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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I've been up north for 2 1/2 years now. It is what it is. No point complaining. One wonders why the complainer still live up north.????
  2. Can we add wearing jewelry, gloves and/or lose clothing when operation rotating equipment.
  3. According to Wikipedia. I don't think they will have to look far. Maybe covid was the delay, and Yorkshire police methods of questioning are not as "thorough" as RTP.
  4. Our equivalent drone was one of these filled with snuff.
  5. ^ Tax rules are the same for everyone.???? As I understand it. The gentleman in question sold shares and took a loss. He then applied that loss to his tax numbers. That he bought them back was not question on the tax form. Unfair? Life is unfair. When I was born how come my parents didn't have more money or shares in BHP or Shell? In UK education is free. How come some children don't apply themselves and become clever. Fair or unfair.
  6. 80%? If the first guy doesn't want to go where you wish wait for the next one. There are lots of them. 25%? When in doubt ask to go to the Centan (Central) nearest your destination. Then either ask again or get a local taxi who knows exactly where you wish to go. Bangkok taxi system is brilliant.
  7. Not least because the wind blows in the wrong direction????
  8. There are conditions for paying tax. 98.8% of people don't have enough money to worry about / find out what they are.???? The gentleman in question probably pays his tax account more money than most of us mortals earn. ( All the speak for yourself trollers can p.i.s.s off)
  9. Dos he surrender the profits on crown properties to the government????
  10. Well, Canada doesn't have as much money as the US.???? Maybe because they don't tax citizens living abroad.
  11. Anchorage is closer to Yukon than BC or Alberta. I believe it was officially shot down by NORAD. Why spend money when your loud neighbor will do it for you.
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