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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. This is an IIyushin If it were a spy plane it could be an Optical Ilyushin.
  2. Dogs have quite simple brains. At some time in the past you have threatened one or more of them and now they remember you as hostile.
  3. Well at least Chiang Mai is off the hook now🤔 I live in the north and have never smelt/smelled smoke as I used to in Indonesia.
  4. Question for forum EV owners. Can you apply the brakes with the left foot while the right foot is still pressing on the accelerator?
  5. Yes because BigStar is on my ignore list.
  6. I believe 'not riding in the left lane". Speeding is subjective, not riding in the left lane is not.
  7. If I am correct Thais wishing to visit NZ as tourists have to cough up NZ$211. Again it is all tit-for-tat.
  8. Something about bears and woods🤔
  9. Yes, but did they have International Driving Permits. Oh that part of the law slipped by them as they are entitled daddy's boys and think they can flaunt other country's laws at will. Were their NZ licenses also for motorcycles? If yes they why did they run? What is the Kiwi term for bogan🤔
  10. Dear Jonnathan, Calling other members of Asean Now names is against forum rules. Using the racist card is about the lowest form of intelligence. My story about buying watermelons from a police officer in the states is a fact as I sat in Brainerd Minn. eating said watermelons. Sadly Americans think they can dish out negative comments about other countries or civilizations but don't and cannot accept any criticism of their own system.
  11. I knew a guy who, in a southern state in the US, was offered some watermelons to buy instead of a speeding fine.
  12. I don't think Thailand uses the North American marketing ploy of model years for vehicles starting in July the previous year. Motorcycles need a safety check after they are 5 years old. That 5 years is measured by the dates in the green book not the year of manufacture.
  13. I've been thrown out of better places than FarceBook🧐
  14. Have you seen their clothes🤔
  15. If it is a 160 and has never been registered it is the latest model as no model replaces it.🧐
  16. Honda parts catalogue only lists 2023 it has 4 valves. https://pec.thaihonda.co.th/Applications/Common/Programs/StartApp.aspx ADV 150 has 2 valves that stopped in 2021.
  17. Let's plant and burn yet more sugar cane. Thailand probably already imports more molasses than it produces just to satisfy E10 gasoline. But more local production and green. Get serious.
  18. Why are you thanking him for explaining something that hasn't happened yet and may never happen? And then if we all pay tax for 3 years we may all apply for citizenship? Then the system will overflow with citizenship applications. I looked up the opposite of self-effacing but non of them seem to do justice.
  19. You can assimilate more by putting them both on "Ignore"👍
  20. If one has an office job one is usually assigned a desk or even an office. In the orange shirt mocy boys it is a mocy taxi stand. If you come into work in said office and another employee is sitting at your desk or in your office. I suspect you get defensive. Same , same but different.
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