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Posts posted by coma

  1. Malaysia don't recognized Israel as state and so they are not recognizing Israeli passports. That makes traveling to Malaysia for Israeli national quite difficult. Jews who are nationals of other countries, countries Malaysia has diplomatic relationship with, will not have problems to travel to Malaysia because they are Jews.

    That might have something to do with the fact that they have no way to tell who is Jewish and who is not. These twisted justifications of race and religion hatred are ridiculous.

    Malaysia Airlines serves kosher meal on board


    you are cracking me up with that one dude. B)

  2. Dissing Jews plays big in the Muslim world. Clearly Ahmadinejad is quaking in his boots about the prospects of revolution in his own country.

    I doubt he is quaking in his boots. He handled the last attempted revolt 2 years ago quite effectively.

    2] Is there anyway we can leave the poor old, hard done by Jews out of this thread?

    What an excellent idea, but it is your beloved Ahmadinejad who somehow managed to bring Israel into it. Perhaps you should take it up with him and since he is soo sooo intelligent according to your own words, i am sure he will have no problem understanding it.

    And yes he handled the revolts really well-just killed and jailed his own people.

    He set an excellent example and other nations should use him as a role modelblink.gif

    Once again instead of showing warmth. You openly show your hatred. I have not seen you post a nice word about anything or anybody on this forum.

    Yes I think he is intelligent. Does that make me a bad person or a less person than you for doing so? A you currently or have you ever held the post as a head of state for a country the size of Iran. You don't get that job unless you are in the know and have ability.

  3. Dissing Jews plays big in the Muslim world. Clearly Ahmadinejad is quaking in his boots about the prospects of revolution in his own country.

    I doubt he is quaking in his boots. He handled the last attempted revolt 2 years ago quite effectively.

    2] Is there anyway we can leave the poor old, hard done by Jews out of this thread?

  4. I just think that if the African Union and the Arab League want to intervine in the Libyan crisis then get a UN charter and go ahead and do so themselves.

    The problem is we still don't f&*#ing get it. The majority of Arabs do NOT want Western powers meddling in the Middle East. Be it Bahrain, Libya, Egypt or anywhere else.And I am talking about the people. Not the puppet regimes that are asking for interention. This is the very core of Al qaeda's and all other terrorists reason for 'Jihad' against the West. IMO We need to stay out of it. Gaddafi is a very unsavoury character indeed but he must still have a mandate in Libya otherwise the rebellion would have been successful by now. WITHOUT external assistance.E,G The people of Libya are speaking. And at the moment the majority seems to be with Gaddafi.

  5. Gee Coma ONLY USA and Israel not the entire world?????

    Intelligent person knows when to speak or when to shut up- he would not know what tact or politics is.

    Fools are more dangerous then intelligent people because fool himself does not know the next stupid thing he will do or say.

    Perfect portrait of him - FOOL


  6. I don't think he is a lunatic. I think he is very intelligent and dangerous to world peace though. Not sure what difference it makes. His Mullahs also may be apocalyptic (but Bush was kind of like that too); is that insane or just ultra religious?

    I agree. His is not a lunatic and is extremely intelligent to the contrary. The US and Israel know this and that is why they regard him as one of the most dangerous individual on earth.His weak point ,if he has one ,is that he speaks his mind. And a tactically and strategically sound world leader should be wary of a trait as such.He says things that other world leaders agree with but know better than to openly talk about them on the International stage.

  7. A mysterious virus that's 500% more efficient in targeting the farang!

    There maybe alot of Thais dying from the same condition however it goes undiagnosed. They would just put it down to something else I guess. However,in the documented cases of the foriegners that have either died or taken ill with it, it seems there was only one male. The elderly Englishmen. Maybe it effects the girls more. Just an observation.

  8. Has "BO" called for "air strikes" in Libya? This is about as accurate as the rest of your political posts. :rolleyes:

    Yes, looks like EnSvenskTiger knew exactly what the US is up to, even if it wasn't official then few days ago. (But unlike you, I cannot say if rest of his political posts are similar accurate, because i don't know all of them)

    Authorise Libya air strikes, US urges UN

    Washington's ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, says new resolution would authorise aerial bombing of Gaddafi's tanks

    Ewen MacAskill in Washington and agencies

    guardian.co.uk, Thursday 17 March 2011 07.58 GMT

    The US is pushing the UN to authorise not just a no-fly zone over Libya, but also the use of air strikes to stop the advance of forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.

    Washington's ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said on Wednesday that a no-fly zone would have only a limited use, and that the Obama administration was working "very hard" to pass a new resolution, which would authorise the use of aerial bombing of Libyan tanks and heavy artillery.



    WOW. The silence is deafening. :lol:

  9. The American Government can pout all it wants, but running around with a gun and a camera is clearly an abuse of the diplomatic privilege. There's no way to ever know if he was the victim of a street crime or if he initiated or caused the confrontation that led to the shootings, does anyone in their right mind think the American Government would act any differently if an alleged Pakistani diplomat had killed 2 people in America?

    Politics stink but American arrogance is far worse.

    Who said the US government is pouting?

    Many diplomats are authorized to carry weapons.

    I never heard of a camera being a restricted item so I think most any diplomat can carry one.

    I sometimes carry a camera and I am not a diplomat. Should I stop carrying my camera?

    Thank you,

    Signed, an arrogant American. :jap:

    If a Pakistani diplomat in the US capped two bad guys on the streets of Washington I know for a fact they would not allow him to leave the country under any circumstances. Except maybe to send him to Guantanamo Bay. Sharia law is a digrace.

  10. The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow. Which I might add that baby inevitably grows up without a father after he turns over from old age . And men enslaving thier 'wives' as prostitutes in thier homeland is another problem.

    However it also has some laughable conditions. $2550 per month is a joke.If a Cambodian was on $2550k a month they would be in the high society group in Phnom Phen. Also the age thing should be adjusted to an age differential as opposed to the 'cannot marry' for over 50 year olds. So what they are saying is that a 51 year old foriegner wants to marry a 49 year old Khmer then that it against the law. Please.:lol:

    The law has merit you say and then you rip the whole thing apart...and as for the old dudes with the kids in tow, how do you know the kids have not been provided for after said 'old dude' has popped his clogs.....most kids outlive their parents

    You obviously fit the bill. Being provided for is one thing. But growing up from a young age without a father is hard for a child.

    That said. In my post I did say it has merit. I didn't say it was flawless, good or bad. It does how ever have good points and bad points.

    They should put their efforts into stamping out the human trafficking, not penalise people who wish to marry a younger person, and as for fitting your bill , am not married and have no kids :whistling:

    I was talking about the old part. ;) I agree. They definatley need to address the human trafficking trade. This law is a sorry attempt at doing so.

  11. That is a great statement. Doesn't put stop to the fact that there is indeed and uprising going on now, Right now as we speak. And people are being shot dead on the streets of Bahrain. Regardless of whether they are the hosts to F1 or PGA tour events. Apart from that I guess we will all just have to wait and see what happens then. Won't we ?

  12. The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow. Which I might add that baby inevitably grows up without a father after he turns over from old age . And men enslaving thier 'wives' as prostitutes in thier homeland is another problem.

    However it also has some laughable conditions. $2550 per month is a joke.If a Cambodian was on $2550k a month they would be in the high society group in Phnom Phen. Also the age thing should be adjusted to an age differential as opposed to the 'cannot marry' for over 50 year olds. So what they are saying is that a 51 year old foriegner wants to marry a 49 year old Khmer then that it against the law. Please.:lol:

    The law has merit you say and then you rip the whole thing apart...and as for the old dudes with the kids in tow, how do you know the kids have not been provided for after said 'old dude' has popped his clogs.....most kids outlive their parents

    You obviously fit the bill. Being provided for is one thing. But growing up from a young age without a father is hard for a child.

    That said. In my post I did say it has merit. I didn't say it was flawless, good or bad. It does how ever have good points and bad points.

  13. Yes. Once again it seems that a People are being opressed by a minority government. In this case being the puppet US backed Bahrain King and his cronies.The majority rise up against them so they enact, admitingly legally, a security agreement between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia only too willing steps in to help as a successful revolution and overturn of the present day Bahrain government would almost certainly lead to the oppressed majority in Saudi Arabia itself rising up against the US puppet Monarchy there. You can see a pattern emerging here where the USA is on the verge of losing alot of influence in the Middle East. Basically if Bahrain falls then chances are it will be a knock on effect to Saudi Arabia. With Mubarak, another US puppet already gone it is looking quite a precarious situation in the Middle East for US and a certain other cocky little piece of earth in the region. Watch this space.

    The security agreement was already in place. It is called the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) and is similar to NATO where it involves military assistance from other member nations when requested. Bahrain requested, Saudi Arabia and one other member country responded.

    Who are the oppressed majority in Saudi Arabia?

    It may all fall apart in the Middle East but if it does, it will be due to a lack of leadership from the US sitting President.

    Sunni. 85-90%

    Sunni...oppressed??? :cheesy:

    You haven't spent a lot of time there have you.

    according to The Economist's 2010 Democracy Index, the Saudi government is the seventh most authoritarian regime from among the 167 countries rated. :cheesy:

  14. Yes. Once again it seems that a People are being opressed by a minority government. In this case being the puppet US backed Bahrain King and his cronies.The majority rise up against them so they enact, admitingly legally, a security agreement between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia only too willing steps in to help as a successful revolution and overturn of the present day Bahrain government would almost certainly lead to the oppressed majority in Saudi Arabia itself rising up against the US puppet Monarchy there. You can see a pattern emerging here where the USA is on the verge of losing alot of influence in the Middle East. Basically if Bahrain falls then chances are it will be a knock on effect to Saudi Arabia. With Mubarak, another US puppet already gone it is looking quite a precarious situation in the Middle East for US and a certain other cocky little piece of earth in the region. Watch this space.

    The security agreement was already in place. It is called the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) and is similar to NATO where it involves military assistance from other member nations when requested. Bahrain requested, Saudi Arabia and one other member country responded.

    Who are the oppressed majority in Saudi Arabia?

    It may all fall apart in the Middle East but if it does, it will be due to a lack of leadership from the US sitting President.

    Sunni. 85-90%

  15. Yes. Once again it seems that a People are being opressed by a minority government. In this case being the puppet US backed Bahrain King and his cronies.The majority rise up against them so they enact, admitingly legally, a security agreement between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia only too willing steps in to help as a successful revolution and overturn of the present day Bahrain government would almost certainly lead to the oppressed majority in Saudi Arabia itself rising up against the US puppet Monarchy there. You can see a pattern emerging here where the USA is on the verge of losing alot of influence in the Middle East. Basically if Bahrain falls then chances are it will be a knock on effect to Saudi Arabia. With Mubarak, another US puppet already gone it is looking quite a precarious situation in the Middle East for US and a certain other cocky little piece of earth in the region. Watch this space.

    All well and good except for the fact that they(The Bahrainis) weren't being terribly oppressed. I guess they will be now for awhile though, especially if the Shia fundamentalist gain traction.

    Well if they aren't being oppressed then it sure does seem like they are well pissed off at the governement and the way they have been treated. Maybe you could shed some light on why they have decided to revolt. In my limited experience, happy people don't kick off against thier own royal family.

  16. Yes. Once again it seems that a People are being opressed by a minority government. In this case being the puppet US backed Bahrain King and his cronies.The majority rise up against them so they enact, admitingly legally, a security agreement between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia only too willing steps in to help as a successful revolution and overturn of the present day Bahrain government would almost certainly lead to the oppressed majority in Saudi Arabia itself rising up against the US puppet Monarchy there. You can see a pattern emerging here where the USA is on the verge of losing alot of influence in the Middle East. Basically if Bahrain falls then chances are it will be a knock on effect to Saudi Arabia. With Mubarak, another US puppet already gone it is looking quite a precarious situation in the Middle East for US and a certain other cocky little piece of earth in the region. Watch this space.

  17. The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow. Which I might add that baby inevitably grows up without a father after he turns over from old age . And men enslaving thier 'wives' as prostitutes in thier homeland is another problem.

    However it also has some laughable conditions. $2550 per month is a joke.If a Cambodian was on $2550k a month they would be in the high society group in Phnom Phen. Also the age thing should be adjusted to an age differential as opposed to the 'cannot marry' for over 50 year olds. So what they are saying is that a 51 year old foriegner wants to marry a 49 year old Khmer then that it against the law. Please.:lol:

  18. I will be very polite.

    Please go back and read the threads. I was kind enough to do the search and reading and post the links, now be kind enough to do the reading and spend few mins of your pressures time to find those links.

    Again you failed to read(which for some reason seems to be the habit for you) THE ASIAN ran way into Westbank, and the Palestinian Authority did the investigation and released such a report. They also pledged their full support, so it would seem it is responsibility of the Palestinian Authority to round up all the ASIANS and note the report said ASIAN not Thai, and make the arrests. I never said Israel failed to arrest him, i clearly said Palestinian Authority failed and they are the ones releasing such reports(again please PLEASE read what is written)

    Perhaps you may need to visit now again since a lot has changed in the past 70 yearsbiggrin.gif

    You don't know the meaning of the word "polite". You are rude and have obvious racist traits when it comes to Palestine. If you are an Israeli then you are a poor excuse of an ambassador to your homeland.

    You don't think it rude to say somebody has obvious racist traits?

    If not, what would you classify as rude?

    Talking about Palestinians building castles in the sand for one. Go back through the tread with both eyes open and you will see what I mean.

  19. One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

    You have a little plot of land picked out for yourself there?

    Gonna build a little house with a white picket fence and plant olive trees?


  20. :blink:...Witnesses and evidence...? of the murders ? Did I miss something ? where did you find that? :unsure:

    West Bank ? I understand that there are literally thousands of Asians -and Thai for that matter- on the West Bank working there as "guest workers".

    A few days ago it was reported by Israeli news sources that the military was rounding up many Thai in the area around Nablus, for questioning; so I'm not sure what you mean by flooded.


    In the links i provided you in the other thread which naturally you had troubles reading

    You Understand from what? where? Thais are in Israel not Westbank,

    Have you ever been to Israel? do you actually know where on the map it is located?

    1. I'm sure you're kind enough to provide those links again. My reading is fine, thank you very much, but I did NOT read ANYWHERE that there were 2 suspects but as said, maybe I missed something and IF there were witnesses, why weren't they caught already? It's 5 days ago now.

    2. How can the Israeli military round up Thai in the Nablus (which is Palestinian) area, being on the West Bank ? :blink:

    3. Yes, quite a few times maybe even before you were born, and I'm also very good in maps.

    Note: there's no need to answer in a biting style mr Kuffki; no need at all.

    Polite discussion is for Gentlemen; it's tough enough, discussing the Israeli/Palestinian problem.

    Let's respect each other at all times, shall we, no matter our views.


    I will be very polite.

    Please go back and read the threads. I was kind enough to do the search and reading and post the links, now be kind enough to do the reading and spend few mins of your pressures time to find those links.

    Again you failed to read(which for some reason seems to be the habit for you) THE ASIAN ran way into Westbank, and the Palestinian Authority did the investigation and released such a report. They also pledged their full support, so it would seem it is responsibility of the Palestinian Authority to round up all the ASIANS and note the report said ASIAN not Thai, and make the arrests. I never said Israel failed to arrest him, i clearly said Palestinian Authority failed and they are the ones releasing such reports(again please PLEASE read what is written)

    Perhaps you may need to visit now again since a lot has changed in the past 70 yearsbiggrin.gif

    You don't know the meaning of the word "polite". You are rude and have obvious racist traits when it comes to Palestine. If you are an Israeli then you are a poor excuse of an ambassador to your homeland.

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