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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Water has apparently been released from northern Dams in what seems an unregulated way. Water levels have risen here in Nakhon Sawan and there is flooding reported to the east and north of here. It seems like no lessons have been learnt and no plans are place for the forthcoming rainy season so its not a surprise then that dispite all the waffle and committees nothing has changed and the PM has realized the same.

    To much talk and not enough do!

    Maybe it would be a good idea to seek "outside advice" but oweing to the totally insane Thai Idea that to admit you could well be wrong and others may think better, means "loss of face" THIS IS HARDLY LIKELY TO HAPPEN ,better let business's go under and tens of thousands of homes and rural lifestyles ruined plus loss of life , than to admit you just ain't a clue violin.gif
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  2. Too young

    48 is not young. The fact of the matter is that she squandered her career. She made the decisions that did that.

    I'll wait for the autopsy before commenting further. However, this is one washed up singer I'm not going to mourn.

    I'll bet you kick your dog too.

    Actually Geriatric IMHO is writing the truth however unpalatable, she chose her lifestyle no one else , the autopsy will most likely prove him right ,what a waste of talent !
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  3. Rather disgusting that some would hope that the accused is raped or otherwise made the victim of a crime. There is a court system. It is the court system that will pass judgement and that will decide on the penalty. Fortunately, law and order will prevail. I am not particularly comfortable with mob "justice". I often think that some of the most violent reactions come from those that repress hidden desires.

    All that matters is that an abuser is removed from society and people are protected. He was able to what he did because along the way he had enablers. w\Whether it was the people that supplied the victims, or the places where the victims were abused, or that looked the other way. Those people are just as guilty, and yet no one says anything about them.

    Unfortunately this subject always brings out the "lynch mob" mentality on TVF.

    Lynch mob?, I would say Mutual agreement on this distasteful practice ,I would hardly think that there are many Gary Glitter fans on TV !
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  4. I hope some guy in the prison he will end up in has a child and makes sure this sick man can never abuse a child again.

    Now just take it a few steps step further...

    1. find out how he got access to the kids, and once that is accomplished

    2. Have a look at the back-alley brothels with under age kids being raised to become pros in the bars later, which are frequented by Thais pretty much exclusively.

    It's always easy to point a finger at an Internationally known and wanted child abuser, is still doesn't change the fact that child abuse is a regular thing here.

    Sorry for bashing... but this topic really gets under my skin.

    No need to be sorry ,I reckon its quite a normal reaction from a normal person when writing about these low life's .
  5. Very tragic.

    So young, it makes me think about my own kids, I could cry, truly I could.

    All these Thai bashers on here. As yet we are not in possession of all the facts and are not able to assume anything.

    The problem is that many tourists are not familiar with the Thai system of driving, different road rules and so on. I can remember the very first time I hit the roads in Thailand, it came as an awful shock, and it was a miracle that I survived the first year. But eventually I learned to drive defensively in Thailand, but it took time.

    I believe that young inexperienced tourists like these should not be let loose on the roads here without first being briefed on the dangers of Thailand’s roads. At least the travel agencies should issue leaflets just to make them aware.

    Actually they were passengers in a vehicle driven by a Thai, don't bash the tourists simply because they were seated in the vehicle.

    So true, softgeorge.

    All these Thai apologists here, doing their best to switch the blame onto the victims. The facts are clear enough for a reasonable judgement of blame to be made onto the truck driver. The fact that he fled the scene is further proof of his guilt.

    Admit Guilt? this is tantamount to saying that you are wrong! ,and owing to this insane Thai trait that doing so will cause "Loss of Face" is the reason why Thai people will never ever learn from their mistakes, cos to admit you have actually made one in the first place is regarded as deeply shaming for the person involved ,with a mindset like this it is totally impossible for them to improve in anything as they already think they are 110% in anything they do especially when behind the steering wheel.
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  6. The amazing thing about these crashes is that the driver usually survives, and not just survives but is unhurt enough to run away after the crash. Is it the buddahs, amulets or kama?

    No not Buddahs, amulets or kama,, it is called " seat belt ",, the driver would wear a seat belt the passengers would not, the Thai people think seat belts are not necessary, uncomfortable, and don't do anything, if I drive a car I refuse to start the car until everyone, front & back has the seat belts on, allways get an argument.

    Yeah I agree to a point ,but with respect seat belts are of very little use when there is an Head onner with both vehicles doing the "ton" and traveling in different directions !!!
  7. RIP, Vila i Frid

    an excellent dual lane highway, been driving it more than 100 times, wonder how it could happen?

    a whiteplated car, thus not a legal taxi, with driver from Isarn 1300km away

    as for road casualties, in Phuket its down to 1/3 of what it used to be a decade ago, despite double the traffic

    Condolences to all five families. This Thai character flaw of running from the scene of an accidental homicide or any accident is a serious national issue. Whether it is a simple injury or deaths, as in this case, the act of running is inexcusable. It says a lot about the culture. What further compounds the issue in Thailand is how they "rationalize" and seek to gain some sort of pardon by dreaming up a story. We saw it in the drunken hammer murder yesterday. Thais can never accept responsibility for their behave. A serious cultural flaw.

    Did the driver of this fish truck get knocked out and then on awakening examine the bodies before running? How did he know they weren't still alive, critically injured, and might be saved with proper action? Sad commentary on Thai society and lawlessness that he will eventually "surrender" after having a big man "negotiate" conditions and payoffs with the police. The Thai press should take this "running" as a serious issue and campaign fervently against. Thai laws should be examined, and penalties enforced. Thai society has to change in order for this to happen. For example, regardless of whose son or daughter you are or what "club" you go to, running from the scene of a crime escalates it. The Swedish embassy should see that the companies responsible for manufacturing or catching the tuna and distributing it are made to substantially compensate all five families for this act of multiple vehicular homicide and illegal flight from a crime scene. It starts with the companies, parents, teachers holding their charges accountable from the outset.

    This fish company truck driver who fled the scene is merely a product of his Thai culture, but somewhere along the line, one of these rogues has to be punished severely as an example backing up enforcement of law. This applies to every fat cat or "connected" person's son and daughter as well. What do you think the penalty would be if a farang had fled the scene after something like this in Thailand or in their own country?

    In Australia it would be 1. Dangerous driving causing death 2. Failing to render assistance 3. Leaving the scene of an accident and 4. Failing to report an accident. All of these combined would result in the driver's liscence being cancelled either for at least a year or cancelled for life, the driver received a hefty fine for each offence, possible lengthy jail time and substancial compensation being paid to the families by the relevant government insurance agency.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    An excellent post , Although I concur with your thoughts 110%, but have you any idea just how many "Thai drivers" have no licence so therefore have no insurance there are on Thailands roads today? and if stopped by the BiBs at a checkpoint a simple 200 baht "backhander" leaves them as free as a bird to add to the truly horrendous carnage we see day in day out on Thailand,s roads ,this in essence is the crux of the problem ,the laws are only as good as the people who are paid to uphold them.

    Thanks for that "Ober" actually I am quite flattered when I receive an approval from you with my thought's, especially bearing in mind few can argue that your eye here in Thailand is not well and truly "on the ball" .
  8. Sad indeed. But also sad to see all the barstool-judges around here. You don't know what happened, but you are all ready to put the blame on the truckdriver. What about an unexperienced Swedish driver, new driverslicence, rental car and driving (for a Swede) on the wrong side of the road ?? OR

    a Thai driver in the Swedes car, trying to impress the young ladies ??

    Well done, Sir. I was waiting for the first poster to try to shift the blame onto the victims, even if you have to fabricate the evidence to suggest that the car might have been driven by one of the Swedes!

    Yep his remarks are truly pitiful ,and without foundation, as it was a Thai who was driving the Swedes Car.
  9. RIP, Vila i Frid

    an excellent dual lane highway, been driving it more than 100 times, wonder how it could happen?

    a whiteplated car, thus not a legal taxi, with driver from Isarn 1300km away

    as for road casualties, in Phuket its down to 1/3 of what it used to be a decade ago, despite double the traffic

    Condolences to all five families. This Thai character flaw of running from the scene of an accidental homicide or any accident is a serious national issue. Whether it is a simple injury or deaths, as in this case, the act of running is inexcusable. It says a lot about the culture. What further compounds the issue in Thailand is how they "rationalize" and seek to gain some sort of pardon by dreaming up a story. We saw it in the drunken hammer murder yesterday. Thais can never accept responsibility for their behave. A serious cultural flaw.

    Did the driver of this fish truck get knocked out and then on awakening examine the bodies before running? How did he know they weren't still alive, critically injured, and might be saved with proper action? Sad commentary on Thai society and lawlessness that he will eventually "surrender" after having a big man "negotiate" conditions and payoffs with the police. The Thai press should take this "running" as a serious issue and campaign fervently against. Thai laws should be examined, and penalties enforced. Thai society has to change in order for this to happen. For example, regardless of whose son or daughter you are or what "club" you go to, running from the scene of a crime escalates it. The Swedish embassy should see that the companies responsible for manufacturing or catching the tuna and distributing it are made to substantially compensate all five families for this act of multiple vehicular homicide and illegal flight from a crime scene. It starts with the companies, parents, teachers holding their charges accountable from the outset.

    This fish company truck driver who fled the scene is merely a product of his Thai culture, but somewhere along the line, one of these rogues has to be punished severely as an example backing up enforcement of law. This applies to every fat cat or "connected" person's son and daughter as well. What do you think the penalty would be if a farang had fled the scene after something like this in Thailand or in their own country?

    In Australia it would be 1. Dangerous driving causing death 2. Failing to render assistance 3. Leaving the scene of an accident and 4. Failing to report an accident. All of these combined would result in the driver's liscence being cancelled either for at least a year or cancelled for life, the driver received a hefty fine for each offence, possible lengthy jail time and substancial compensation being paid to the families by the relevant government insurance agency.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    An excellent post , Although I concur with your thoughts 110%, but have you any idea just how many "Thai drivers" have no licence so therefore have no insurance there are on Thailands roads today? and if stopped by the BiBs at a checkpoint a simple 200 baht "backhander" leaves them as free as a bird to add to the truly horrendous carnage we see day in day out on Thailand,s roads ,this in essence is the crux of the problem ,the laws are only as good as the people who are paid to uphold them.
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  10. kee niao means sticky shit ,thais use it to describe someone who is hard to get money out him ala sticky shit smile.png

    you might be able to get a low range jacket if theres a sale on but not full body gear

    tesco clothes will ripp like tissue paper if you come off doing any substancial speed

    Whatever protective clothing any one wears it will not protect you when some maniac is overtaking another vehicle on a blind curve on YOUR SIDE OF THE ROAD!.
  11. With respect ,Do you REALLY think she is running the Country?

    As much or as less as her predecessor. rolleyes.gif

    So in your opinion who exactly are running the Country?

    Spend some more time here and you'll find out.

    Obviously avoiding the simple question ,I have spent over 12 years in Thailand and been living here full time since Nov 03 as my passport will readily testify ,and some people can learn more in a week than it takes others a life time to achieve the sameviolin.gif
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  12. Whilst I am used by now to the ridicule that some members of this forum constantly direct at Yingluck, some of which is deserved, some is simply because this is Thailand and that's how things happen in Thailand. What bothers me is what are the alternatives, Abhisit is a failure, Sondhi is a joke, you could even make a case for the return of Thaksin, he at least knew his head from his feet.

    What you?! Making a case for Thaksin?! I'm shocked! Right out of left field that one.

    Note my use of the word "even". Basically whilst I accept Yingluck's faults, I cannot see anyone better, in any party. Actually I am permanently puzzled as to how so many patently incompetent people can be so successfully corrupt.

    Anything better? Thats the word Wells Fargo used for quite a while when they employed the "PONY EXPRESS" of course we have learned quite bit since then ain't we , no doubt Ludditeman may well agree with you !giggle.gif
  13. Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

    Can most people really disagree with this sentiment? I mean the part that she is a pretty show puppet with no there there in the brain department?

    Her speech was so poorly received with her political opponents saying she was better equipped to participate in a fashion show rather than sharing her vision.

    She may or may not be an airhead, at least she is a democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand, with what's more, an absolute majority. A lot more than most PM's over the last 25 years in Thailand.

    Unfortunately, this is the nature of democracy, and whilst Thailand appears to worry about the "image" of their politicians on the world stage, don't they realise that as a rule, the international business community in Davos, really doesn't figure Thailand at the top of its priorities because as I said on a previous message, there is NOTHING NEW for her to announce to them to attract any interest.

    Does anyone really think that the international community believes anything she (or most other previous PM's) says about controlling the floods, being open for business, attracting foreign business , liberalising the economy, changing tax rates, when they have heard the same story for the last 20 years. Thailand has attracted as much foreign business as it wants to allow the Thai-Chinese business and a select few essential monopoly over vast tracts of industry here, and NO ONE is going to be allowed to change this.

    No one cares what she is saying because they have heard it all before.

    With respect ,Do you REALLY think she is running the Country?
  14. RIP to the victims,lock up & throw away the key for the driver who fled the site of the accident.

    Just another of the fatalities on Thai roads from maniac drivers that think a licence & a trip to the local Wat gives them immunity from all consequences.

    Most Roads are good,its the drivers that are dangerous & unskilled.crazy.gif

    Of Course I agree with what you write ,but why did you not add extremely Impatient cos it would appear that to save 5 seconds on their journey they are many times willing to risk their lives and other"s to attain it., courtesy here on the roads is totally unheard of.
  15. Condolences to family and friends.

    It really is high time that ALL drivers fleeing the scene following ANY accident, regardless of death, damage or injury should be sought and a prison sentence automatically imposed along with any other penalties they may incur as a result of the accident.

    Yeah Nick quite correct , the penalty you mention should be automatic ,same as drinking and driving in the UK ,hardly a day goes by that we read of "accidents" on Thailand,s roads ,the laws are only as good as the police who are paid to enforce them , for Instance as no doubt you are well aware the so called one way system near to Prakonchai Market, its a complete and utter joke!.

    Do they have cars in Prakchon Chai Colin ? Buffalo's i am sure but cars ?

    I always did like a keen sense of humour , as I have one too, yeah they have just about heard of the wheel there in darkest Prakon , It ain't such a bad old place ya know,Coffee corner near the bus station sells good food too, but getting there in the rush hour is often a nightmare due to complete lack of lane discipline and seen a few pile ups ,thankfully nothing as bad as what happened to these poor young souls in Phuket ,what can any one really say apart from "predictable" what a terrible waste of young lives,So sad ,so sad.
  16. Condolences to family and friends.

    It really is high time that ALL drivers fleeing the scene following ANY accident, regardless of death, damage or injury should be sought and a prison sentence automatically imposed along with any other penalties they may incur as a result of the accident.

    Yeah Nick quite correct , the penalty you mention should be automatic ,same as drinking and driving in the UK ,hardly a day goes by that we read of "accidents" on Thailand,s roads ,the laws are only as good as the police who are paid to enforce them , for Instance as no doubt you are well aware the so called one way system near to Prakonchai Market, its a complete and utter joke!.
  17. I fully understand why Seh Daeng's daughter would want to find her dad's killer, but she shouldn't be focusing on who pulled the trigger, but rather who hired the shooter.

    that would be mr T

    Hmm ,a wild stab in the dark with no real evidence ,HOWEVER Seh Deang was a very loose cannon, and maybe was causing acute embarrassment to his bankroller so what you write does make sense in a way !!!

    And your tunnel vision does not allow you to conclude that he was possibly an even greater embarrassment elsewhere?

    I think in a case like this is to rule nothing in our out ,as far as I know with no real hard evidence being brought to bear,everything hinges on different peoples opinions, pure and simple.
  18. I fully understand why Seh Daeng's daughter would want to find her dad's killer, but she shouldn't be focusing on who pulled the trigger, but rather who hired the shooter.

    that would be mr T

    Hmm ,a wild stab in the dark with no real evidence ,HOWEVER Seh Deang was a very loose cannon, and maybe was causing acute embarrassment to his bankroller so what you write does make sense in a way !!!
  19. Funny how the bleeding hearts, anti war-on-drug,"human rights" activists are quiet today. If this drug dealer has been deal with earlier, this poor lady will still be alive.

    So you are for thousands of innocent people being killed when they have nothing to do with the drug trade or drug use?

    Yeah Quite correct ,it came out in the Inquiry that 1200 of the people who lost their lives during Thaksin's "crack down" had nothing to do with drugs what so ever.
  20. Bring back extrajudicial killings.

    MAY I remind you that in Thaksin's "war on drugs" in 03 it came out in the official inquiry that roughly 1,200 people lost their lives (gunned down) who had nothing to do with drugs of any kind, is this what you really want?, I would suggest that after you have mulled it over in your mind you retract this silly statement of yours(with respect)
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