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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. *Deleted quote edited out*

    In regards to my post #3 can you find any Israeli Equivalent to the Video I mentioned "Children of Hamas", to teach your Child that can hardly walk that it is right to kill another just because of their Religion is evil beyond belief and earns my utter contempt .

    I do believe Scott has said to stay on topic.

    Sorry bout that Big Boss Global Moderator ,I was just about Through with this thread anywaycoffee1.gif
  2. *Deleted quote edited out*

    In regards to my post #3 can you find any Israeli Equivalent to the Video I mentioned "Children of Hamas", to teach your Child that can hardly walk that it is right to kill another just because of their Religion is evil beyond belief and earns my utter contempt .

    • Like 1
  3. I doubt they would be too happy if their plane's attempts to communicate with ground control were interrupted by debates about how best to kill Jews or how to make a bomb in mom's kitchen.

    Always a flair for the dramatic eh ?.......

    Yet it would be interesting if the Israelis doing the raiding......would make clear the claim as to which of the airline frequencies were infringed

    Also have to wonder why they ....would seize administrative files ?

    Airline VHF frequencies are well known & not used for ground/commercial radio use for a number of reasons...Obviously it would be dangerous but also useless to the ground station to have their broadcast cut every time a mic button was pushed in a plane.... .But that will surely not be addressed.

    Anyway carry on with the usual.....

    I will admit your flair for the dramatic was pretty funny this time....Bombs in moms kitchen laugh.png thanks

    Far more dramatic when the young kid straps the bomb to his body and then detonates it in a crowded public place , or are you saying that this sort of thing is not happening on a regular basis?.
  4. Is Palestine a country now?

    Good point Credorolleyes.gif

    I don't know what the point is. I don't think anyone has stated Palestine is a country.

    The point is that it is not Israel.

    Then what is it?wink.png

    Hey Wallaby Nice to read that you recognize the state of Israel as a Country ,so sad to read time and again that Hamas does not even recognize its right to exist ,maybe thats why Fattah on the West Bank who want peace, and Hamas in Gaza want the total destruction of Zionism thanks to their Iranian bankroller's are on a virtual civil war footing .
  5. Shouting fire in a crowded theatre is not freedom of speech.

    That isn't for Israel to decide. If Israel does not have freedom of speech that is their decision. But they cannot decide what anyone can say outside their borders. It is not for them to decide how others should talk.

    Has ANY Country got total freedom of Speech?, I would suggest never in a million years ,for Instance In 2006 the Labour Party in the UK brought in the Incitement to Racial and religious hatred act , do you believe that in the interests of "free speech" this piece of legislation should now be repealed, and any one from whichever quarter should be allowed to either print or broadcast their opinions which advocates violence to those of a different Race /religion with total immunity?, the question is quite simple , any chance of an Answer?

    Yes I do believe it should be repealed.

    But what you and me think of a country's freedom of speech laws is totally irrelevent.

    What Israel considers acceptable in it's country relating to freedome of speech is a matter for them. But it is none of their business to make decisions regarding anywhere else on the planet. Since when is it ok for a nation to impose their freedom of speech law anywhere other than it's own country.

    Please read my post#18.
  6. Shouting fire in a crowded theatre is not freedom of speech.

    That isn't for Israel to decide. If Israel does not have freedom of speech that is their decision. But they cannot decide what anyone can say outside their borders. It is not for them to decide how others should talk.

    I was not aware that the Broadcasts were not watched/listened to within Israeli borders ,unless you have irrefutable evidence to suggest they are not, then Israel has a perfect right to stop them.
  7. Shouting fire in a crowded theatre is not freedom of speech.

    That isn't for Israel to decide. If Israel does not have freedom of speech that is their decision. But they cannot decide what anyone can say outside their borders. It is not for them to decide how others should talk.

    Has ANY Country got total freedom of Speech?, I would suggest never in a million years ,for Instance In 2006 the Labour Party in the UK brought in the Incitement to Racial and religious hatred act , do you believe that in the interests of "free speech" this piece of legislation should now be repealed, and any one from whichever quarter should be allowed to either print or broadcast their opinions which advocates violence to those of a different Race /religion with total immunity?, the question is quite simple , any chance of an Answer?
  8. Perhaps the ISI did not want it to turn into some sort of shrine for OBL. Or maybe they did not want the constant reminder that the most wanted terrorist in recent memory was living undetected (?) within one kilometer of their national military academy.

    Undetected ??, do you really really believe the total crock of schit given to the worlds media ?,one word says it all, "laughable"!!

    If you look at my quote which you posted, you will notice a question mark in parenthesis following the word "undetected". This, to me, indicates a degree of scorn for the claim of his being undetected.

    More likely there were some rather large transfers of the Bin Laden family wealth to high ranking Pakistani military officers that insured Osama's complete privacy.

    So...no! I do not believe the crock of manure as you describe it.

    Chuckd I've notice some on here are having trouble with your sarcasm lately. Not to worry, I think most understood. drunk.gif

    Sarcasm is an art form and is much appreciated by myself ,problem is sometimes it's not grasped as it should be.cowboy.gif
  9. Perhaps the ISI did not want it to turn into some sort of shrine for OBL. Or maybe they did not want the constant reminder that the most wanted terrorist in recent memory was living undetected (?) within one kilometer of their national military academy.

    Undetected ??, do you really really believe the total crock of schit given to the worlds media ?,one word says it all, "laughable"!!

    If you look at my quote which you posted, you will notice a question mark in parenthesis following the word "undetected". This, to me, indicates a degree of scorn for the claim of his being undetected.

    More likely there were some rather large transfers of the Bin Laden family wealth to high ranking Pakistani military officers that insured Osama's complete privacy.

    So...no! I do not believe the crock of manure as you describe it.

    Sorry for misunderstanding your post, of course they knew Bin Laden was there ,any one thinking different needs a reality check .
  10. I saw nothing in this report concerning "Hate Speech" or shouting fire in a crowded theater.

    Despite Israeli claims that these TV stations are interfering with “legal broadcasts” (what ever excuse Israel can find will become legal) this was the second time Israel has shut down Palestinian broadcasts.

    Israel will not allow Palestine any voice that will contradict their propaganda.

    And I saw nothing that stated the broadcasts were contradicting/ interfering with Israeli propaganda!
  11. Unfortunately this is just another example of the Israeli regime attempting to cover up or stifle news reports of the atrocities it has committed or is ruthlessly planning to commit.

    Obviously you simply refuse to believe that Hamas and other radical Islamist,s have perpetrated untold atrocities against "not only "infidels" and Jews worldwide ,but also with there two Islamic sects, the Sunni's and the Shia's who are slaughtering each other on a daily basis ,in their vain quest to ascertain which part of their stone age religion is correct ,you will be trying to inform members next that Hamas in Gaza and Fattah on the West bank have not been indiscriminately killing each other for years, you really are a joke, thanks for the laugh! violin.gif

    And your post is relevent to the topic because..........?

    I suppose those that agree with what Israel has done only pay lip service to freedom of speech. If you think freedom of speech is important then one must accept that you aren't going to agree with everything, but regardless of what they say, they have a right to say it.

    Or is the freedom of speech only acceptable if it conforms to your own view.

    There is a huge difference between freedom of speech to what is going on right now in Gaza and yes even Iran and that is the constant incitement to maim ,kill and destroy a Country simply because of it,s different Religious ideology ,try reading the speeches made by Iran's Ahmadinejad calling the complete and total annihilation of Israel and its people ,this I do NOT call freedom of speech but the rantings of a madman.,and in closing IMHO any words calling for violence against another should be suppressed or deleted ,just like it is on this and other forum's .
  12. Perhaps the ISI did not want it to turn into some sort of shrine for OBL. Or maybe they did not want the constant reminder that the most wanted terrorist in recent memory was living undetected (?) within one kilometer of their national military academy.

    Undetected ??, do you really really believe the total crock of schit given to the worlds media ?,one word says it all, "laughable"!!
  13. Unfortunately this is just another example of the Israeli regime attempting to cover up or stifle news reports of the atrocities it has committed or is ruthlessly planning to commit.

    Obviously you simply refuse to believe that Hamas and other radical Islamist,s have perpetrated untold atrocities against "not only "infidels" and Jews worldwide ,but also with there two Islamic sects, the Sunni's and the Shia's who are slaughtering each other on a daily basis ,in their vain quest to ascertain which part of their stone age religion is correct ,you will be trying to inform members next that Hamas in Gaza and Fattah on the West Bank have not been indiscriminately killing each other for years, you really are a joke, thanks for the laugh! violin.gif
  14. Oh the irony! 'Freedom of information' as they put it amounts to nothing more that preaching hatred, blood libel and poisoning the minds of their children with the likes of Hamas mickey, glorifying suicide bombers. Perhaps the human rights organizations that the Palestinian authority whine to would care to investigate the Palestinian media as a whole for it's record of incitement to violence.


    Hey Dan of course you are quite correct in your post ,they have been brainwashing Palestinian kids for yonks to kill the Jews , maybe you or other like minded people should go on to "you tube" and view "Children of Hamas" this video just endorses your opinion to a "T"
  15. It's possible that he felt that he could no longer justify his salary as somebody else was doing most of his work for "free" (reportedly).

    Now that he is gone and no longer subjecting the PM to such a "heavy workload" she may be able to attend parliament, or more private meetings.

    "Thitima Chaisang ......... expressed sympathy for his service in the post without much political experience." Not that it is unusual in this administration.

    The only surprising thing here is that anything has been done before the inevitable reshuffle in May - he must really have p*ssed somebody off to get the boot now.

    Your point about the lack of experience in the current administration is a valid one and it will be interesting to see what changes happen when the banned politicians return as they must be chomping at the bit to get back into the limelight.

    Sorry, "chomping at the bit to get back into the limelight"? I would have said more like "chomping at the bit to get their noses back into the trough"!wink.png
  16. Personally I think we are forgetting one vital factor in this total facade ,Khao Bin maximum security prison Officers by Decree of this administration are now supposed to be subject to both a Polygraph (lie detector) and Urine test ,as this was obviously brought about with Chalerms permission ,surely he would not object to being tested himself ,with a totally independent tester being brought from the US of course, why does'nt Abhi call his bluff? MAYBE ITS WAY OVERDUE SOME ONE ELSE TOOK THE PISSintheclub.gif

  17. How pathetic

    Like a child running to its mother "Mummy that nasty lady said bad things about me and the papers reported them"

    He is showing himself up to be a bigger prize prick every day.

    And of course his boss was off somewhere advertising herself, as usual, instead of being in the house where she was supposed to be.

    Leave the bumbling Idiot alone FF's Sake he's proving to be the best friend the Dems have!,licklips.gif
    • Like 1
  18. Spot on.

    He can't be in politics but he can manage the PMs image... 555555555

    A banned politician is rehabilitating her political image

    when corruption is the dish of the day and she decides

    a banned politician is the best choice.

    Takes one to know one I guess.

    Oh, wait the most important members of her clan are banned,

    So why would she think a banned person is bad for her image.

    Yes, rotten peas in a pod think alike.

    Another profoundly ignorant and absurd post, and one that gives Thai Visa a bad name.I am guessing that he has not the faintest idea of the background of Suranand Vejjajiva though naturally he will have googled frantically if he replies to this.

    Cetainly Suranand was banned in a ruling banning his entire party, one which looks increasingly unsound and without doubt a judgement politicised by those who sought judicial remedies in the absence of electoral success.Be that as it may:it's water under the bridge.However there was never the slightest suggestion even from his ideological opponents that Suranand was involved in any wrongdoing.Indeed he is an admirable man,a liberal thinker, a patriot and with an excellent brain to boot.As I mentioned in another post he has not been reluctant to criticise Thaksin.

    Now all you have to explain is, why a man "with an excellent brain to boot", who "has not been reluctant to criticise Thaksin" volunteers to participate in this charade with a clueless newbie as PM and the whole cabinet under remote control from Dubai.

    I suppose there are those out there who would disagree with your musings ,personally I think they are spot on ,but I would like to read as to just why they could be at odds with your post!cowboy.gif
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