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Posts posted by coma

  1. terrorist attack is almost impossible. By now a group would brag about it.

    The ID thefts using 2 EU passports were most likely put in place to distort the real purpose of the disappearanced aircraft. Like on 9/11 we found about a dozen suspects that were allegedly boarded living a happy life in the Middle

    East and they are still alive.

    Black op's highly possible. There were surely some figures in the aircraft that are of interest, more than the false Passport holders.

    Let the govt spin-doctors of each nation involved tell us their story later.

    I thought very hard with this particular point. And all I could come up with is that, if it is a terrorist attack, the only reason nobody has claimed responsibility is because the operation is ongoing. If that were to be the case it create scary, scary possibilities.

  2. What are the chances of two stolen passports, both stolen at separate times and places, of accidentally turning up on board the same downed aircraft ?

    The work of Chinese ethnic separatist groups maybe ? A lot more to come on this story.

    IMHO the terrorist angle is the most likely scenario at the moment given the lack of any wreckage being found.

    Tickets on the stolen passports were -according to receipts- both purchased from an agent in PYX. That's Pattaya....

    Do you have a source fort this information ?

  3. The stolen passports are of interest, but a reasonably good, well-funded terrorist network would not be using stolen passports, maybe fake passports, but not stolen ones. I also doubt that any spy agencies would use stolen passports, at least those that have been reported.

    Stolen passports, are probably being used by people smugglers. A European or US passport will get you pretty much anywhere, especially if you stay out of Europe or the US (where you will get caught). The general modus operendi is to transit a country and then destroy the passport after leaving for the country of your destination.

    The authorities will be looking at who had them and where they were going.

    There is also the possibility of a newer, less well-funded terrorist organization.

    The passport issue is the most visible problem and it will be pursued to the very end.

    People smuggling into China ? Would there be such demand to smuggle 'ordinary' people into China ?

  4. The very fact there were aparently 4 aboard with the stolen pasports to me rules out a plan to destroy the aircraft. Hijak maybe but to destroy you need one.....and maybe one to make sure he keeps his oath.

    Unless you need 4 people to smuggle on enough explosives when mixed together to do the job.

    The 9/11 hijackings were carried out by 4 man teams [except for 1]. There is evidence to suggest that some of the hijackers that day were not aware of the planned suicide mission. But instead thought they were carrying out a 'standard ' hijacking.

  5. FBI to probe missing Malaysia plane

    ......edited as unrelated to my post..........

    The stolen passports used by two passengers on the plane are believed to have come from an Italian and a an Austrian.

    "Just because they were stolen doesn’t mean the travelers were terrorists," a Department of Homeland Security official said. "They could have been nothing more than thieves. Or they could have simply bought the passports on the black market."


    -- The Nation 2014-03-09

    Strange to see the way that the passports are being downplayed everywhere....especially by organisations usually not known for jumping to innocent conclusions,.

    That does seem odd. A little under 2 % of the passengers on board are using stolen passports,

    and that does not raise a flag ? Besides it would seem to me that if someone had a stolen

    European passport, they would be flying out of China, not into it.....

    Western Hemisphere spooks sure would be interested in passports getting them into China. Mossad are notorious for their operator conducting ops on stolen foreign passports. Just duck down to Langley on Monday and see if there are a few more stars on the wall.ph34r.png

  6. The longer they take to locate any floating debris, the less chance of ever knowing. In a single day, a current can literally carry any flotsam a good 20 miles from the impact site.

    If the plane broke up in mid air at 35,000 feet, the debris can be spread across an area tens of miles wide.

    Locating the flight data recorder could be very slim indeed.

    Don't these recorders have a beacon / signal which relays positional information for a month or more ?

    Indeed they do. Which makes the situation that much more bewildering as they have failed to pick up a signal.

  7. Latest reports from Thai news sources say that the deceased is 68 year old Frederick Fransilekus from The Netherlands. Owner of the MODEL S 59 pub in Udon Thani. He has been living in Thailand for 5 years and is "well know" in the girlie bar scene there. Frequently seen in the company of different female companions.

    He was found by a construction worker lady working at a site across the road from the deceased's house.When she arrived for work in the morning, whilst she was parking her car, she noticed a large blood trail leading into the house from outside. She followed it and found the crime scene. She noted that he was was fully clothed and was still wearing his watch and gold ring.

    Another witness, a construction worker guarding the construction site over night said he heard a loud argument in English at 4.00am. After that he heard the sound of a vehicle start up then it was turned off a short time later. He also heard the the front gate of the deceased's house opening and closing several times. He said he wasn't alarmed as he just thought the deceased had another argument with another " girlfriend" which he had witness many times before.


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