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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Not sad at all but totally idiotic, thank goodness no innocent bystanders were injured or killed.

    Earlier news reports claim that all 6 had been drinking in a Hat Yai night club...the amount of speed required to do that damage to a car is horrendous

    It's very sad. How do you know that they were drunk? Did you ever drink and drive in your life? I think it's a shame to write such a post, as you did. I feel very sorry for their families and friends. jap.gif

    Personally Writing as a guy with over 50 years driving experience ,and after living here since Nov 03 I have yet to travel with a Thai who was driving who could pass a British driving test stone cold sober, least of all when "off his Crust", this is in no way meant as an insult to Thai Drivers rather just a truthful observation from what I have seen thus far.
    • Like 2
  2. The fact that the first reply to this post took to whinging about immigrants 'back home' pretty much proves the OP's point.

    I'm just amazed that there wasn't a rant against Tony Blair in that first response.

    Racists, Racialists. Who cares?

    What we have are anti immigrant immigrants. I think that is a longer way of saying 'hypocrites'.

    So yeah, a separate forum please. Fill it with the malcontents and angry people Surrounded by a high wall and fill with water.

    Yeah but the difference is many Immigrants in Blighty are getting more on the dole than a police inspector here , and I ain't seen or heard of any Ex pat drawing dole here in Thailand have you?
  3. According to the United Nations, there are an estimated 4,400 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, including approximately 300 Palestinians who are detained without charges under the label of so-called administrative detention. "I have requested information regarding each of these persons, and I intend to follow up on each case and address this matter in my forthcoming report to the Human Rights Council," Falk said.

    Brave man. He has my full support.

    If that are cases of human rights violation those responsible for it must be exposed and "the world" (UN) has to speak and stand up against them.

    A support by the International community can work wonders.

    The imprisoned baker Khader Adnan could be become a future president of a Palestinian republic with al-Quds as capital just like the former apartheid prisoner Mandela became the president. Lets hope for peaceful future like that without any questionable and arbitrarily detention of Palestinian people anymore. They deserve the right of peace and freedom like anyone else.

    Mandala could have been released from Prison years before his eventual freedom if he renounced Violence, something which he never he never did., check it out then get back to me!
  4. Ombudsman to check PM's hotel visit, #1 ^

    "PM Yingluck will have to explain her private meeting held on February 8 at the Four Seasons Hotel," chief ombudsman Panit Nitithanprapas said yesterday.

    Yingluck will be checked for compliance on two ethical codes, one for political office holders and the other for MPs.

    Some more evidence, if needed, that coup-ists are lurking behind Parliamentary procedures.

    Put this Oppositional attempt in the context of other Parliamentary settings, the PM would be roasted and attacked in parliament.

    The Oppostion has shown a consistent tendency to shoot itself in the foot however. The only people who this hotel idiocy resonates with, is their own choir. The anger pervasively coursing through the ranks of the Electoral Majority, is focussed on the ethical motives besmirching a PM's personal characteristics.

    The Opposition's intensive FROC-flogging during a national disaster was another one.

    Panit said the inquiry was based on a complaint lodged by the advocacy group, Green Politics.

    Also more evidence of what I have spoken of before.

    The Opposition trying to launder their agenda through seemingly independent groups.

    They often cast them as 'networks'. In this case, they call themselves an advocacy group.

    But I am sure those who want to believe this nonsense will.

    I am sure there are also those who see through it.

    The PTP are in power. Doing something illegal doesn't matter when you're in power.

    Yay for Red Democracy.

    Red Democracy? ,first of all may I compliment you on your sense of humour ,secondly Utter Sarcasm often entertains people as It does myself , keep up the good work coffee1.gif
  5. Ombudsman to check PM's hotel visit, #1 ^

    "PM Yingluck will have to explain her private meeting held on February 8 at the Four Seasons Hotel," chief ombudsman Panit Nitithanprapas said yesterday.

    Yingluck will be checked for compliance on two ethical codes, one for political office holders and the other for MPs.

    Some more evidence, if needed, that coup-ists are lurking behind Parliamentary procedures.

    Put this Oppositional attempt in the context of other Parliamentary settings, the PM would be roasted and attacked in parliament.

    The Oppostion has shown a consistent tendency to shoot itself in the foot however. The only people who this hotel idiocy resonates with, is their own choir. The anger pervasively coursing through the ranks of the Electoral Majority, is focussed on the ethical motives besmirching a PM's personal characteristics.

    The Opposition's intensive FROC-flogging during a national disaster was another one.

    Panit said the inquiry was based on a complaint lodged by the advocacy group, Green Politics.

    Also more evidence of what I have spoken of before.

    The Opposition trying to launder their agenda through seemingly independent groups.

    They often cast them as 'networks'. In this case, they call themselves an advocacy group.

    But I am sure those who want to believe this nonsense will.

    I am sure there are also those who see through it.

    The only people talking about coups is you and the other Mensa candidate, Jatuporn.

    Sums it up really

    Mensa Candidate!,like it, like itviolin.gif
  6. The 'Peoples' PM' should come-clean, and tell how her secret-meeting with major property-magnates was serving the interests of the people & country, rather than giving an impression of doing dirty-deals in-private, as her current squirming seems to suggest.

    If there is nothing to hide, why keep trying to keep a lid on the details, of that meeting ? dry.png

    Most likely stalling for time until Robert Amsterdam can conjure up a worth while excuse for her being there!.
  7. Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Sunday launched an anti-narcotics operation as a national agenda with the aim to eradicate 80 per cent of drug use and drug trafficking within one year.

    deja vu all over again...

    Rah Rah Rah! Only Thaksin could eliminate all the drugs throughout all areas of the whole country!


    Thaksin declares the country 'drug-free area'

    "The government is pleased to announce that the country is now a drug-free area and will proclaim victory in its war on drugs," said Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

    - The Nation / April 13, 2003



    2,500 slaughtered in order to make some asinine, absurd, patently false claim.

    Isan set to become drug-free region

    BANGKOK, 21 February 2012 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung has announced the government policy to turn all 20 northeastern provinces into drug-free areas.

    Police Captain Chalerm traveled to Phen district, Udon Thani province, on Tuesday to receive a briefing on the district’s bypass road project and listen to the local residents’ problems.

    He also delivered the anti-drug policy to coordinators of the “Phalang Phandin” Project against Narcotic Drugs at the Conference Hall of Udon Thani College of Business Administration and Tourism.

    The Deputy PM laid stress on the government’s policy to solve problems of people from all walks of life and confirmed that the government and himself, in his capacity as director of the government’s anti-drug center, were doing the utmost to combat drugs.

    He said Thailand had held talks with neighboring countries and China to find measures to protect border areas, intercept the smuggling of narcotic precursors, strictly suppress drug dealing and rehabilitate drug addicts.

    Police Captain Chalerm reiterated that all government operations to eradicate drugs were under the rule of law.

    Udon Thani is expected to be the first among the 20 northeastern provinces to be free from drugs.


    -- NNT 2012-02-21 footer_n.gif

    Thanks for the PHOTO and your well Informed remarks Buchholz , It just goes to show that "mission Impossible" really is Impossible!
  8. Longway, #375

    There is one thing the reds are not and that is a democracy movement.

    Standing up to the personification of anti-democracy being the coup, would suggest otherwise.

    No-one else stood up to this demonstration of anti-democracy. Only them.

    As imperfect they may be, Democracy is their central tenet.

    Those who question this, show they have not been around them in any meaningful way, and are simply following how the Opposition defines them

    I get this impression from reading your posts and others who support your views.

    Also the reds lack of action or support other than when Thaksin's interests are threatened, whether you know it or not, you have nothing to do with democracy.

    The old saw about simplistically defining the Red Shirts as being devoid of political awareness, other than what an association gives them.

    The opposition is preaching this far and wide, but only their own choir is listening.

    Until the elites and opposition get over this agenda of theirs, can political progress be made.

    Only when political dialogue between equals occurs, can there be progress.

    The Opposition seems very blind to this fact.

    If they ever hope to have electoral success in the future, they'd better get off their high-horse, instead of pissing-off the electoral majority who elected Ms. Y last time around, and will do so again in a heartbeat.

    I repeat I don't get this impression just from the opposition, but from reading you and others who share some of your views. Sometimes I think you must be a planted nation hack as you fit the stereotype of a deluded simpleton so perfectly. Not a clue and not a clue you don't have a clue.

    Your pseudo-logic and incoherent ramblings are pretty standard among red supporters here too.

    What drivel will appear next... will someone claim that state sponsored covered up executions without trial are not undemocratic or that people in the upper levels of government are not above the law. Oh wait....

    Nice one guys. clap2.gif

    You really do have a way with words Longway of which I agree with every single one , keep up the good work! cowboy.gif
  9. In essence what this thread is about is the US using drones and other means as a weapon against the perpetrators of Terrorism against the West and "Un believers", to be realistic the choice is quite simple Either you think the Muslims are morally justified in their war against us, or you think that the US is not morally justified in stopping them ,I have made my views quite plain in saying that the US is acting within its rights , whether you out there think the Islamic fundamentalists are acting within their's by carrying out Suicide killings against innocent people , such as London,Bali,Madrid ,Mumbai,etc etc is your choice,personally this is my last word on the subject as it,s now bordering on the ridiculous!

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  10. I repeat that most of those killed in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan are killed in inter-faith violence, not by drones or foreign troops. And there are many more than 3K killed in areas other than the ME who like me have no interest in their bronze-age myths.

    you mean the smart bombs, cruise missiles, cluster bombs, depleted uranium projectiles and various other ordinance raining down on Iraq and Afghanistan were "Christian" which killed muslim Sunnis and Shias and that's why you call it inter-faith violence?

    apropos myths... perhaps you should replace your myths with facts?

    I was,nt aware this sort of ordinance was used in the Islamic terrorist London transport bombings ,Madrid /Bali /or Mumbai , and in any case in Iraq that was war , not quite the same scenario I would suggest .
  11. Quite correct OzMick, The Sunni's and the Shai's in Iraq are actively slaughtering each other like sheep and have been doing so for donkeys years ,I do not think holy civil war is too hard of a word ,there is an absolute welter of Info on Google which which explains the terrible atrocities committed against each other right now at this moment in time just Google up "How many killings in Iraq between the Sunni's and the Shai's" , which bears no comparison between the US drones taking out suspected Islamic terrorists ,either by nunbers or methods ,

    who or what are "Shai's"? huh.png

    Simple mistake ,it should have read Shai's or Shi,tes ,it must be great to be word perfect ehcowboy.gif
  12. Comparisons may be helpful and provide some insight, but they are not a justification.

    Let's stay on the topic.

    Yeah Fair enough Scott I do see your point ,however the way I look at it if you strongly suspect a radical Islamist of being a Suicide bomber IMHO you do not wait until he detonates the 10kgs of Semtex strapped to his body in a crowded public place to prove yourself correct, but take him out by any means possible and in this instance its with a pilot less drone , IMV the so called "rules of engagement" in cases like this are not applicable .
  13. I just prefer that they practice their murderous tendencies in their own part of the world.

    Well then you should be happy to know with the exception of the 3k killed on 9/11 by mainly folks who held Saudi citizenship that

    all the rest of the hundreds of thousands were killed in *Their* Part of the world....just not by them or their religion

    Or did you mean Yankee go home? wink.png

    I repeat that most of those killed in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan are killed in inter-faith violence, not by drones or foreign troops. And there are many more than 3K killed in areas other than the ME who like me have no interest in their bronze-age myths.

    Quite correct OzMick, The Sunni's and the Shai's in Iraq are actively slaughtering each other like sheep and have been doing so for donkeys years ,I do not think holy civil war is too hard of a word ,there is an absolute welter of Info on Google which which explains the terrible atrocities committed against each other right now at this moment in time just Google up "How many killings in Iraq between the Sunni's and the Shai's" , which bears no comparison between the US drones taking out suspected Islamic terrorists ,either by nunbers or methods ,
  14. The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

    So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

    Actually most of those killed were the victims of believers of a different version of the same religion. As for liking the idea, I couldn't give a rat's anus how many of each other they kill, I just prefer that they practice their murderous tendencies in their own part of the world.

    Obviously by that remark you mean the mass murders in London/Madrid/Mumbai/Bali/ Russia and Southern Thailand all perpetrated by Muslims against people of a different faith . and Steely Dan 270 million ,I see you have read "tears of Jihad " maybe members would like to Google it
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  15. The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion

    I see you cannot give me a credible answer!!!

    What is there to be credible about when you post such an incredulous statement?

    Your statement so easily fits the side of those who invade foreign soils for over a decade now killing thousands of innocent people

    Are you REALLY TRYING TO INFORM anyone that the the London transport /Madrid/Bali/Mubai bombings resulting in Hundreds of innocent lives lost and Thousands injured were not perpetrated by Muslims against infidels?, and I have yet to receive your answer as to how many passages there are in the KORAN stating quite plainly that is the sworn duty of Muslims to kill " non believers" do you really believe in your wildest dreams that Islam is not at war with ALL who do not follow their insane stone age religious dogma?, they cannot even live at peace with each other with the different Islamic sects the Sunni's and the Shai's slaughtering each other like cattle on an almost daily basis,and BTW the word "JIHAD" appears 41 times in the Koran.
  16. The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

    So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

    Could you please be more specific with your question , I thought I had made my point quite plain ,that if those who seek to destroy a nation(Israel) and to a lesser degree the West based on a religious ideal that the Islamic,s find abhorrent should not expect anyone to play by "the rules" of engagement.

    Yes it was quite clear what you said....just not factual

    I see you cannot give me a credible answer!!!
  17. The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

    So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

    Could you please be more specific with your question , I thought I had made my point quite plain ,that if those who seek to destroy a nation(Israel) and to a lesser degree the West based on a religious ideal that the Islamic,s find abhorrent should not expect anyone to play by "the rules" of engagement.
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  18. It appears that the excuse given of the alleged sex tryst, is nothing compared to the real Story

    That one is much worse than the original false red herring allegation.

    It seems the alleged sex tryst was ACTUALLY the coverup story,

    that they thought they could easily quash in the papers or just let be a distraction.

    And not let the really bad story of the land speculators meeting with the PM be even noticed.


    SEX SEX>>> wring your hands.....

    But ignore that guy behind the curtain pulling the levers.

    Wait a minute we see his shoes!

    But now the real story is out,

    and it is far more salacious than if she was meeting a boyfriend.

    A very astute summing up Animatic ,my compliments ,however the REAL truth is hardly likely to surface beyond periscope depth , I suppose its OK for the "faithful" here in Issan to swallow anything that Thailand's "saviors" put out as "the gospel", but for most right thinking people their words of utter deceit hold about as much water as a car park puddleviolin.gif
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  19. Builder

    -You can assume the builder already knows youre there from the Village Khun Yai/Tha Network. And if he's already showing attitude problems, imagine building a house with him! It can only get worse. Go elsewhere.

    "... the second aunt ... can help for 150K... build the house." coffee1.gif

    How shall I say this...? Your girlfriend must be extremely beautiful and talented, because you are clearly out of your mind. This is an extraordinarily bad move, as you'll be guaranteed to set up a conflict between your builder and your Auntie Builder as he's not paying her and she's a Thai woman - they tend to run the show, or else. And, her qualifications are what, that she's related to your girlfriend? Better to just burn 150 1000 Baht notes at a Chinese funeral to guarantee you'll be rich in the next life.


    Shade your exterior walls, weatherstrip doors & windows, and insulate your ceiling with at least 150mm thickness, and as much as you can afford... Period/Full Stop.

    Post spacing is based on soil, concrete strength, concrete column & beam design, roof loads/geometry... thus, no simple answers. But the builder's number is about right for a typical Thai simple house.

    Put a roof over your Kitchen, else you'll be made sorry by the cook.

    Extend the shower across the entire width of the room, its not a birdbath :]

    Think about window placement for cross ventilation and your bed location. And keep up-wind areas shaded and/or green-space as much as possible to keep from heating up the breezes before they come into your house.

    Think about setting up your workspace outside your bedroom, in the Living Room. Else, spending too many hours in one room can make you go crazy.

    Think about making the nanny suite much smaller and with a separate entrance from out of the house - will need an ensuite toilet too, but you'll be a MUCH happier man, believe me. This is so she doesn't become a permanent fixture in your family home. she's not your wife or your kid, you'll likely have no privacy, and things may well get too closed in for you as a westerner.


    Not going into the why's and were fore's of the house, Just where you are situating it. In the middle of Isan. Surely to most boring place in the world.

    Who own's the land aunty or some other part of the family if so it will never belong to you or you wife, so get the land bit sorted first. How is the Internet connection, as you said you work from it. 2. you are right next door to family and I don't know if you know but living within 300 mile's of family is a No No here. "I happen to think 500 is even better" There are lot's of reason's, but just a few. Money you will supply all, they the family will be in your house 24/7 and try and run your life, The G/L has already told you she want's help from them, and Family is No: one here and I'm sorry to say that mean's Thai family and your not Thai. The time I have heard oh it's Ok they are family so it's all right for them to clean out the fridge are to many to mention. I could go on and on, I'm not trying to be a party pooper just trying to advise before you lay out lot's of monies and end up going mad. Not an easy thing to do but maybe try and rent a place there for the duration till you can sort thing's out. Slowly slowly catch a Monkey as the saying go's. Best of luck.

    Yeah you have it right no doubt about it, but you appear to have forgot the "padlocked" fridge as the "family" will regard everything inside it as "theirs" ,privacy? not a hope in hell , renting is a far better proposition, at least for a "trial" period until you are fully aware of "village life" coffee1.gif
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