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Posts posted by coma

  1. Looking at the pics of these "culprits" they seem to be at the age when should be past all this sort of "low level" behaviour. Either made enough money to retire [ from a life time of criminal behaviour ] or gave the game away long ago [cuz ur no good at it ]. It definitely smells to high heaven of something more than passports and drugs. The identity of John Doe will shed more light I am sure.



  2. 25 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Alluding to Washington, he placed the blame for the spread of extremism on the responses by "great powers" to the Sept. 11 attacks. Rouhani said these led to a more insecure world by "advancing different methods of repression and military intervention under the pretext of creating a secure environment for their citizens."


    What a short, sharp and totally correct way of summing up the situation.


    I would like to take this paragraph, frame it and put it up on the wall in the White House lobby. :thumbsup:

  3. 4 minutes ago, ezzra said:


    For people who glorify death on living. lionize and encourage teens to pull knives

    in a suicide attacks and teach hatred  and loathing in their schools and place

    of learning, it a good start....


    I guess what people like yourself don't realise is that those actions you state above are in fact reactions to a violent and illegal oppression. If you keep kicking them same dog day in,day out someday it will bite you. What else does a dog have as a defense mechanism?

  4. 2 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Netanyahu rejects a settlement freeze, rejects the 1967 borders as the basis for talks and rejects any division of Jerusalem. He has also said he would not uproot settlements.


    And that is where this story should and does end. No hope of peace when one continues stealing from the other.


    Therefore any offer to address the Israeli parliament is a farce and as the OP puts it, a  "new gimmick" to stall and hinder

    real peace dialogue. 

  5. 43 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:


    Thanx to Assad's stupidity , IS rose and saw his change.


    IS had its infant beginnings in Iraq if memory serves me properly. Western and northern Iraq culminating in the capturing of Mosul.

    IS are a by-product of the Iraq War left behind after the Coalition failed its mission to defeat insurgents in Iraq. And by the dismal attempt at training the Iraqi Army. What on earth were we teaching them for 10 years? Just so that will put down their weapons and run at the first sign of a "stick up".

    This allowed IS to get a foothold in the region which served to enable IS to broaden their area of influence in Iraq. And they crossed the boarder into Northern Syria to take large portions of that country as the Syrian government and Army were busy dealing with internal threats during the Uprising.

  6. Ahmad Khan Rahami, a naturalised US citizen born in Afghanistan.


    Maybe no links to international terrorism. The low tech of the attack suggest so. More of a lone wolf attack by another sick and twisted Muslim. Possibly either struggling with his sexuality, bankrupt, wife left him for another women or in the midst of some other personal breakdown and his  self disappointment and envy of REAL westerners got the best of him so he decided to have a go at the way happy people live their lives.


     Another notch in the gun belt for those against allowing Muslims into the United State and the more broader issue of global Arab migration and asylum seekers.

  7. 54 minutes ago, mesterm said:


    According to a 2014 report by human rights organization Amnesty International, the GCC (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE) had not officially resettled a single Syrian refugee since the crisis began in 2011.




    That definitely doesn't surprise me at all Mesterm. And I don't blame them. Allowing potential criminals, terrorists and people mentally scared by war into your country is plain ludicrous and will inevitable become a major burden on society as is the case in Europe.

    But my question is, is it because said countries refuse to resettle these "refugees " or is it because the refugees don't want to resettle in any country that isn't a western one ? Surely to resettle in a country that has very similar language, customs, traditions and region should be ones first choice. But they do not need to change the minds and lives of fellow Muslims. So they want to come to the west and bring their totally incompatible beliefs, language, religion, customs and traditions, there naturally violent temperament and total intolerance to a western lifestyle and enforce it upon the native populations of the adoptive country. And the UN is trying its best to facilitate that end. How dare they ? :mad:


    Former prime minister Tony Abbott has urged European leaders to adopt tighter border controls to stem the flow of what he called "a peaceful invasion" of asylum seekers.





  8. 36 minutes ago, webfact said:


    A number of countries rejected an earlier draft of the agreement that called on nations to resettle 10 percent of the refugee population each year


    Thank <deleted> for that. Cuz I know what countries will be the ones carrying that burden. Something like the US, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany etc etc. Not the likes of Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE etc etc. 

  9. So to summarize. Every time somebody of Islamic faith has a mental breakdown, is in financial ruin, cannot handle the fact that they are gay or just hates the world for what ever reason, like so many of other faith do etc etc .They decide that it is all to tough for them and they don't want to go on living. So they decide suicide by cop [cuz they are cowardly and cannot do it themselves] and take a few people with them is the answer to their problems. Is ISIS going to say that the perp was one of "its soldiers" each time?

  10. 4 hours ago, ScotBkk said:

    We all know the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not terrorists. But acknowledging that there is a link between Islam and terror is appropriate and necessary.

    Now, I'm no expert,
    However, there are so many Muslims all around the world and these Islamic terrorists are a tiny percentage.

    Why, can't this majority not extinguish this minority proving to the world they really are a peace loving religion if this is the case.

    Always puzzles me ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Cuz the majority of Muslims that aren't terrorist condone the actions of their vermin fellow Muslims that are terrorists. And in a lot of cases, knowingly or not, support Islamic terror operation by means of donations at their local mosque and from the proceeds collected during the process of carrying out halal certification. Actually a large majority of people in places like the UK and Australia are FORCED to purchase halal goods as they are given no other option. Australian Vegemite is halal certified <deleted>. Therefore, In fact a lot of non Muslim people living around the world are financing terrorists too.

  11. พยัญชนะ 3 ตัวแรก[MNB]ของเลขตัวถัง [วีไอเอน] ของรถจะบอกว่า รถคันนี้ถูกผลิตโดยบริษัทออโต้อะไลเอนซ์ ระยอง


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