood they can spill the better. 'Always some pretext or other, but what they really want is in fact a world "caliphate". Their way or blow something up. They even fight to the death among themselves, sect vs sect. They have in fact made themselves a global scourge. The rest of the world can either continue to pretend it's not happening (and standby for more slaughter), convert, or defend itself.

    In the main I am afraid you are correct and many Muslims use as an excuse other world problems to enhance their power in their home country being it in Europe or the UK. They basically want total domination and extermination of all "infidels". A few posts quote Saddam as being able to control different beliefs, well he did so by wiping out towns and villages with chemical weapons so not a good example really. By your "defend itself" they say the best means of defence is attack and perhaps this is the next option because pure defence does not seem to be working anywhere in the world with regard to extremists. Perhaps Saddam had it right all along. He was able to control because everyone new the serious consequences of one or two hotheads and the local population kept them under control or "removed" them rather than have their whole village wiped out. While this can be seen as barbaric and for sure it is but presently all civilised countries and governments are seen by extremists as being too soft and PC whereas they have no such restrictions and act accordingly. Dammed if you do and dammed if you dont, so perhaps the time is approaching when the "do" will be applied to all extremists and their supporters because without support the extremists would have no powerbase and would not be able to act. Friends and families that support even in a passive way are as responsible as the one who pulls the trigger or sets off the bomb and should be treated accordingly but under civilised law this is not possible but nothing remains static forever!

    Spot on ,cos when Saddam was in power in Iraq there was NO civil war and almost daily bombings between the Sunni's and the Shia's ,to transgress under Saddam meant only one thing, which the Sunni's and the Shia's understood all to well, fear is a perfect deterrent it would appear.
  14. Sadly wherever you get Muslims in great numbers you get war and oppression.

    I feel for the good Thai people in the south.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    The muslims are on a mission for world domination, sadly they are so far advanced that not even James Bond can save us!

    It is exactly what want the terrorists: that you enlarge their base by confusing a minority of extremists with a large majority of peaceful muslims.

    You should think several times before writing.

    There is no doubt in my mind that there are many "peaceful Muslims" down there in the South who are fully aware of the Identity and wherabouts of these murdering cowards ,and there is also no doubt in my mind that any one making inquiry's as to such will be met with a wall of silence, a sort of Islamic "Omerta".
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  15. So by that yard stick Barry if PM Thaksin was not responsible for the Tak Bai incident, then PM Abhisit was not responsible for the Red shirts demise in BKK as the "Army do as they please"laugh.png

    Quite. Abhisit cowering in the Army barracks just let them get on with it. Thaksin was not responsible for the Tak Bai incident, however his excuse was ludicrous. Any Government of whatever persuasion has to tread on eggshells when dealing with the Generals, iy's always been that way and no doubt will remain so.

    Fair enough accept that you forget that Abhisit was part of the Army team. He was the anointed one, hand picked to carry on the junta's policies. Mr. Thaksin was not on Team Army.

    Yeah GK Junta is a pretty accurate description ,just curious ,were do you think Yingluck fits in?
  16. Well Barry if the "Army do as they please" as you say, Abhisit had no option but to let them get on with it ,as it would appear according to you he had no choice or say in the matter had he??, the old double standards again I'm afraid ,whilst Thaksin was PM he was powerless, but when Abhi was PM he was "commander in chief" and therefore responsible for everything the Military did , maybe Abhi was just "treading on eggshells" eh

  17. Quite correct Thaihome , there are some different Islamic factions that cannot even find common ground with each other, so what chance with "the Infidel" , especially with a Thaksin led Government(in all but name) whom they appear to have a pathological hatred for .

  18. People gleefully blaming Thaksin (yawn) but ignoring the real culprits; The Thai Army and their backers in the establishment.

    Nice to read that you have completely exonerated former PM Abhisit from any responsibility for the Army's actions against the " Red shirts" which led to so many deaths , Or is the old "double standards" coming to the fore again?
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