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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. The most common reasons for transmission failures in India by master mechanic Pindundha Geep
  2. The point is for me that Thailand is not as bad, for expats, on the actual roads as netzines seem to believe. From the new survey Thailand should be compared to its statistical neighbors and not to some mystical western country that AN posters remember fondly.
  3. I was under the impression that the Min of Sport or whatever claimed vigorous exercise, like running, whilst wearing a mask is hazardous. Hang anything under your chin if worried.
  4. Tsingtao is OK. Better than what passes for American beer. Apologies to anyone who actually likes Budweiser (the American one)
  5. Maybe giving away your nationality? Never heard of Piccadilly Circus? A Circus is a circle or ring. Maybe don't mock until you understand the language?
  6. Most "shop" Vacs are wet/dry and the water squirting carpet cleaning nozzle is an add on. If in store checking they usually have a ball to stop over filling the tank.
  7. How are they going to put car seats in a two door pickup and accommodate the family?
  8. You mean a WetVac or ShopVac?
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