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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Is there lighting in the carpark. If the OP does not have a car does he still need to pay for that. Never mind this is the type of asinine thread that keeps this forum going???? If I wear earplugs in a bar do i still have to pay for the music????
  2. Use three machines and take the average????
  3. I heard similar rumours about Bintang when living in Indo. And this was before social media and fake news became popular
  4. Sometimes simply mentioning that you will refer the matter to the OCPB is enough.
  5. It was a reference to someone suggesting that Phuket clean their own house . Tourists should not visit other countries or places (Phuket) and expect to fragrantly break the laws without consequence. I have to tread carefully here lest I break my 2023 resolution for not arguing with idiots on asinine now.
  6. When you visit someone else's house do you behave better or worse than your hosts????
  7. Seems fair to me. Break the law get a warning. Do it again.... Most of the known world knows about yellow and red cards.
  8. I am OK at DIY but sometimes it pays to hire a professional.????
  9. Yeah, I was looking but my handlebars are covered in plastic so cannot fit most. I found some slick bar end ones but I'm not spending 20% of the bike's cost on widgets.???? At least not yet. I already have what a friend called a 120,000 sixty thousand bike.
  10. Do you mean the bat eared trail ones or the alloy strip bar end MotoGP type. I don't think I'll need them on farm tracks and don't think I have room for them. Saw a Wave yesterday with motocross type tires which fit under the mudguards OK, in the service bay at Honda.
  11. Maybe |I'll get a wavvy disk for mine???? Nah.
  12. ^ That is where the cardiologist I see teaches. He has an evening private clinic.
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