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Posts posted by coma

  1. 17 hours ago, oxo1947 said:


    Gosh Craig you really couldn't be more slanted in your comments if you tried---which I am sure you did. So the USA has reduced support for the killing of Civilians By the Saudi's --but not stopped  supporting them. So in double talk is that ...you only get 80 bombs this week --not a hundred.


    Its amazing how that reduced support has just come in just as they call for war crimes / sanctions against a country doing exactly the same  as the one they are just reducing support for. The Saudi's started bombing and a navel block-aid so no food goes into there on March the 26th 2015, coming up for 2 years---just now America will reduce support for them, I wonder what's changed Craig  

    Also notice that you mentioned that the Russians are killing /bombing Innocent civilians .  I take it unlike the Saudi's who are just  killing  _???____  Civilians.   Although Russia stands rightly  condemned, most people know who/what brought the Russians into Syria ,  ISIS. As you say I know its very complicated Craig , but you seem to have such a good grip on it so maybe you can tell us what brought the Saudi's & 9 of their friends  into bombing and trying to starve out the Government of Yenem  was it --Al-qaeda---ISIS----Al-Shabaab  ... or any other group that means to do harm to their good friend America ?? 


    Wiki seems to think that they just went into  there with their friends to influence who rules the country --no matter what the people want. But I guess Wiki doesn't really know how complicated it is Craig.


    The Saudi Arabian-led War in Yemen began in 2015 as an attempt to influence the outcome of the Yemeni Civil War. .. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabian-led_intervention_in_Yemen



    Bravo !! :thumbsup:

  2. 22 hours ago, helpisgood said:


    I wonder how many of the enlisted men in this Iraqi army signed up because they believe in a cause worth fighting for and how many just desperately needed a job. 


    The minority. Cuz the majority threw their weapons down and ran like coward dogs at the first sign of a fight when ISIS started its initial push in Iraq. Coward dogs!

  3. This page has some good IS demographic charts that break down where these "foreign mercenaries" in its ranks come from. Don't know how accurate it is. Be hard to assess.  


    About 3,000 fighters have gone to join the extremist group in Syria and Iraq from Tunisia and many more thousands have gone from their homes in Europe


  4. Just now, jaidam said:

    I hope the Syrian army are properly backed up. Clearly Putin is on side, but May is an unknown quantity and Obama is such a wildcard I believe Obama is arming and helping the rebels against Assad still (even after all the evidence pointing to assad being the only human able to keep a lid on the pressure cooker we know as Syria). Arming the rebels will extend this bloodshed ad infinitum.


    Absolutely. If the US and its cronies leave Syria, I am 100% certain that Assad and Putin will have this treacherous uprising put down within 2 months.

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