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Posts posted by coma

  1. So can I assume that you cannot provide a link / evidence to support the :offtopic: topic claim in your previous post then ? :redcard1:

    Hamas says didn't mean to target Israeli school bus

    Thursday's attack, which critically wounded a teen and moderately wounded a bus driver, has sparked latest round of border fighting; Israel air strikes have killed 17 Gazans thus far as rockets continue to be fired into Israel.

    Hamas said on Saturday its militants did not intend to target Israeli schoolchildren when they fired a rocket at a bus two days ago, critically wounding a teenager and moderately wounding the bus driver, in an attack that sparked the latest round of border fighting.

    "It was not known that the bus targeted on the outskirts of Gaza carried schoolchildren," spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters, adding that the road where the bus was travelling was often used by Israeli military vehicles.



    Eddy. It still does not excuse the attack. Unless they get firm evidence that the IDF are using buses then i for one cannot agree with engaging that type of target.

    More likely it was carried out by poorly disciplined, opportunistic operators that seen the bus as a slow,large moving target and new they could get an easy hit on it. Just my observation.

  2. But it always comes back to the point of view that Israel cannot do no wrong.

    You repeat this like a broken record, but no one says it or even thinks it. Some of us prefer a Western style democracy over another likely Islamic rogue state, but that does not mean that we think that Israel never does anything wrong.

    1] If it isn't happening in your homeland then forget about other peoples prefered way of life. Your preference is your vote and you don't have one outside your homeland. So stop trying to push your idealism down mine and other people around the worlds' mouths please.

    2] Well I never see you come out and condemn Israel killing civilians or evicting Palestinians from thier homes etc etc. It also means that you may indeed think that. How about being the first to come out and say Israel rapes, kills innocent women and children ???? ;) Or haven't got the intestinal fortitude to do so ?

  3. 1) Iran need a diversion from internal dissent.

    2) Hamas are doing some electioneering by proxy for the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, who Hamas originated from.

    3) Escalation now would diminish the chances of Hamas being pressured into following Oslo accords if they can keep the violence going until September.

    Point one is a little far fetched. Where does Israel fit into the escalation? Lets blame Iran for the spike before Israel. A little rich wouldn't you say ?

    Israel retaliates to escalation, it has nothing to gain by attracting attention to itself during the Arab Spring.

    Iran actively supports Hizbollah and Hamas and is looking to start a war, hence it's incitement and interference with the affairs of sundry nations in the middle east. A recent example is their attempt to smuggle chemical weapons from Libya to Gaza via Sudan.

    And the US actively supports Israel and :offtopic: rebels in Libya , The mujahadeen in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussain in Iraq etc etc.

    We can sit here and go around and around in circles. But it always comes back to the point of view that Israel cannot do no wrong. There is two points of view to this story. I can see both sides and have openly stated so in numerous threads. It is the one eyed willys here that are quite laughable in thier chain of thought, being Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist groups. In ones eyes they are terrorists.But you need to see the flip side to that coin. People in the Middle East see Israel as terrorist state. And the invasion of Iraq was the biggest terrorist attack in history. And people wonder why they hate us. Hypocritical behaviour is not doing us any good. As all good leaders do we need to led the world by example. Not hypocracy. Not by' do as I say but not how I do. Anything that anybody here claims about South America, Africa or the Middle Eastern Countries conducting of weapon/ drug smuggling or terrorism needs to take a long hard look in thier own backyards and history before crying hard done by against any other nation or organisation. :thumbsup:

  4. All the better for Iran to smuggle arms directly through to Syria and Hizbollah over land.

    Go to Google news & type in gun smuggling in the US

    Note that whole page will be 2 days or less old in stories.

    It is time to remove the blur in our (USA) own vision before we try to help others with their vision less we blind them in the process.

    We have no more business there & I am not saying we ever did....But in the face of all that is happening in the USA it is time to quit pissing in the wind.

    Time for sound economical reform & that starts with stopping the hemorrhaging of dollars where we are not wanted or even politically correct in being present.

    At a time where the government is running week to week & in constant threat of shutdown it is not just foolish it is insane to continue these excursions.

    Well said. ;)

  5. We all know that the damage and casualties are minimal from these attacks...

    Right. And the Hamas military wing that took credit yesterday for firing a missile into a yellow marked school bus crippling a child was just harmless fun.

    Get real.

    Targeting a school bus is just sooooooo very brave.

    You need to read my post properly and in context before ripping the 'get real' out at me sport.

    Geriatrickid reads and writes quite well. ;)

    He can answer for himself. You just posted more :offtopic::spamsign:

  6. Do you have a link to this incident ? I had a quick search and could not find it. Thanks.

    It's on some pro Israel blogs. More objective Haaretz has different numbers. What isn't in doubt is that some kind of escalation is occurring in the Israel/Gaza conflict.

    I agree 100%. The question is why? What are thier new objectives for this spike in activity ? Hamas has definately stepped up thier offensive ops on Israel. And Israel is hell bent on giving it back to them 10 times over. Hurt one of ours, we kill 10,15, or 20 of you. Not good for anybody. Something tells me that Hamas and its military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, are not singing from the same sheet of music anymore.

    1) Iran need a diversion from internal dissent.

    2) Hamas are doing some electioneering by proxy for the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, who Hamas originated from.

    3) Escalation now would diminish the chances of Hamas being pressured into following Oslo accords if they can keep the violence going until September.

    Point one is a little far fetched. Where does Israel fit into the escalation? Lets blame Iran for the spike before Israel. A little rich wouldn't you say ?

  7. Same said peoples' position in relation Palestinians and Hamas is clear.

    Don't worry, your position is very clear.

    So can I assume that you cannot provide a link / evidence to support the :offtopic: topic claim in your previous post then ? :redcard1:

    I read the article and took the quote from a link in a series of quotes that you posted.. Maybe you should read them before you post. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Would you care to ellaborate ? I am still waiting for you to provide evidence of your earlier claim which you seem to be obviously evading because it is false. :bah:

  8. All the better for Iran to smuggle arms directly through to Syria and Hizbollah over land.

    Understand what you are saying but at the end of the day it is Iraq and the Middle East. Their business. Not the US.

    Do you believe it is Persian-Iran's business to interfere in the Arab countries?

    Sadr protesting for foreigners to leave Iraq is irony at its finest. He just wants Iraq defenseless enough so that his masters in Iran can take over and make him the Governor or whatever.

    NO. Can you read ??? I said the Middle East. Here is a list of Middle Eastern countries. http://en.wikipedia....s_by_population

    I don't see the US on this list.Iran is however. Why don't you people learn to stay out of other peoples lives ? You are not wanted anywhere in the Middle East.

    Sadr is an Iraqi. He has a democratic right to protest compliments of the US invasion. I have clearly shown you that your arguement is a failure. :mfr_closed1:

  9. Yeah, so the USA is the biggest terrorist. Yada, yada, yada. Let's get real here, there is a struggle between the west and the more radical extremist fundamentalist elements of the Islamic world (not Islam the religion but the radical anti-western political elements best represented by Iran's government). It would be nice if it wasn't violent, and it would also be nice if stupid mistakes weren't made, such as Bush's adventures in Iraq. But, really, which side are you on?

    You could be onto something here at last Jing. One man's terrorists is anothers freedom fighter. So in Lybia they are fighting for the US, therefore they are freedom fighters. Hamas are fighting for Palestine, not the US therefore they are terrorists. Israel, like it or not, admit to it or not. But the fact is that they do conduct terrorist activities.

  10. Do you have a link to this incident ? I had a quick search and could not find it. Thanks.

    It's on some pro Israel blogs. More objective Haaretz has different numbers. What isn't in doubt is that some kind of escalation is occurring in the Israel/Gaza conflict.

    I agree 100%. The question is why? What are thier new objectives for this spike in activity ? Hamas has definately stepped up thier offensive ops on Israel. And Israel is hell bent on giving it back to them 10 times over. Hurt one of ours, we kill 10,15, or 20 of you. Not good for anybody. Something tells me that Hamas and its military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, are not singing from the same sheet of music anymore.

  11. Do we have any independent confirmation that three were killed and that they were civilians? I say this in light of belated admission by Hamas that it lost 600-700 of it's men during the Cast lead offensive as oppose to the 49 it originally admitted. Hamas have lied before and will no doubt continue to do so.

    http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/article1656847.ece If you read this article it counts 6 civilians since last thursday along with 11 militants. There is alot more news articles on google. Pick one and read . Still waiting on Ullysis to get back to me with his claims. :lol:

  12. We all know that the damage and casualties are minimal from these attacks cuz thier rockets are nothing more than homemade, ineffective projectiles and mortars only have a minimal range. That and the fact that they obviously have not much knowledge in how to employ these weapon systems effectively equals minimal effect. I note they fired a AT rocket at a bus [a disgraceful act I may add] with only one person injured thankfully. That in itself shows how ill trained they must be at employing such weapons systems, as a direct hit on a 'soft target' such as the bus with an AT weapon normally ends in complete and utter carnage.

    IMO right now both Hamas and the Israeli government a carrying on like a pack of school children, very immature indeed, therefore neither side can seriously be contemplating peace negotiations at this time. :annoyed:

    Right. And the Hamas military wing that took credit yesterday for firing a missile into a yellow marked school bus crippling a child was just harmless fun.

    Get real.

    Targeting a school bus is just sooooooo very brave.

    You need to read my post properly and in context before ripping the 'get real' out at me sport.

  13. IF IF IF

    No "IF" about it.

    Saturday, April 9, Hamas and its allies, acting now on Hizballah guidelines from Lebanon, fired 24 heavy Grad missiles and more than 50 mortars shells at seven southern Israeli towns in an expanding radius up to Palmahim in the north. Despite bomb shelters and home guard measures, 20 Israelis were injured or suffered shock.

    Do you have a link to this incident ? I had a quick search and could not find it. Thanks.

  14. If the school bus was full and the fuel tank had been hit we could be looking at 50 dead and a cast lead 2 would be a certainty. As it happens Hamas have plenty of reasons to escalate matters now, the Israelis have n

    "If" as I put it was in response to Steely Dans highlighted sentence. Nothing in relation to Ulyssis quotes. The fact of the matter,and some have a problem with acknowleding this fact, is that 3 Palestinians were killed in THIS attack which this OP is about. I don't wish to get into the same old arguement with the same old people about the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. As you can clearly see by my original post on this thread. It was balanced and was strictly talking about the OP. However some like to highjack these threads and take them off on another direction to voice thier apparent distain towards the Palestinians and thier supporters of a free state,such as myself. Same said peoples' position in relation Palestinians and Hamas is clear. Therefore we don't need to go over it again, again and again. Do we ?? :jap:

  15. Contact the local Thai wildlife authority and they will come and move them for you. I don't see any reason to kill them like you killed the mother.

    Come on Coma !! the Thai don't even look after there dogs & Cat..... so a snake has no chance ...and every one of my Thai neighbours kill EVERY snake on sight poisonous or not .. but if you can supply me with the address or phone number of the Thai wild life authority at will come and remove them I will be most grateful ...cheers

    What forced you to kill it ? Do you have a valid reason? You can let your own fingers do the walking for the phone number. Most Thai neighbours will know somebody that is capable of moving them along if you cannot contact the correct authorities.Snake are actually our friends. Just like spiders. They eat all that we don't actually want bothering us such as rats and insects . My message I guess is to get educated about snakes. We live with them more than you may think. And they do not attack us at ALL. Humans attack them on the contrary. Please move them along if you must. And please don't kill them. :jap:

  16. I really should brush up on my English skills. I thought the story read that 3 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces. Not that 3 Israelis were killed by Hamas. :ermm:

    How many times is it necessary to explain that intent is just as significant as the number of casualties. If the school bus was full and the fuel tank had been hit we could be looking at 50 dead and a cast lead 2 would be a certainty. As it happens Hamas have plenty of reasons to escalate matters now, the Israelis have none.


    Before dawn Saturday, April 9, Hamas inflicted its heaviest missile blitz yet on southern Israel. - acting now on guidelines from the Lebanese Hizballah. More than a dozen heavy Grad missiles were aimed at seven Israeli cities injuring 10 civilians. One exploded in the sand dunes of Palmahim, aimed at Israel's nuclear research reactor at Nahal Soreq, More missiles landed south of Kiryat Gat, Ofakim, Beersheba and Ashkelon. Sirens sent people running for cover in Gedera and Gan Yavneh. The two Iron Dome systems deployed last week intercepted six of the Grad missiles fired at Beersheba, Ashkelon and Ashdod. The IDF responded by targeting three senior Hamas commanders in an air strike in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younes.

    IF IF IF

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