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Posts posted by coma

  1. 2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


    Give it a rest. Lying  doesn't change what  happened. Libya was a France-Italy-UK   initiated regime change. In case you missed it, Libya was  causing serious problems for the Europeans by facilitating the  tens of thousands of economic migrants. Also,  Italy was dependent upon Libya's oil. The USa wanted  to stay out of Libya. Clinton didn't want to participate.


    You gotta be pulling da pi$$


    Have you look at the size of the Order of Battle that the US deployed in the Libyan Intervention.


    The only part that "Clinton didn't want to participate " in was responding to John Stevens' repeated calls for more security. I didn't see France, Italy or the UK ambassadors getting lynched.

  2. 9 minutes ago, webfact said:


    Netanyahu told his ministers at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting that the dispute can be resolved only by direct negotiations without preconditions


    What a pipe dream statement to be made. He has to be on drugs or delusional by some other form to believe this line of BS. Israel doesn't want to negotiate. Because such negotiations will lead to Israel having to concede, and the Palestinians to gain. Hell will freeze over before the Jewish State willingly gives anything back to the Palestinians.

    Therefore the only way to sort this mess out once and for all is for the global community to single out Israel. Call it for what is, which is a hard line state hellbent on seeing Palestine become non existent, and force it to comply with the Palestinians requests to stop building settlements. And give back what it has stolen.

  3. Absolutely ridiculous for the west to support such an operation. A blatant attempt to undermine the efforts of the Syrian and Russian governments to bring this conflict to an end. And Syria back under control as one sovereign nation.

    Let's hope coalition aircraft don't get involved in airstrikes over Raqqa. Coalition and Russian aircraft in such close proximity is just what may start a major global conflict between the west and Russia. Better left to the professionals. Stupid USA foreign policy at its finest. :post-4641-1156693976:

  4. 1 minute ago, Publicus said:


    The election is in the United States.


    Do try to keep up over there ln the dictator worshiping Right Sector.


    What ??? It was a blatant "EXAMPLE" to show your argument is flawed. That people can, have been and are in the public service ALL over the world for most of their lives and achieve nothing.


    And yes. The election is in the USA but this is THAIVISA!!!  


    As for the dictator worshipping. :spamsign:

  5. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


         Hillary knows how to get things done legislatively, 



    She may do. But my point is she will be to busy fighting off said impeachment and any and all other forms of legal proceedings the Republican can throw at her. Making her a less than effective commander in chief. Much like the period when her husband started having to deal with such issues. Lost all credibility. I am sure Tim Kaine is quietly hoping she does get brought down by the ' Republican army'. As I said. Quite a mess

  6. 8 hours ago, nottocus said:

    NO. You are supposed to say how barbaric the death penalty is, how everyone deserves human rights and you just lower yourself to their level. 


    NO. Some people just deserve being executed. Like men that rape, torture and kill [not always in that particular order] young children. And this guy fits the bill. It is just unfortunate that Thailand isn't executing condemned prisoners these days.

  7. 16 hours ago, ElPatron said:

    I bet the aboriginals wished they thought of this law before 



    Then they may still be rubbing sticks together to make fire. They hadn't even invented the wheel to the Europeans landed. Migration is healthy for the world to progress forward. There just needs to be [ particularity these days ] strict laws about who can migrate, when, where and how they can migrate. Jumping on an overloaded vessel and travelling illegally towards/ into another country is not the way to do it.

  8. 9 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    American people are up in arms about this,  don't you read the news?


    If you don't give two hoots, why are you always posting on topics about the US?

    Cuz the US is always "posting" its nose in mine and every other soul on this planets lives. Destroying global peace with their rubbish brand of democracy. Whoever wins this election cannot possibly say they have been democratically elected as this whole process, of corrupt campaigning last I checked, is anything but democratic in nature.


    p.s. No need to reply. There are no question marks in MY post.

  9. 9 hours ago, heybruce said:


    So you don't object to democracy being subverted by a foreign power or a supposedly impartial law enforcement agency.  That says a lot about you, none of it good.

    I don't give two hoots. If the American people aren't up in arms about the FBI intervention in the election then why should care about any other body, foreign or domestic doing them same ???

  10. 53 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Agreed. But these problems were started by the Arab Spring uprisings. So obviously,  there were problems.



    The Arab spring turned into a long summer due to western intervention IMO. Yes, there were problems but they needed to be sorted out by themselves and their neighbours.

  11. 2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Most of the work is being done by locals. Not outside proxy armies from Russia and Iran.

    I guess you missed this thread..............


    "U.S. airpower played a key role in the run-up to the fight for Mosul by taking out Islamic State defenses, cash resources, supply routes and some of the group's leaders. The U.S. is now providing air cover as Iraqi security forces and members of the Kurdish militia begin their attempt to retake the city over the next several weeks. American advisers are working with Iraqi troops, but the outcome will be determined largely by the Iraqis'




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