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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. The best way to assimilate into Thai society is to pay for the upkeep of your wife/girlfriend's family and extended family🤔
  2. It is their system, not mine.🧐 I just live here and try to abide by the Serenity Prayer.
  3. So having purchased their jacket which usually has their location printed on it should they not be able to defend their patch🤔 Most large cities in the world sell taxi licenses.
  4. The orange vest guys pay someone for the privilege of being able to wait at certain points. You can't simply fess up and join the group.
  5. You know you have been in Thailand too long when you have changed your watch for a calendar. 🤔
  6. The distances are vast and the resources/technology required are astronomic (sic). According to what I have gleaned, viewed from afar our sun is the wrong kind of star to be thought to promote life. So not worth any advanced civilization dropping by to have a look. Add to this we have only been broadcasting radio waves for about 100 years. If another civilization wishes to listen and form an opinion it could take them a hundred years to get here. Assuming they are advanced enough to do it right away and at the speed or light. Which we haven't mastered yet.
  7. No one is talking about hiding Jews. There is current animosity in the world between Arabs/Muslims and Jews. Regardless of the cause, I would think it insensitive to take a Jewish cleric on a diplomatic mission to a devout Muslim country. I notice that the US has a Foreign Services Institute where they teach members or potential members of the US diplomatic service. Not mentioned in their curriculum. as far as I could see, is the teaching of " skill in dealing with people in difficult situations without upsetting or offending them" In other words tact. Which is it not the definition of diplomacy.
  8. No I am suggesting the US should be a bit more polite, if you will, or sensitive to the local customs and habits of their hosts. I know this a a big ask for a country who travels the world with elbows out claiming everything should bend to their way of thinking and behaving. In a nutshell, it is called diplomacy.
  9. Another example of the US understanding of global affairs and international relations by taking a Jewish cleric on a diplomatic mission to a Muslim-majority country. Whatever next...🤔
  10. VocalNeal

    Yep cants

    Bung the carpet into the washer. In a related story black water discharge is sighted in Phuket.
  11. Fair enough. If that is what angels are like then I'll be happy to sit next to the Abbot in hell.🤔
  12. He'll be fine, he has already got his Golden Parachute.
  13. This article was either dictated to someone to "type" or it is AI-generated.
  14. Have a look you may be pleasantly surprised.
  15. Yeah, but only two🤔 The red one and the yellow one.😋
  16. Wooden shoes Wooden head Wouldn't listen.
  17. Go for it. DUI is a much easier conviction than proving working without the correct permit.
  18. Lanzaar (https://www.medicinesfaq.com/brand/lanzaar) I have been prescribed them. Not Expensive.
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