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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. What a waste! 6 young men losing their lives , the ordinance used to blow an armoured vehicle ( tank?)and its occupants to oblivion must have had immense power plus penetration , There is much evidence in the public domain that says Iran is supplying the Taliban with sophisticated Roadside bombs to achieve this very end.

  2. Slow down there old Macca. You are an old cowboy aren't you? US airstrikes in Syria could be the mother of all 'foriegn policy' fu5k ups by a US administration. If it needs to be done let Syria's Arab neighbours airforces deal with it. Airstrikes from the West will just breed even more distain for the US and the greater Western world.

    Old Macca ?Old cowboy, just who are you referring to?,maybe you if you want a direct answer to to your post you should cut out the guesswork and just come out in plain Anglo Saxon English to just who you are addressing the post to! wink.png
  3. I'll offer this piece, which comes out strongly against intervention. It is broader than just the Syrian situation as it applies to Libya, Egypt and Iraq for that matter. My apologies if it is viewed off topic, but I think the arguments it contained are central to western policy with regards to the middle east.


    After September 11 the reasonable thing to do would have been to take steps to save ourselves from Islamic terror, instead we went on a crusade to save Muslims from themselves. The latest stop on that crusade is Syria, where the foreign policy experts responsible for decades of horrifying misjudgements tell us that we are duty bound to save the Syrian people from their dictator.

    Your message Dan is oh so simple , The link bears it out without a doubt ,but due to political correctness that radical Islam is the victim and not the aggressor few will take any notice , what is in store for Syria when the Assad regime is finally toppled is any ones guess ,however IMHO a shift to full blown Sharia law just has to be a step backward into the stone age .
  4. Hard one to call here one way or the other ,in no way do I support the slaughter of Civilians we have all seen on TV, THE BIG QUESTION is what will Syria become if the Assad regime is toppled? it is no secret that Sunni Islamist Ayman Al Zawahri Al Qaeda leader supports the "revolution" 100% ,this problem has more questions than Answers for sure , personally I do not think the Americans should "GO IT ALONE" but as another poster correctly said involve the UN or even the Arab league with something more substantial than just wringing their hands and talking about the problem

  5. 22 replies, none of them about where to live, apart from Mr. Canada who I believe was joking.

    1 moderator reply, having remove who knows what.

    Are the posters on this forum really so unhelpful?

    Quite disgraceful!

    I would have thought some people here would have some idea of a nice place to live.

    Was it my fault, let me be more specific.

    Looking to live somewhere with good Internet access, coffee bars, restaurants American and Thai.

    Not too rural, where I could buy or build a house for 4-10Mbht on a few rai of land, money is not really a problem.

    Could I have some serious suggestions from people who live in places like this

    Where to live?, a good question ,IMHO at least 300 kms from her "family" other wise you will be looked on as just another rich Farang who has never had to do a days work to earn his money because of our "money tree's" who should bankroll the "family" into a never ending cavalcade of your hard earned dough, on no account buy or build a house simply cos it will never ever be yours, plus you will be inundated with her "friends" who will regard the contents of your fridge as "their property",you asked for advice ,I see nothing wrong with what has been offered so far by those who have seen the pitfalls (and there are plenty) that awaits the unwary when starting life afresh here in Thailand ,of course I could well be wrong in my Assumptions ,but if you do get married just remember you are marrying one person not all her family ,Best of luck .
  6. Seat belts in a taxi?

    It will take decades until everybody will use helmets in motobikes.

    Non sense ,get the Police to rigidly enforce the law with a 500 baht fine, failure to pay with 7 days, automatic motorcycle confiscation .and it would take a matter of weeks .

    Rigidly enforce you say?clap2.gif

    Are you saying its totally out of the question? , with the right financial stimulus for the Police it would be baby's work..
    • Like 1
  7. Seat belts in a taxi?

    It will take decades until everybody will use helmets in motobikes.

    Non sense ,get the Police to rigidly enforce the law with a 500 baht fine, failure to pay with 7 days, automatic motorcycle confiscation .and it would take a matter of weeks .
  8. pick up all dealers and users and put them in a big football stadium... then release by helicopter a mass of coke and heroin and let them feast on it till none is moving anymore... apply a few times per year till none are left ???

    drug dealers are the worst scum of the earth, selling death to youth and others and cousing a lot of disturbance, violence, etc...

    china has a good permanent solution for this problem

    Where there is a buyer there is always a seller ,simple economics !.
  9. The way I see it the Israelis are perfectly within their rights to shut down broadcasts which in their view is spreading daily poisonous propaganda which in essence amount's to brainwashing people into violence against the ordinary Jewish citizen,to say it is anti free speech is quite frankly delving into the realms of fantasy.

    Actually, it would probably be a smart move for the Israelis to come right out and cite this hate propaganda as a reason, at least in the case of the worst Palestinian broadcasts. So doing would at least invite people to consider the content of said broadcasts whilst giving the reasons that Israel gave allows the usual whining from the usual suspects.

    Yeah Dan I agree, just come out with the truth (which can be irrefutably proved) and have done with it once and for all.
  10. The way I see it the Israelis are perfectly within their rights to shut down broadcasts which in their view is spreading daily poisonous propaganda which in essence amount's to brainwashing people into violence against the ordinary Jewish citizen,to say it is anti free speech is quite frankly delving into the realms of fantasy.

    But this got little to do with freedom of speech.

    If that was the case then Hamas broadcasting, PA's official TV station and quite a few radio stations and internet websites would be much higher on the list.

    If one wanted to raise a banner against Israel on this issue, it would be with regard to acting within PA controlled area. Does your neighbor interference with your TV sign allows you to break into his home and deal with it? Probably not. Suppose to call in authorities etc. Then again, living in LOS, guess we know that doesn't always work as it should.

    There are procedures on dealing with such issues specified in the agreements between Israel and the Palestinians, also agreed upon mediators etc. Most of it doesn't work anymore, as (1) lack of trust in each other and impartiality of mediators, (2) reluctance to accept unfavorable rulings (3) cumbersome and slow process until decisions are made. On top of that, add that both sides do some things for the sake of internal politics.

    Messy, messy.

    With respect may I refer you to Steely Dan,s post #2 ,the Palestinians ,in particular Hamas are spreading anti Israeli poison propaganda not only through TV ,but by the many public vitriolic filled speeches made by Hamas politicians (the people who Iran are bankrolling to the tune of millions of dollars) who advocate Hamas women and Children should use themselves as Human shields in their "Jihad" against Israel .
  11. The way I see it the Israelis are perfectly within their rights to shut down broadcasts which in their view is spreading daily poisonous propaganda which in essence amount's to brainwashing people into violence against the ordinary Jewish citizen,to say it is anti free speech is quite frankly delving into the realms of fantasy.

  12. Actually I'd struggle to name one Australian Prime minister........ such is their lasting effect on my life................ turning up, debating, or anything esle they choose to do....apparently Yingluck has considerably more effect on your life......

    As you are obviously not Australian, I'll forgive your ignorance. I'm sure OZEMADE would know quite a few. As I have spent most of the last 15 years in Thailand, it's not surprising that I recognise a useless puppet when I see one.

    Instead of that say-nothing puff-post, have you come up with a SINGLE independent action of our PM. I've been waiting some time for your response, imagining you may have a life, but now that you're back our hopes of enlightenment bloom anew.

    Obviously she is a team player.......

    Cut the insults they are unproductive and boring.....

    Correct!!!! She is undoubtedly a team player........she plays outside left for Thaksin United!!!!!wai.gif.

    People who (incomprehensibly) stick up for this abject and totally useless woman are 'in denial' and have clearly lost all sense of reasonable argument on the matter.

    She is not good for Thailand, positioning Thaksin's cronies with the soul intention of getting him back to Thailand is scandalous and disastrous for Thailand, She will ruin the economy and banktupt Thailand unless she is removed from office (whatever it takes) eic:

    Someone must help out on this before it's too late, or 'buddha help' Thailand!!!!!jap.gif.

    Don't you mean left outside?
  13. Let's not forget why the yellow shirts were protesting. Let's also not forget why the red shirts were protesting. Maybe the style could be considered too; a peaceful protest causing inconvenience vs mass violence and intimidation. But I guess it's irrelevant, T needs charges against his opposition as something to bargain with, and I'm sure he will have his wish as usual.

    You make a very good point and I am sure it will not go unnoticed, certainly not in my case anyways,
  14. Well this is definitely on topic regarding whether its OK to deeply diss an unethical, dirty player right after they have died.


    “Conventions around dead people are ridiculous. The world outlook is slightly improved with @AndrewBreitbart dead.”

    Don't think too much JT.

    Breitbart did damage to others when he was alive.

    I didn't even know who he was til he died.


    "Breitbart did damage to others when he was alive" of course this could well be said of many who have exposed Corruption and wrong doings in "high places" world wide including here in Thailand who have lost their lives in a vain quest for the truth, I was not aware that this is somehow a crime !.
  15. Maybe didn't kill anyone, but manipulated video tapes to misrepresent the truth...that's kind of like spinning lies...err, that is spinning lies. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Wasn't that the quote Bush couldn't get straight?

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Not knowing much about the man I'll have to take your word on that, but would suggest that is exactly what the mainstream press does all the time, so I revert; If Michael Moore were to have died I wonder whether he would get a more sympathetic obituary from both the mainstream press and some posters here.


    Yeah Moore the worlds biggest hypocrite!
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  16. Three pages of posts and all we have from his detractors is ad hominem attacks on the man, he didn't kill anyone and couldn't be given that wonderful euphemism 'freedom fighter', though I do believe it was freedom from oppression and the protection of freedom of speech that the man stood up for. Still in the absence of any defensible argument the far left chooses to resort to profaning the dead.

    At least we still have Pat Condell. to point out some home truths the lib-left don't want to hear.

    Hey Dan , Many on "the left" simply refuse point blank to watch Condell,s Video's ,I wonder why??
  17. I'm sorry for his family, but clips that have been shown on Fox News of his speaking makes it clear he was a horrible, obnoxious, superficial man. Apparently, he lost many of the liberal friends he grew up with. Understandably. Not saying liberals and conservatives can't be friends, but his actions were massively sleazy.

    Founder of the tea party? Fitting perhaps because the tea party is dead.

    " horrible, obnoxious, superficial man."

    you could say exactly the same thing about Bill Ayers ... you know Obama's " mate "

    Except that Ayers was actually involved in bombings that killed people. He also advocated killing mass numbers of Americans who could not be reformed to a new way of thinking in his post-revolution America. Sounds a lot like Stalin.

    One day the world will wake up to the fact that the Left in America is at its core, mean-spirited at best, anti-freedom racists at semi-worst. Every country in the past 100 years where the Left was in 100% control, they killed millions of their own people and their leaders were some of the worst monsters the world has ever seen.

    Brietbart was great at pointing out the less than nice ways of the Left. Hopefully his colleagues will keep it going.

    Donkeys years ago Back home in Manchester England ,I used to frequent a bar I lovingly called "Kremlin korner" the local "wontworks used to wax lyrical about the joys of Communism/Socialism ,one night sick of listening to their bleatings I said to them Hey ya know when you see some poor guy strung out on barbed wire in East Berlin with bullet holes in his back trying to escape ,what is he trying to escape from and which way is he heading? , No one even tried to give me an answer!.
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