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Posts posted by coma

  1. Well it definately seems as though the Nato is pushing the UN mandate to the very limits and in some cases beyond. They are blatantly targeting Gaddafi as an individual, which was not part of the UN sanctioned charter, by attacking his compound and other sites where he maybe under the guise that they are 'control centres'.

    How is this protecting the people in Bengazai? What will the UN mission in Libya do when the rebels start to attack Gaddafi loyalist which a majority are civilians also?

    This is a civil war. Where was Nato during the Sudanese civil war? :blink:

    I ask again since no one I've asked so far that has mentioned the limits of the UN sanction in spite of numerous posts mentioning it being either to the edge or over the top what is the limits of the mandate?

    There obviously seems to be no limits with this mandate. It is quite easy for any military to find loop holes or back doors to mandates and rules of engagement in order to do as they please, e.g Calling Gaddafi's compound a control centre so they can bomb it.

  2. could be time to pull the plug on this one. Getting out of line and way of the topic which is off course

    Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts :mfr_closed1:

    " Well, there's no understanding of the Palestinians at all. I mean, they're living there and these people want to come and take their homes and land and water and kill their children and kill them. How many are still under arrest in Israel—never been charged, never been tried, never been convicted? Thousands. Why? Meanwhile, we keep giving Israel everything. Our government bribes the Israelis by saying, "Please come to the [negotiating] table and we'll give you this and we'll give you that." Obama's last offer to the Israelis was $22 billion in new fighter planes, a veto at the UN for anything pro-Arab or pro-Palestinian and a three-month freeze on the colonization and settlers. I mean, what is this? They gave away the store, just as Reagan and every other president did. Why do you have to bribe people to do the right thing? I don't want my government bribing anybody. I want them demanding. Stop all this aid to Israel when they're killing people " :clap2:


    I believe its already been established that Arab King owns White House, sure helps to read the thread prior to posting ;)

    That is a paranoid conspiricy theory and you dam_n well know it. Everything posted above is fact that cannot be refuted. In fact it has been well documented in text, live media and in the US State Departments foreign policy and once again you, Kuffki, are in denial. No need to reply to my post cuz I already know what your response will be. DENIAL of the facts.

  3. Well it definately seems as though the Nato is pushing the UN mandate to the very limits and in some cases beyond. They are blatantly targeting Gaddafi as an individual, which was not part of the UN sanctioned charter, by attacking his compound and other sites where he maybe under the guise that they are 'control centres'.

    How is this protecting the people in Bengazai? What will the UN mission in Libya do when the rebels start to attack Gaddafi loyalist which a majority are civilians also?

    This is a civil war. Where was Nato during the Sudanese civil war? :blink:

  4. Once again. Read the headline before going of topic as usual :

    Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in Gaza

    Same story, differant news heading. What is next ? Another couple of hundred for and against posts until it gets closed down. I think I read one poster yesterday in a related thread state that "this is not news because it happens everyday". News would be that they have stopped all this continued killing and are going to the peace table. :annoyed: Now that would be real news.

  5. According to the United Nations, about 1,500 homes were demolished by the IDF just in the Rafah area in the period 2000-2004.[11]

    In 2004, Human Rights Watch published the report 'Razing Rafah: Mass Home Demolitions in the Gaza Strip'.[12][13] The report documented what it described as a "pattern of illegal demolitions" by the IDF in Rafah, a refugee camp and city at the southern end of the Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt where sixteen thousand people lost their homes after the Israeli government approved a plan to expand the de facto "buffer zone" in May 2004.[13][14] The IDF's main stated rationales for the demolitions were; responding to and preventing attacks on its forces and the suppression of weapons smuggling through tunnels from Egypt[15]

    Hardly the actions of a government with a policy of nation building [except for thier own] or seeking a peaceful resolution with Palestine.

    Anybody who refutes these facts, that occured only in a 5 year period and continue to occur on a similar scale today, is a person in denial with themselves.

    So again Israel has no right to defend itself, and should just sit around and be bombed? Firing rockets into another Nation aiming at civilians is hardly an action of a government with any policy at all, furthermore, i would not even call it a government but rather a terrorist state, would not you?


  6. According to the United Nations, about 1,500 homes were demolished by the IDF just in the Rafah area in the period 2000-2004.[11]

    In 2004, Human Rights Watch published the report 'Razing Rafah: Mass Home Demolitions in the Gaza Strip'.[12][13] The report documented what it described as a "pattern of illegal demolitions" by the IDF in Rafah, a refugee camp and city at the southern end of the Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt where sixteen thousand people lost their homes after the Israeli government approved a plan to expand the de facto "buffer zone" in May 2004.[13][14] The IDF's main stated rationales for the demolitions were; responding to and preventing attacks on its forces and the suppression of weapons smuggling through tunnels from Egypt[15]

    Hardly the actions of a government with a policy of nation building [except for thier own] or seeking a peaceful resolution with Palestine.

    Anybody who refutes these facts, that occured only in a 5 year period and continue to occur on a similar scale today, is a person in denial with themselves.

  7. No. You didn't answer my questions. And personnally I don't care much for your, what I deemed a RHETORICAL, question about blacks being enslaved and mistreated because that is a disgusting suggestion as it is being directed towards me in an almost acussational way I find that on the extremely high side of offensive.

    Yet you think it is OK when you make similar insinuations about Jews - and not for the first time either. :bah:

    :bah: right back at you sport. Hope you have a nice Sunday afternoon. I am heading out for a Sunday session myself. Take care.:D

  8. And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

    By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

    "if it were possible Israel would be signing it's own death warrant by agreeing to it as tanks and planes are not effective in close quarters fighting which would be the inevitable result of returning to the 1967 borders".


    FACT : This is why Israel follows the current policy on Palistine today. It has everything to lose [which it took in the past] and Palestine has everything to gain.

  9. The use of proportionate force would be desirable. Attacking the actual mortar plate would be proportionate and would ensure the nutralization of combatants only.

    According to the Jerusalem Post, two Israelis were lightly injured and a building sustained serious damage.

    "Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip killed seven Palestinians and left 46 injured"

  10. Most of them were from other Arab countries and had immigrated to Jerusalem because the Jewish majority had made it thrive and then declared war on the Jews and lost. Arafat was Egyptian.

    Read some legitimate history books before posting such twaddle. :whistling:

    The flip side of that coins is the fact that alot of Jews from Europe flocked to what is now called Israel after British handed then Palestine to the Jews. ;)

    And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

    By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

    Then one must ask these questions. Why is this so? Why, throughout history, have they been persecuted by the Germans, the British, the Arabs? And why now in the present day are countires such as France, Indonesia, Russia, UK, USA and UN etc etc condeming Israels policies on Palestine and pushing for the establishment of an Palestinian state?

    Children who play fair at school are usually popular amongst thier peers.

  11. Most of them were from other Arab countries and had immigrated to Jerusalem because the Jewish majority had made it thrive and then declared war on the Jews and lost. Arafat was Egyptian.

    Read some legitimate history books before posting such twaddle. :whistling:

    The flip side of that coins is the fact that alot of Jews from Europe flocked to what is now called Israel after British handed then Palestine to the Jews. ;)

  12. Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

    I believe it would be traumatic stress that has a greater impact on young children than the influences of thier parents. These children see the horrors of armed conflict with thier own eyes on a daily basis. All the agression that is directed towards them or that they are exposed to on a daily basis comes from the IDF. Big, strong and heavily armed soldiers that come into thier homes in the middle of the night, that arrest and take away their brothers and fathers, that line the street of thier neighbourhood etc etc. This leaves a life long impression in these young childrens minds.

    Even the most battle hardened adult soldiers suffer from this, some after spending only a short time in a war zone. These children were born in a war zone and live in constant fear for their lives without fully understanding why.

    Of course a mother, a father, brother or sister who has lost a loved one or property at the hands of Israeli policy will feel vengeful. This is a human trait that is not exclusive to Palestinians. Once again if children see this vengence from thier own family members then this will also have a lasting effect.

    I don't believe we can say that Palestinian children are brought up by parents who's sole mission and wishes for thier own children it to hate Israel. No parent would wish that sort of a life for little loved ones.

  13. And how dare Neranyahu complain or Countries might think he doesn't want peace, what they might think of Hamas is anyone's guess.


    Hamas wins Cairo's recognition, strikes Israel with 50 mortars

    DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 19, 2011, 12:27 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Egypt Hamas Israel mortar barrage Syria IDF shows Iranian arms bound for GazaIsraeli civilians living around the Gaza border woke up Saturday, March 19, to the most massive mortar attack in years – 50 rounds fired in 15 minutes. Two civilians were injured and substantial damage caused to property. Hamas unusually claimed responsibility, emboldened by the support it has won from a new ally, the new rulers of Cairo, which have now lined up with Syria and Iran.

    The Netanyahu government has not informed the Israeli public about the ominous new winds blowing in fromCairo although they are already in motion: Cairo has given Hamas rule of the Gaza Strip de facto recognition, is about to lift the blockade on the Gaza Strip and is forging new understandings with Damascus and the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad radicals based there.

    Interesting read indeed.

  14. Death count in the protests hits more than 50 says my source. What is the alternative to the present government? The country is literally crawling with Al Qaida. IMO The Yemen is the one country we cannot allow to fall down into a complete loss of law and order. We don't need another Somalia on the map.

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