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Posts posted by coma

  1. At the end of the day. The United States of America is the minority on this resolution. The only one out of 15 security council nations to vote against in. MINORITY. They need to pull there heads in. It wasn't so long ago other countries exercised their veto powers on the resolution to invade Iraq. Once again thE US snubbed thier noses at these very same powers and the world and paid off countries to form a ' coalition of the willing' which it's endsate was/is to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizen in the hunt for a White Elephant.Pathetic hypocrites. :annoyed:

  2. If you ever get bitten by a snake. IMPORTANT.Do NOT wash or wipe the bite sight. Put a compress bandage on tightly. Start at the bite sight and move down the limb away from the heart. Then up, down,up down until you run out of bandage. Immobilize the limb [if it is a limb bitten] and yourself as much as possible to keep your heart rate down. Draw a small circle on the bandage around where the bite is so when you get to hostpital they can just cut that part out and take a swab to test the venom to find out what snake it is, all the while maintaining the compression. These days if you have trouble identifying the type of snake, the hospital will do it for you or there are numerous anti venoms that can treat all types of snake bite.

    Snake are not like bees, therefore don't die after biting. Using energy to try and capture or kill the snake for identification purposes is just down right silly and a waste of time. The energy you use doing this will only get the venom moving through your body quicker.

    A basic discription of the snake if the victim gets a look at the perpertrator will safice. Hope this helps.

    Thanks for the tip.... but I would still like to know the best hospital to go to in the event of a snake bite....

    No worries. I believe that the nearest hospital would be the best hospital without doubt and would definately be my first preference. The rush is not to get to the anti venom. It is more of a priority to get to medical attention in general such as IV fluid and observation to determine the appropriate action.Thai hospitals are all well equipped to treat snake bite as it is quite a common occurance here in Thailand. I must state that I am not one that believes in the 'urban myths' that bigger and more expensive hospitals here in Thailand are better than others for non specific treatment/ procedures.

    This is just IMO and is advice that i offer taken from personnal experience. In the end it is your call. Good luck.

  3. This is why I kill snakes first.

    Not me. I rescue them. Two days ago I rescued a cobra that had been run over by a scooter. The scooter's tire has forced out a series of eggs that were trailing behind the snake and prevented the cobra from moving quickly. I stopped traffic and picked up the snake by the tail and tore off the trailing eggs. Then I released it into the bushes. Snakes do a lot of good getting rid of rats and mice. They mostly want to get away unharmed. Unfortunately, whomever owns the property, are filling in the pond behind my hotel room, and the poor snakes are being displaced into the city.

    Good work and good for you IanForbes. Killing snakes is barbaric and reserved only for those who don't understand and therefore are shit scared of them. Some would do well to get educated about snakes. Ohh. And maybe stop watching movies such as Anaconda and King Cobra. :o

  4. If you ever get bitten by a snake. IMPORTANT.Do NOT wash or wipe the bite sight. Put a compress bandage on tightly. Start at the bite sight and move down the limb away from the heart. Then up, down,up down until you run out of bandage. Immobilize the limb [if it is a limb bitten] and yourself as much as possible to keep your heart rate down. Draw a small circle on the bandage around where the bite is so when you get to hostpital they can just cut that part out and take a swab to test the venom to find out what snake it is, all the while maintaining the compression. These days if you have trouble identifying the type of snake, the hospital will do it for you or there are numerous anti venoms that can treat all types of snake bite.

    Snake are not like bees, therefore don't die after biting. Using energy to try and capture or kill the snake for identification purposes is just down right silly and a waste of time. The energy you use doing this will only get the venom moving through your body quicker.

    A basic discription of the snake if the victim gets a look at the perpertrator will safice. Hope this helps.

  5. "The engine malfunctioned for an unknown reason," Krissana said.


    -- The Nation 2011-02-15

    Read- ran out of fuel! Does not matter how good the pilots are, if the grounds crew are anything like my Thai staff, it is amazing more planes don't crash after emptying already empty tanks.

    Engine mal ? If that is true. Then I would be hard to see how there was a collision between both aircraft in that situation.

    As for running out of fuel. Once again it would be hard to imagine two aircraft running out of fuel simultaniously. Even for RTAF.

  6. Ones ability to mimic the CORRECT sounds of a language is a great advantage.

    However I found that when I learnt to read Thai my accent seemed to dissappear after time. I only know this as my teacher has told me it has. I have also noticed over the last few years that when I make appointments over the phone with somebody I have never meet , they seem to believe that they are talking to a Thai. When i go to meet them in person they get somewhat of a shock to see I am indeed not a Thai. :unsure:

    Therefore IMO reading Thai script is a must, which assists us in seeing and pronouncing the short/ long vowels, tones and the numerous foreign sounding constanants correctly, that will get the desired sound / accent. :o

  7. $50 million apiece. Anyone know if the blame game has begun yet? Cannot possibly be pilot error, can it? :rolleyes:

    O.K. I will take the bait and suggest it pilot error if nobody else is game. Mid are collision on exercise [ not an airshow] tells me lead aircraft with wing man. Possibly flying tight, screwed up and had to bail out. Interesting to read the report when it comes out.

    I did hear of another RTAF F16 that crumped in in October last year and the pilot in that incident was not so lucky. :(

  8. Yes. Good get up for the swiss. A great deterant for anybody thinking about conducting any sort of criminal behaviour inside somebody else's house.

    Maybe all these mass shootings and murders that one reads on almost a daily basis around the globe would be reduced if we level the playing field a little and allow Joe Citizen, not just allow criminals and Scitzo people [admittingly most access them illegally], have access to these types of firearms. :ph34r:

  9. He is not a diplomat and does not have immunity according to the latest reports.

    A US consular employee has appeared in court charged with the murder of two motorcyclists who were shot dead in the Pakistani city of Lahore.

    Looks like he is in deep shit and this will put a strain on the US, Pakistan relations.

    WOW! His story should make interesting reading. :ph34r:

  10. Anyone who can shoot and kill two guys on a moving motorcycle with a pistol is a pretty good shot. I mean a real good shot. Although I only assume it was a pistol I have never seen a diplomat carry an assault rifle. Crowded street, people riding motorcycles everywhere, run over one guy with your car and shoot dead two others without hitting innocent bystanders. The dude has some heavy training me thinks.

    Got to agree with you on this one, and as another poster said more to this than they are saying.

    As I showed in the news report above, 4 shots were at one person and 3 shots at another. Doesn't mention how many were on target though. ;)

    As for the "vet" humor, back on topic guys.

    He lived and they both got KIA'd. That's all that matters.

  11. Coma, you are in no position to disprove anyone's experiences here anymore than they are to prove them. Arguing over the veracity of their stories is pointless. There's no shortage of vets on this forum.

    Oh good. Any vets know the best sort of flea spray here, type that won't kill puppies?

    I have heard that a dishwashing liquid and water mixed sprayed on dogs works a treat. So I have been told. :rolleyes:

  12. @mark45y

    I have been shot at in a crowd and armed with a .45 auto pistol

    I also had a bomb thrown in the back of my truck and did not fire on the assailant with my submachine gun

    Do you live in a warzone? :)

    Why not just post your entire service record so we can all get real impressed ?

    Or maybe we could start a thread designated only for TV members' service records so everybody can compare p#$% sizes. ;)

  13. Anyone who can shoot and kill two guys on a moving motorcycle with a pistol is a pretty good shot. I mean a real good shot. Although I only assume it was a pistol I have never seen a diplomat carry an assault rifle. Crowded street, people riding motorcycles everywhere, run over one guy with your car and shoot dead two others without hitting innocent bystanders. The dude has some heavy training me thinks.

    Remember that guns are widespread in the US. Being a good shot isn't all that sinister.

    Removing diplomatic immunity might be a very unwise thing to do in a country like Pakistan. It's not like this incident would draw any attention if it wasn't a diplomat doing it and a US diplomat at that.

    Credo, I have to tell you I am a good shot. I am better than good I am even credentialed as an expert marksman and have the certificates and medals to prove it. Shooting in a crowd is not easy. I have been shot at in a crowd and armed with a .45 auto pistol did not return fire because I was afraid of hitting someone. I also had a bomb thrown in the back of my truck and did not fire on the assailant with my submachine gun because I was afraid of hitting people. I jumped out of the truck and ran away.

    Most of the people in the US who can shoot can do so because of hunting. 99% of hunters hunt with a rifle or shotgun not a pistol. Good pistol shots in the US are few.

    Farmers and ranchers have guns and shoot snakes and varmints, again most of the time with a rifle.

    I carried a pistol legally because I deposited cash from my restaurants. I went a couple of times a year to a range to shoot to stay in practice but it is not the same as shooting someone. As much as you have done it, adrenaline kicks in and it is difficult for all but the most hardened recent combat veteran to shoot another person.

    Still not much info out on this one yet. But I agree. I aint no decendant of Wyatt Earp or William Bonny but I have spent my fair share of time out on the range.And I believe it is quite dIfficult indeed to effectiively engaged at target on the move with a short barrelled firearm. It takes hours and hours of firing thousands of rounds in all sorts of differant serials to be proficient. Look at this guy. He didn't miss. Not a one. He may well be some Ninja F#&k Master. IMO :ph34r:

  14. Do you really have any question now as to why she would want to return to see what justice done. The poor girl is lucky to be alive and probably never wants to see Thailand again or eat in a Thai restaurant in her own country

    I understand what you are saying but she may be the key to ensuring this guy doesn't see the light of day again. Me's thinking.:(

  15. I may have read the original post wrong. I thought he was asking about taste [ food only] If so then solly ครับ

    I understand ความนิยม to mean; favorate, popular. To try to answer your question without going in to deep is that I use คนละรส when talking about food and drinks only. And my Thai friends never pull me up for it nor do they look at me with a bewildered face as they do when I try to use other phrases. LOL

    When I started to learn Thai i was always told from the start. DO Not go attempting to translate Thai directly into English as it will bring me unstuck. So I don't do it. :unsure: More input anybody? :jap:

    I took it to be an idiom, I have heard it all my life, it covers everything which distinguishes one person from another. I don't like the way he treats his children but 'each to his own' .

    Is that what your Thai friends hear? I never would bother to try to traslate English into Thai, if I don't know it I can't say it and I don't try. At least that is what I hope to do. But most people want to, this is an example of that.

    The expression คนละไม้คนละมือ is Thai 'all hands to the pump' so when you say คนละ ??? they may think you mean sharing in some way. คนละ does mean one person of a group, just as 'each' does.

    I think it is interesting that we can never be sure what Thai people hear.

    Wow! You are great on your สุภาษิต และสำนวน 's ;)

    Lol. Learning them is great for understand Thai language and Thailand in general alot more. They paint a great picture of the way thai people think and why they are the way they are.

  16. And the sad part is that his young wife would most likely be alive had justice been served in the first instance. That is really sad.

    The problem with the Thai thinking on these things is that killers tend to keep killing. Murder doesn't get harder for them, it gets easier. If the foot dragging was anti-farang, then they have managed to kill a Thai lady over it.

    Now another family gets to suffer due to an initial miscarriage of justice.

    I agree with you. Some 'heads need to roll ' for not at least putting a tighter leash on this grub after being the prime suspect in an 'unsovled' homicide. :(


  17. I would say "คนละรส". "Khon la Rot". Because it is exclusively referencing one's taste buds. But "คนละอย่าง" "khon la yaag" could also be used in the same situation. คนละแบบ ๆ ล ๆ Yes. What ever floats ones boat. :)

    What does 'To each his own mean. ? 'What ever floats your boat' 'Whatever turns you on'; I think they all need to be put into meaningful English then translated.

    คนละอย่าง says 'Each person(s) sort/ means/ type/ which may carry a lot of meaning, I don't know.

    Tried to edit when I saw that Meadish had done what I wanted. Not qualified to edit my own post!

    Following the taste of the individual.

    Is taste understood in the same way as English? I wondered if ความนิยม didn't mean taste in that sense. However having got it how would you use it? I assume all English speaking Thais would understand it.

    I may have read the original post wrong. I thought he was asking about taste [ food only] If so then solly ครับ

    I understand ความนิยม to mean; favorate, popular. To try to answer your question without going in to deep is that I use คนละรส when talking about food and drinks only. And my Thai friends never pull me up for it nor do they look at me with a bewildered face as they do when I try to use other phrases. LOL

    When I started to learn Thai i was always told from the start. DO Not go attempting to translate Thai directly into English as it will bring me unstuck. So I don't do it. :unsure: More input anybody? :jap:

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