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Posts posted by coma

  1. Speaking with some thais this morning in San Sai. They were saying they are terrified about a Tsumani hitting Chiangmai. Had to assure them that they have more chance of winning the lottery than a Tsumani hitting. They seem to think quakes and tsumani go hand in hand. I don't know who fills thier heads with all this rubbish.

    Thai logic.:whistling:

    They were probably thinking that the water out of the Ping river was going to rise up and bit them. B)

  2. A diplomat breaking the official secrets act, repremanded for being drunk at work and leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub. :cheesy:

    I at least commented on his suspect commentary and left others to check the link if curious, but you are improving, I can find no holocaust denial or 9/11 conspiracy claims in his C.V

    What has leaving his first wife for a belly dancer he met at a Tashkent nightclub got to do with the price of fish. God bless the man I say. :bah:

  3. Pakboong, so you do not have any evidence, you do not even have a hypothetical and the only thing you are doing is posting utter rubbish.

    Unless you have evidence please stop posting same nonsense theory's or make "mentions" without any evidence or even decency trying to support it

    May I suggest you ignore my posts?

    Good luck with that request Pakboong. :D

  4. Vince Crawley, a spokesman for the US military's Africa Command, said that one crewman had been recovered and one was "in process of recovery".

    Both crew members suffered minor injuries.

    Crawley said the crash occurred "overnight." He declined to give the location of the incident and also would not say how the rescued crewman was picked up.

    How didn't they pick them both if it was just outside Bengazi. The weapons sysytem officer has probabley hook up with the rebels and is conducting some :ph34r: Ops.

  5. That is a pretty radical post dude. We can all finally see how passionate you are on the subject. ;)

    The UN, the EU, the Non-Aligned Movement, African groups, Arabs groups - all biased, pretty much everyone around the globe got it wrong.

    That report that speaks about Hamas war crimes is wrong according to Zionists because it speaks also about Israeli war crimes.

    No its biased because it does not speak the full truth of Hamas war crimes and exaggerates the truth when it comes to israel

    Using Hamas operatives as eye witnesses would classify it as biased, would not you say?

    Denying Hamas used civilians as human shields while all evidence points otherwise is also biased, would not you agree?

    Claiming that Israel targeted civilians when there is endless evidence that Israel warned civilians prior to attacks is also considered biased, do not you think?

    I only wish Hamas had the same courtesy to warn the civilians prior to firing rockets, OH but wait, they aim at civilians bah.gif

    Not only that but Hamas kills and tortures its own people, but putting that in the report just sliped his mind

    Sounds like your problem is definately with Hamas. Why don't you take it up with them and leave the rest of us in peace ? :unsure:

  6. Sorry but whose book says "kill the infidels"?

    Here we go, ... again.

    Whats good for the goose-good for the gander!

    By using the term infidels I would guess you are refering to the Koran. However if you hade used the term Gentiles as in 'Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!' or 'Kill The Best Gentiles' I would have gone for the Talmud. If on the other hand you asked which book asked specifically for non-believers to be stoned to death then that would be the Bible (Deuteronomy 17:3 to 5).

    ALL of these quotes need to be considered in the context they are written though they do seem to have a common thread in being used to spread hatred and intollerance.

    Amen to that. :drunk:

  7. Russia's Goldstone vote angers Israel


    U.N. rights chief defends Goldstone Gaza findings


    Goldstone defends UN Gaza report


    UN Approves Goldstone Report Resolution on Gaza War Crimes


    'U.S. to stand by Israel in the fight against Goldstone report'


    That is a pretty radical post dude. We can all finally see how passionate you are on the subject. ;)

    Or perhaps the truth sometimes is little hard to acceptwink.gif and what is radical? the amount of sources disputing the report ?

    No. Just the way that you present them. But carry on as I am starting find it amusing. :lol:

  8. Russia's Goldstone vote angers Israel


    U.N. rights chief defends Goldstone Gaza findings


    Goldstone defends UN Gaza report


    UN Approves Goldstone Report Resolution on Gaza War Crimes


    'U.S. to stand by Israel in the fight against Goldstone report'


    That is a pretty radical post dude. We can all finally see how passionate you are on the subject. ;)

  9. Well it definately seems as though the Nato is pushing the UN mandate to the very limits and in some cases beyond. They are blatantly targeting Gaddafi as an individual, which was not part of the UN sanctioned charter, by attacking his compound and other sites where he maybe under the guise that they are 'control centres'.

    How is this protecting the people in Bengazai? What will the UN mission in Libya do when the rebels start to attack Gaddafi loyalist which a majority are civilians also?

    This is a civil war. Where was Nato during the Sudanese civil war? :blink:

    I ask again since no one I've asked so far that has mentioned the limits of the UN sanction in spite of numerous posts mentioning it being either to the edge or over the top what is the limits of the mandate?

    There obviously seems to be no limits with this mandate. It is quite easy for any military to find loop holes or back doors to mandates and rules of engagement in order to do as they please, e.g Calling Gaddafi's compound a control centre so they can bomb it.

    Now you're finally catching on... That was my point, the mandate is very broad so I was wondering if the posters claiming the mandate had been "violated", "exceeded its purview or on the "edge" actually knew what those limits were. Clearly they didn't and are clueless posting tripe with 0 credibility.

    Some complaining about Gadhaffi's compound being bombed but clearly in this case that was to be suspected of being command and control since he himself commands directly so it stands to reason that it would need to be targeted to deter his capabilities to control his forces. Same goes for the airports in bombing the runways it's not beyond the mandate it is part of what is necessary to properly enforce the mandate of a no fly zone..

    That is what I was getting at. I mean, any 'coaltion' war planes or ships can literally target and destroy any farmhouse. chook house and out house in Libya and can use the old miitary throw away line that "it was a target of strategic value to the mission that needed to be destroyed". Without having to answer to anybody but themselves.

  10. Maybe he is comparing it to the Vietnam War when veterans lost the lottery and went off and lost their lives as well. In another filthy war which we had no business in, cost us everything and gained us nothing. Just like Iraq. Just my observation.

    May that soldier and all those who have made the ultimate sacrific in the name of politics rest in peace. :jap:

    Then maybe he is wrong for making the comparison.

    Why are you defending him? If he is wrong, he is wrong. No amount of justification can make his words correct.

    The draft ended early 1973. The Vietnam war ended April 1975.

    I will echo your RIP.

    I think we can compare all conflicts together cuz I guess everybody ends up losing.

  11. Maybe he is comparing it to the Vietnam War when veterans lost the lottery and went off and lost their lives as well. In another filthy war which we had no business in, cost us everything and gained us nothing. Just like Iraq. Just my observation.

    May that soldier and all those who have made the ultimate sacrific in the name of politics rest in peace. :jap:

    Actually for the most dangerous years of the Vietnam conflict there was no lottery. Everyone registered for the draft and the men who had deferments did not have to go. At first you could get out of going if you were in college or married but those deferments were dropped as the manpower needs increased. At the height of the war they were even drafting for the Marine Corps. A lot of Americans moved to Canada to escape the draft and were eventually welcomed back into the country.

    Interesting insight there Mark45y.

    Cheers. :)

  12. Maybe he is comparing it to the Vietnam War when veterans lost the lottery and went off and lost their lives as well. In another filthy war which we had no business in, cost us everything and gained us nothing. Just like Iraq. Just my observation.

    May that soldier and all those who have made the ultimate sacrific in the name of politics rest in peace. :jap:

  13. Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

    Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

    They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

    An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

    And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

    Please explain how Netanyahu is managing to keep the leaders from Hamas sitting down with the leaders of Fatah. Has he somehow built a magic bubble around one or the other to keep the two organizations from talking? If they wanted to meet, why can't they both fly to Zurich and sit down over tea and crumpets?

    In response to your statement..."he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way." I would like to know what your version of the correct method would be in order to establish peace in the Middle East.

    The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948 and they have not managed to create peace. You have magically come up with the solution.

    Perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing it with this anonymous forum.

    Read the headline of this story.

  14. Yeah. I get it. Once again Israel is right and Palestinians are wrong. :(

    No, not Palestinians but Hammas.

    Attack did not come from Palestinians but from Hammas and response targeted Hammas not Palestinians.

    Hamas doesn't operate in the West Bank. Correct? So why are the IDF contantly evicting Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank that they have lived in for 50 years or more to allow Jewish families to move into those very houses? In plain view of the evicted family.

    WAIT: Don't answer that. It is a rhetorical question that needs no answer.

    sO IF you do not want an answer, why do you bother to ask a question???blink.gif

    Not to mention that somehow you have managed to bring Westbank into Gazza rockets.

    oh thats right, my previous post makes too much sense, so time to change the subject?whistling.gif

    As usual you are right. AGAIN! :D

  15. Yeah. I get it. Once again Israel is right and Palestinians are wrong. :(

    No, not Palestinians but Hammas.

    Attack did not come from Palestinians but from Hammas and response targeted Hammas not Palestinians.

    Hamas doesn't operate in the West Bank. Correct? So why are the IDF contantly evicting Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank that they have lived in for 50 years or more to allow Jewish families to move into those very houses? In plain view of the evicted family.

    WAIT: Don't answer that. It is a rhetorical question that needs no answer.

  16. Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

    Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

    They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

    An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

    And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

    link please


  17. Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

    Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

    They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

    An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

    And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

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