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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Good here innit 🤔 But how often did the police observe you or could should they wish to.🧐
  2. If it moves salute it. If it doesn't move paint it.
  3. Probably will claim he is on medication for an allerg🤔y
  4. Astoundingly true
  5. Many European big rig trucks are already automatic.
  6. If I read correctly they wish to revoke his LTR visa, that is all. That is a financial penalty or threat invoking a brown envelope. He can't return as a retiree as he is not old enough. So...
  7. There goes his deposit and a hefty hit on his credit card.🧐
  8. 2 days wages for a lot of people🧐
  9. Maybe if racing with a guy who put his beer in a different location but I doubt it makes much of a difference riding home from Makro. Might make it a bit more top-heavy while being manhandled in the parking lot.
  10. I will still continue to act accordingly. But these days I don't write much in the way of reports.
  11. When I lived in Brazil I could walk down the street and no one knew I was not Brazilian until, say, in a shop I could not speak Portuguese. In the UK how would anyone tell a Jewish person from a run-of-the-mill Brit? Unlesss the Jewish person did something to make themselves stand out from the crowd. I don't understand why they should want to flee.
  12. I was told the most important space on a page of text is the white part between the lines.
  13. Human offspring are called children Cat offspring are called kittens Goat offspring are called kids
  14. The way it was described by you was that you bumped his vehicle before he got angry, not after.
  15. I don't think Thais especially on motorbikes ignore them, they just don't always comply. So as we all know this then act accordingly instead of complaining.
  16. Because you can't usually take a dog to a regular cafe🤔
  17. ^ Sounds a bit Grimm🤔
  18. 3 new models? Atto Boy Haval Jollygood For the Israeli markets only Haval Nagila
  19. UK recommends no more than 6 teaspoons a day so 23/6 ≈ 4
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