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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. I am simply pointing out the fact that they don't have commissions to look into their own abuse of their own citizens - prisoners or not.

    Both your posts are absolutely spot on ,I just wonder how any American prisoners are treated if they are unlucky enough to fall into Taliban hands?, I am well aware that two wrongs do not make a right ,but for anyone to vigorously Complain on the treatment of the taliban and their murderous associates by the US is quite frankly laughable .
  2. I think you've all missed the point of what the Thai police is all about. Like the army it is an armed business group but unlike the army, where the top brass retain total control over operations and their brand, the police is a pyramid franchise operation from the people who have power to appoint the national police chief right down to the lowliest bobbies on the beat. Army footsloggers are just required to carry out orders and don't receive any distributions of profits, while the top brass handle all the revenue generating operations, such as purchasing divining rods, logging and narcotics operations, by themselves. Just conscripting anyone who is too poor to bribe his way out of the draft and isn't obviously a katoey is good enough for their staffing needs and, since virtually no training or skills are required from the rank and file, they can tolerate extremely high staff turnover. The police, on the other hand, need to recruit people with special qualities or the entire franchise system will break down with no torrents of cash flowing up the pyramid any more. They need motivated go-getters with a psychopathic frame of mind - men who are not afraid to violate all laws and regulations in their ruthless pursuit of material gain and who will not hesitate use force to get an extra few bucks, of which the designated percentage will make its way uphill towards the police chief and the polticians. The business model is extremely effective but, hey, you need to be able to tolerate a minimal amount of collateral damage from time to time. This is minimised by an efficient damage limitation programme which ensures that crimes committed by police franchisees will be automatically by covered up by their superior officers in order to keep the statistics of police convictions acceptably low. Sometimes the system breaks down when a franchisee is stupid enough to confess to a serious crime. The idiot in Pai could easily have claimed that a mysterious third party, known only by a nickname, rushed into his house, clubbed his beloved wife to death and then disappeared into thin air. Then he would be still enjoying life, getting shitfaced, gunning down tourists and having fun beating defenceless, illiterate hill trbe women to death.

    One of the best and most accurate posts I've read here in a long time.

    Yeah only someone out of touch with realistic goings on here would disagree .
  3. Darwinism at work during the holidays

    But really this thread should be closed due to Rule 8

    8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

    Are you trying to say that writing the truth is somehow an insult?, maybe this is whats wrong with this Country, people are unable to speak the truth unless someone is "offended" by it , and thus insane driving and carnage day in day out on Thailand,s roads will continue year in year out forever.
  4. Just yesterday I renewed my Thai driver's license in Chiang Mai for another 5 years. Unlike the last time I renewed, I had to re-do the traffic light colour recognition test, as well as the accelerator & then brake pedal reaction test.

    I was amazed at how many Thai people in my test group actually failed the brake reaction test & really had no idea!

    I was then made to sit through a 1 hour English language video presentation on Thai road safety & road rules, before they'd issue me with my renewed drivers license. I remember clearly watching this video and dreaming of what a pleasant place Thai roads would be to use, if they only enforced all these road rules & regulations and actually practiced what they preached in this road safety video!

    All very sad - tragic actually, that so many lives are lost and lives destroyed as a result of road mayhem - especially over the New Year & Songkran holiday periods.....

    The Official Thai driver stopping distance when travelling at 50 kph is roughly 800 metres or not at all
  5. Thai policeman kills six fellow officers

    BANGKOK, December 27, 2011 (AFP) - A policeman in southern Thailand shot dead six fellow officers before turning the gun on himself after a drinking session in a police canteen turned sour, local police said Tuesday.

    Alcohol is served at a police canteen? Astounding.

    No big deal really ,,the cops summarily executed 2,500 in 03 in Thaksin's WOD so this news is very small potatoes .

    There has to be one to bring Thaksin into the play....

    Just drawing simple comparisons pure and simple.
  6. Another report said this

    "After the court issues the arrest warrant for the politician, the police will seek permission from the House speaker to take legal action against the MP as he has legal immunity as a parliamentarian."

    Politicians have legal immunity in Thailand? Is this for real? It would explain why the don't even bother to hide their wrongdoings.

    Can the Speaker of the House deny the court, and stop them from pursuing a murder suspect?

    Apparently only in Thailand!!laugh.png
  7. Thai policeman kills six fellow officers

    BANGKOK, December 27, 2011 (AFP) - A policeman in southern Thailand shot dead six fellow officers before turning the gun on himself after a drinking session in a police canteen turned sour, local police said Tuesday.

    Alcohol is served at a police canteen? Astounding.

    No big deal really ,,the cops summarily executed 2,500 in 03 in Thaksin's WOD so this news is very small potatoes .
  8. Hoping for a bit of clarification. Another paper says that we was convicted on the charge of assault. It would be amazing that the maximum penalty for such a conviction is only 30 days in jail, but I suppose anything is possible in Amazing Thailand. Is the penal code really that light on assault?

    It also pointed out that in court the convict refused to apologize for the attack and furthermore he stated that his actions were intentional.

    While it appears that this is his first actual conviction, given his checkered past, as highlighted earlier, it seems incredulous that this person will remain as a Member of Parliament.

    I also guess nothing developed further from his earlier troubles justifying the degree he received from a diploma mill in the Philippines.

    He's a Thaksin bag man. Nothing really incredible about it. Takki Shinegra needs men of honor like this, to defend himself against the people trying to steal his lawfully earned money. :)

    Your wit and Sarcasm is duly noted, and of course very much appreciated by Myself and no doubt many other members too, keep up the good work ;) ;) ;)
  9. The 11mm Shell casings threw me off. Is that what they call a .45 cal outside of the US? If not, what gun uses a 11mm shell? And if it was a .45 the assailants may have had some cash as a .45cal pistol is not cheap AT ALL here in Thailand like 60,000baht+ minimum (as opposed to a few hundred bucks in the States)

    With respect how do you know that the weapon was bought here in Thailand?,it could easily have been smuggled in through the porous borders of Lao or Cambodia were I am informed they can be purchased quite cheaply .
  10. I love how everyone blames the current gov't for this. It's just a diversion; it's politically motivated etc. etc.. If Supoth didn't take money illegally then this break in would not have netted much, would it?

    Without an explanation for this huge amount of money in cash, there is little to assume except that he is a thief and has been sprung. May this be a lesson to others.

    I love how the current government blames the other parties for this. :rolleyes:

    It's human nature to blame someone else. What they are really is all in bed together; screwing each other. That's Thai nature.

    And Jesus sayeth to the Mob "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
  11. This is definitely the funniest Thailand story to emerge in a long time. I don't know if Supoj is guilty of malfeasance or not but undoubtedly there are people in his position in many Thai ministries and state enterprises who are posing as well educated, honest and respectable poo yai sacrificing themselves for the country on meagre salaries, while actually systematically looting hundreds of millions of baht from taxpayers and cynically depriving them of government goods and services they are entitled to, so they can live lives of luxury and send their arrogant, worthless brats to overseas universities and have them follow in their corrupt footsteps. The contradictory and shifty stories that have emerged in this case create a strong impression that we are dealing with anything but an honest man here.

    For the police Christmas has come early this year. And we haven't even started to consider the potential demands for a cut from the Happy Toilet family. I can't wait to see what kind of incredible story is going to be concocted to cover everyone's tracks and let them get back to the corrupt business as usual that passes for government.

    Good post Arkady, A sad familiar story with a touch of good old fashioned humour thrown in to the mix, I await developments with more than a passing interest ;)
  12. From his CV:

    1977 : Security Officer 3, Department of Labour , Ministry of Interior

    So this guy was just a was a security guard (Ror Bor Por in Thai) in 1977.

    That was the year after he graduated from university with a civil engineering degree


    • 1971 - 1976 : Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering),

    King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi

    There is little doubt this is a setup to get rid of a Newin client in a high position. No doubt as a lesson to others in similar positions.

    This is similar to tactics used in the early days of the first TRT administration to get TRT loyalist into the upper levels of the civil service.


    A setup?

    Who set him up?


    Thaksin? nah wishful thinking,the guy actually set himself up by having so much loose cash in his house and (2) lieing through his back teeth as to how much had been stolen, my take on this is in the end nothing and I do mean nothing will come of it, why? one may ask, the simple reason is the guy simply knows too much ,and if he is "taken down" you can bet your <deleted> he will sing like a canary about other wrong doers , my opinion on this is the sum alleged to have been stolen from him is just peanuts in comparison to the really "big players" who want to keep their noses well and truly in the "trough" without a guy like this waking the dreamsville electorate up as to just what is really going on in this Country.
  13. "Chalerm said that the government is now waiting for the right time to move forward with its plan to help the former premier"

    So basically he is saying: we can't get a pardon for Thaksin this time.................but we will be back!

    Yep quite correct Majic and anyone who disagree's with your summing up should respectfully go and seek urgent medical assistance :lol: :lol:
  14. Oh man, this is my new favorite Thailand story. This is so funny that words almost fail me. Just another corrupt government official, with umpteen million baht sitting in his closet from various shakedowns. Guess he was afraid to put it in the bank where the government might see it, and ask the classic question about " unusual wealth". Such as how did he accumulate such wealth on his 100,000 baht a month salary....... Guess he was too stupid to invest in a good safe !!! :jap:

    Thailand really does need to do something about corruption, or it will remain a nation of peasants whose wealth is being stripped off by the wealthy elite like this guy. Sometimes makes me want to puke.....

    Could be he would have had to have a side wall of his house ripped out so he could get a safe big enough inside to hold the money, making things very noticeable :lol: :lol:
  15. There are still intentions by Yingluck, Chalerm, PT party and the Reds to get Thaksin back.

    They may have had a slight set-back by this amnesty thing (though it's not an open and shut case yet), but they're got other tricks up their sleeves.

    Here's the fall-back scenario. Mr. T simply gets on a jet and arrives in Bangkok, or (better yet) Chiang Mai airport (from Singapore perhaps?).

    Who's going to arrest him? No one. At most, he might be detained for a bit, but as a large supportive crowd gathers, it will quickly devolve in to yet another publicity event. T never let the law get in his way before, so why would the law get in his way if he simply showed up in Thailand - unannounced to the public? Neither the cops nor the army nor the judiciary is going to arrest him - particularly while his sister is in the PM's chair. It's a win win scenario for him, and will probably lead to him being PM again - awhile later. Mark my words, that is what I predict will happen. Incidentally, 5 days before the coup, I predicted the coup in a poem-like letter published in the Bkk Post. You can look it up. Some of the details were a bit off, but it happened within days after I mentioned it would happen within days.

    Yeah you make a very good point which to be candid I or others on this forum will find quite plausible ,of course civil war will ensue within days of this happening with loss of life on both sides ,but as Thaksin has proved in the past he cares nothing for justice or the sanctity of life, megalomaniacs seldom do, now do they! :annoyed:
  16. I wonder what other Cabinet-decisions there might be, which PM-Yingluck is similarly totally-ignorant about, potentially very-worrying precedent that. :unsure:

    Shouldn't Deputy-PM Chalerm be briefing her, on decisions taken, in her absence ? <_<

    Yes, her lack of knowledge of cabinet decisions comes across as dereliction of duty.

    It has already been a few days since that meeting so she must have full knowledge of everything by now, but she has not expressed anything specific to it, probably because she doesn't know what to say (other than the key phrases that she had memorized since before the election - "everything must be done by rule of law", et cetera).

    Come come do you REALLY believe its lack of knowledge on Yinglucks behalf on EXACTINGLY what was going to take place in her"planned" absence? ,IMHO this was planned well in advance between her and Chalerm so she could claim lack of responsibility and knowledge of, as to what had taken place behind "closed doors" nice try Yingluck but sorry "no cigar", not with this kid anyway! :lol: :lol:
  17. I imagined robotic warfare for years and now it is beginning. It's as affective as I thought it would be.

    I thought the idea was to simply annihilate these monsters , the very idea of a "fair fight" with these people and the people who suggest they get one truly appalls me, the word that should be used is "no quarter" pure and simple :angry: .

  18. Classic Thaksin tactic.

    Float some harebrained notion out there and if there's enough public backlash against it, such as in this case, then back pedal, spin, U-Turn, and obfuscate that he ever said the initial harebrained notion.


    It's such a well used tried and tested tactic that I am constantly surprised by the amount of intelligent people who miss it.... the number of dumb ones doesn't surprise me at all.

    Thaksin=Baron Munchhausen personified :lol:
  19. Thaksin Writes Open Letter Supporting All Measures for National Reconciliation

    “I am ready to sacrifice my personal happiness even thoughI have received no justice for more than five years. For all Thai people, I will exercise patience”, said Thaksin.

    Your justice is waiting for you now, and has been for a few years already, along with another half a dozen cases that are ready to be prosecuted.

    You are free to come back now and receive your justice.

    What's the matter? Something lacking down below?

    How dare this total hypocrite talk about "justice" ?,how much "justice" did the over 2,500 dead people receive in his 2003 "war on drugs", why not Google up "Thaksin a human rights abuser of the worst kind" quite enlightening! :realangry:
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