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Posts posted by coma

  1. Israel isn't under a blockade.

    No, just the rocket attacks

    In the last decade 29 Israelis died from rocket attacks. RIP :jap:

    sORRY, I think you have a problem with maths.

    just 2000-2007 542 have been killed.

    and again i guess again its Israel's fault for having the infrastructure to protect its citizens-bomb shelters and warning systems.

    No, no,no. My maths is fine thank you.


  2. Both sides are stressed for different reasons. If it is a contest about which side is experiencing more pain now, OK, it's the Palestinians, yippee!, they win, free falafel for a year. So what? Is that the contest? When are the Palestinians going to unite to be represented by ONE government? How can talks even begin to start without that?

    Very soon. It was only today that Palestinian demonstrated as one, hand in hand, side by side in the streets of Ramallah. This will strengthen thier resolve and soon they will have what they deserve. A free and safe homeland to call thier own.

  3. Kuffi. In reply to your last post:

    What was before that you ask??? War, war, war...

    Who started it in 1948 and has continued it until now? It was not Israel. :bah:

    Once again you are in breach of forum rule :

    30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

    You begiining to sound like a school boy." Ohh Ms. That's not fair, he started it. Your argumant is an epic failure.

  4. Kuffi. In reply to your last post:

    What was before that you ask??? War, war, war and repeated incursion by Israel.Rape, killing, stealing houses and land. Lets be realistic here. It is in Israels best interest to starve of the Palestinians. A strong Palestine would have Israel shitting in thier pants. As for Egypt. That is way :offtopic: .

    You can only kick a dog so many times before it bites. As I have stated before in other threads that it would be in Israels best interest to come to the party and start following popular world opinion before the Arab world, after the ongoing revolution is over, joins together and pushes Israel into the sea. If you think I am being a little over the top then that is ok. But deep down you know that this scenerio is a valid one. Soon Palestine will indeed be free with the support of the entire world sha allah[god willing] and it will be israel that finds itself without a seat when the music stops.

  5. There are plenty of Jewish loons that are virulent anti-Semites. Just Google up some hate-sites and quotes from them are featured prominently.

    All of this comes with free speech which is something that very few Islamic countries allow, so they all seem to agree on pretty much everything.

    Irwin Cotler: The new anti-Semitism Posted: February 17, 2009, 9:00 AM by Kelly McParland Reflecting on the contemporary surge in anti-Semitism, Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel has stated, "I have not felt the way I feel now since 1945. I feel there are reasons for us to be concerned, even afraid ... Now is the time to mobilize the efforts of all of humanity." This sentiment is what brings together parliamentarians from around the world, for the first conference of the International Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism.

    What we are witnessing today is a new sophisticated, virulent and even lethal anti-Semitism, reminiscent of the atmospherics of the 1930s, and without parallel since the end of the Second World War. This new anti-Jewishness found early juridical expression in the United Nations' "Zionism is Racism" resolution, but has gone beyond that. Traditional anti-Semitism is the discrimination against, denial of or assault upon the rights of Jews to live as equal members of whatever host society they inhabit. The new anti-Semitism involves discrimination against the right of the Jewish people to live as an equal member of the family of nations -- the denial of, and assault upon, the Jewish people's right even to live -- with Israel as the "collective Jew among the nations."

    Read more: http://network.natio...x#ixzz1Gih3RUeh

    The New Anti-Semitism

    By Denis MacShane

    Tuesday, September 4, 2007

    Hatred of Jews has reached new heights in Europe and many points south and east of the old continent. Last year I chaired a blue-ribbon committee of British parliamentarians, including former ministers and a party leader, that examined the problem of anti-Semitism in Britain. None of us are Jewish or active in the unending debates on the Israeli-Palestinian question.

    Our report showed a pattern of fear among a small number of British citizens -- there are around 300,000 Jews in Britain, of whom about a third are observant -- that is not acceptable in a modern democracy. Synagogues attacked. Jewish schoolboys jostled on public transportation. Rabbis punched and knifed. British Jews feeling compelled to raise millions to provide private security for their weddings and community events. On campuses, militant anti-Jewish students fueled by Islamist or far-left hate seeking to prevent Jewish students from expressing their opinions.

    More worrisome was what we described as anti-Jewish discourse, a mood and tone whenever Jews are discussed, whether in the media, at universities, among the liberal media elite or at dinner parties of modish London. To express any support for Israel or any feeling for the right of a Jewish state to exist produces denunciation, even contempt.


    This " Holocaust survivor " Elie Wiesel is indeed exactly that. A weazel. How dare he preach about " discrimination against Jews to live as an equal". Anybody who has ever been to Israel and Palestine [apart from the plethera of one eyed willy's] will quickly see that Israelis live a lifestyle that Palestinians can only dream of. What a joke. :lol:

    I am sorry but who stopped Palestinians from developing for the past 50 odd years? Gaza and West bank has been under Palestinian rule and yet nothing has changed, so are you AGAIN trying to blame Israel for Palestinian Authority incompetence and corruption throughout?

    So i guess the poverty in Egypt is also Israeli fault :blink:

    the 1 000 000 living is Israel share that same life and dream just like Israeli Jew.

    Sure does to help to think prior to posting :whistling:

    It is called the Israeli blockade.

  6. Come on. Even you must admit that this does not fit Hamas' MO. Or any terrorist organisations MO. Sneaking in in the middle of the night to kill a family while they are sleeping. Please. IMO it definatley sounds like a personal grudge. If not the little asian man running around the middle east with a knife then maybe some pissed of Palestinian who got kicked out of his house in the middle of the night by the IDF only 48 hours prior to this terrible 'murder' occured. Think about it.

    Absolutely! but the investigation created by that site or whoever is simply a comic book.

    Asian guy killed the family and now running around Westbank and can not be caught???

    Are there so many Asians in Palestine? and especially in the Westbank?

    To work for Israeli family he would have to hold visa to Israel so it really should not be hard to identify him, BUT No name, No nationality, No address-nothing.


  7. Anybody who has ever been to Israel and Palestine [apart from the plethera of one eyed willy's] will quickly see that Israelis live a lifestyle that Palestinians can only dream of.

    The Israeli Arabs seem to be doing fine.

    Suicide bombings and shooting rockets into civilians do not exactly endure you to your neighbors. :whistling:

    There you are again Cut up peoples posts and infact in breach of forum rule number:

    30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

    You are a serial offender.

  8. A suspect is under investigation in the murders and he is not Palestinian. He is Asian and is alleged by a neighbor of the slain family to have threatened the family after he was not paid 10,000 shekels in wages owed him for work performed.

    Naturally, the only source available at this point is Palestinian and I have no interest in arguing its validity, only that the investigation is in the early stages and all handling of the matter be done in consideration of the early stages and not jump to silly conclusions that could lead to irreparable damage.

    Motive, opportunity and cui bono fit the new suspect more so than an unknown Palestinian terrorist, I doubt that Palestine, at least the leadership, be they Hamas or whomever would think this is a great time for a major terrorist attack. Palestine has recently gotten sympathy from the international community and doing anything to conflict with that recognition would just be plain stupid. I am not saying however, that they are not capable of doing something completely stupid.


    Now that definatley seems like a more plausable course of events and I eagerly await the outcome of the investigation.

    Simple logic

    Witnesses and evidence showed there were 2 men not 1.

    Westbank is not exactly flooded with Asians running around.

    So even one was take that site serious or as a credible source, it would clearly show that Palestinian Authority are totally and utterly useless, since they can not even arrest 1 person who would stand out like a sore thumb.

    Little like Palestinian official making a statement that France is to recognize Palestine, yet France denies any such promises or statements.

    Come on. Even you must admit that this does not fit Hamas' MO. Or any terrorist organisations MO. Sneaking in in the middle of the night to kill a family while they are sleeping. Please. IMO it definatley sounds like a personal grudge. If not the little asian man running around the middle east with a knife then maybe some pissed of Palestinian who got kicked out of his house in the middle of the night by the IDF only 48 hours prior to this terrible 'murder' occured. Think about it.

  9. There are plenty of Jewish loons that are virulent anti-Semites. Just Google up some hate-sites and quotes from them are featured prominently.

    All of this comes with free speech which is something that very few Islamic countries allow, so they all seem to agree on pretty much everything.

    Irwin Cotler: The new anti-Semitism Posted: February 17, 2009, 9:00 AM by Kelly McParland Reflecting on the contemporary surge in anti-Semitism, Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel has stated, "I have not felt the way I feel now since 1945. I feel there are reasons for us to be concerned, even afraid ... Now is the time to mobilize the efforts of all of humanity." This sentiment is what brings together parliamentarians from around the world, for the first conference of the International Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism.

    What we are witnessing today is a new sophisticated, virulent and even lethal anti-Semitism, reminiscent of the atmospherics of the 1930s, and without parallel since the end of the Second World War. This new anti-Jewishness found early juridical expression in the United Nations' "Zionism is Racism" resolution, but has gone beyond that. Traditional anti-Semitism is the discrimination against, denial of or assault upon the rights of Jews to live as equal members of whatever host society they inhabit. The new anti-Semitism involves discrimination against the right of the Jewish people to live as an equal member of the family of nations -- the denial of, and assault upon, the Jewish people's right even to live -- with Israel as the "collective Jew among the nations."

    Read more: http://network.natio...x#ixzz1Gih3RUeh

    The New Anti-Semitism

    By Denis MacShane

    Tuesday, September 4, 2007

    Hatred of Jews has reached new heights in Europe and many points south and east of the old continent. Last year I chaired a blue-ribbon committee of British parliamentarians, including former ministers and a party leader, that examined the problem of anti-Semitism in Britain. None of us are Jewish or active in the unending debates on the Israeli-Palestinian question.

    Our report showed a pattern of fear among a small number of British citizens -- there are around 300,000 Jews in Britain, of whom about a third are observant -- that is not acceptable in a modern democracy. Synagogues attacked. Jewish schoolboys jostled on public transportation. Rabbis punched and knifed. British Jews feeling compelled to raise millions to provide private security for their weddings and community events. On campuses, militant anti-Jewish students fueled by Islamist or far-left hate seeking to prevent Jewish students from expressing their opinions.

    More worrisome was what we described as anti-Jewish discourse, a mood and tone whenever Jews are discussed, whether in the media, at universities, among the liberal media elite or at dinner parties of modish London. To express any support for Israel or any feeling for the right of a Jewish state to exist produces denunciation, even contempt.


    This " Holocaust survivor " Elie Wiesel is indeed exactly that. A weazel. How dare he preach about " discrimination against Jews to live as an equal". Anybody who has ever been to Israel and Palestine [apart from the plethera of one eyed willy's] will quickly see that Israelis live a lifestyle that Palestinians can only dream of. What a joke. :lol:

  10. A suspect is under investigation in the murders and he is not Palestinian. He is Asian and is alleged by a neighbor of the slain family to have threatened the family after he was not paid 10,000 shekels in wages owed him for work performed.

    Naturally, the only source available at this point is Palestinian and I have no interest in arguing its validity, only that the investigation is in the early stages and all handling of the matter be done in consideration of the early stages and not jump to silly conclusions that could lead to irreparable damage.

    Motive, opportunity and cui bono fit the new suspect more so than an unknown Palestinian terrorist, I doubt that Palestine, at least the leadership, be they Hamas or whomever would think this is a great time for a major terrorist attack. Palestine has recently gotten sympathy from the international community and doing anything to conflict with that recognition would just be plain stupid. I am not saying however, that they are not capable of doing something completely stupid.


    Now that definatley seems like a more plausable course of events and I eagerly await the outcome of the investigation.

  11. Is this the one you are inquiring about ?

    Yes, that is the story I was looking for. Thank you coma. I still would like to find anything on the French woman's name and the exact date of her death as well as anything else about the incident.

    Your welcome BarnicaleBob. I find using the google search engine quite useful for finding such infomation. I just type in the main content of my question and up it comes.

    That way I won't put up links in the future that are not allowed here.

    Didn't even realise. Maybe they could put up a list of things we can do on this forum. It would surely make a shorter read that the current 'not to do' list.:blink:

    Hope you find what you are after. :jap:

    Hi, simply look at the forum rules that have a link at the top of the forum. The rules you clicked you agreed to follow when you signed on as a member ;)


    Thanks SBK. :jap: And ;) right back at you.

  12. Is this the one you are inquiring about ?

    Yes, that is the story I was looking for. Thank you coma. I still would like to find anything on the French woman's name and the exact date of her death as well as anything else about the incident.

    Your welcome BarnicaleBob. I find using the google search engine quite useful for finding such infomation. I just type in the main content of my question and up it comes.

    That way I won't put up links in the future that are not allowed here.

    Didn't even realise. Maybe they could put up a list of things we can do on this forum. It would surely make a shorter read that the current 'not to do' list.:blink:

    Hope you find what you are after. :jap:

  13. Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

    <deleted> you have made the 3rd comment on this subject and you are already accussing everyone of something that hasn't even been mentioned yet.

    Richard10365 is simply making a statement which is perfectly valid. He is not accusing anyone of anything........ is he? so why the hysterical outcry over nothing???!!!!:blink: Keep things in context will you please. Another thing, how can he possibly accuse someone of something that hasn't been mentioned other than to say he did........well, something, I imagine, anyway!!

    IMO Softgeorge's comment is also entirely valid. SICHONSTEVE's post was only the 3rd on this topic and is quick on using the word 'everyone'. If my maths are correct, in this case "everyone" amounts to 2 people.

    There seems to be alot more to this story than meets the eye. The ongoing investigation should be interesting. Let's just hope and pray that the BIB don't come to any outrageous conclusions as they have done all to many times in the past.

  14. Why are you worried about shingles?

    Oh, well. First things first: You ONLY get shingles if you previously had a case of chicken pox. So, if you were lucky enough to avoid the pox as a kid, then you will not get shingles.

    Secondly, the vaccine is quite expensive and only recommended for people over 60.

    One segment of people who are really concerned about shingles (herpes zoster) are those with HIV/AIDS or other immune problems. Sorry. Zostavax is a live virus vaccine so people with immune problems can't use it.

    I find the question a bit odd. How do you know the poster isn't 60 or older?

    And it is a rare person that age (or even for that half that age) who has not had chickenpox, since the vaccine against it was only developed about 25 years back.

    As to effectiveness see http://www.fda.gov/B...cines/UCM070418

    On average it reduces the risk of shingles by half, but a bit better than that if given before the age of 70. And, in people who nonetheless develop shingles, the pain and severity is reduced.

    Anyone who has had shingles will tell you this is well worth it. The pain is excrutiating and the drugs used to shorten the duration are also very costly.

    While it is recommended for persons 60 and over, it is still effective if given earlier. the reason for the 60 year recommendation is that it is a costly vaccine and shingles most often occurs after age 60...though I know some people who got it in their early 50's. (And no, they were not immunosuppressed). I'm 58 and plan on getting it as soon as its available here. That kind of pain, I don't need.

    BTW most people living with HIV these days are not immunosuppressed, thanks to the medications now available. Many have completely normal CD4 counts and minimal or undetectable viral levels. Such people may well be able to get the vaccine although they should of course check with their doctor first.

    Would this Zostavax injection be effective against an individual that already has other types of Herpes ? i.e Cold sores and genital herpes?

  15. If one has been to war he will know all to well that any death is a terrible, terrible event. Be it women, children, men, combatants, non combatants. Killed by enemy fire or friendly fire. It is all horrible. ISAF is trying to defeat violence with more and more violence. Obviously casualties, be they civilian or not are naturally going to increase. One needs to ask the question. Is all this killing really worth it ?

    "Wake me up when September ends".

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