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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. C.O.D.
  2. That is a new one on me. Not many three-lane roads up here. Unless of course it was near an exit and there was a solid line.
  3. Always been a hatchback man, at heart.
  4. Yes but slightly older than "since 1990's" so not related to the human timescale.
  5. The 120 is only for motorways/roads with no junctions or U-turns. The reduction to 90 when there is a U-turn is a weird asian interpretation but correct.
  6. Another theory says the planet is swelling a little and becoming rounder because the surface pressure of the ice from the ice age has been removed.
  7. Q. What's the difference between a 747 and a Pom A. The 747 stops whining when it gets to Sydney.
  8. Not that I know of but recently I was told on an Indo. forum that it is not a rumour.
  9. I didn't have a problem and I found Indonesia quite pleasant.🧐
  10. Anyone who has ever owned a toy gyroscope will know it is the wide bit at the equator that will have the most effect not the small diameter bit at the top. The core on the other hand will have an effect and no amount of electric cars will effect that change.
  11. Well, they don't build cars or ships in Phuket🤔
  12. Well, it is a bit late now, horse bolted and such but, you should have reset the code before you started using it. What you have done is akin to locking a scooter key under the seat. You will only do it once.
  13. Take the job. Move to Phuket alone. Scope the place out and see how the job fits, then move the family. Planning life in 5-year bites is not a bad strategy.
  14. The guys in the engine room do not know where they are. Only the helmsman has actual control of the wheel and the engine movement requests. But there will be a small group of watch officers on the bridge with him.
  15. Their cars had them decades ago.🤔 In a related story:-
  16. Well, there is some good news in the world after all.🤔
  17. There is or was a bar called Twins on Soi 23
  18. Soi 4. He is still an infrequent Hasher. Father supposedly Armenian, mother Burmese. https://www.flickr.com/photos/52792101@N04/14188607542/in/album-72157644269572179/
  19. Back in the day taxi drivers would get a "commission" if they brought a passenger to gem store. A friend of mine used to suggest to a taxi driver that he would go to the gem store in the taxi, the driver could claim his "commission" and then split the commission and have lunch together.
  20. So you may have known Frank from Superstar🤔
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