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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Not being paid anymore? Two months is too long for Covid unless the guy died.
  2. If it is free then you are the product. Same? :- Zen and .....
  3. I'd love to be around when everyone has an electric car and the planet's temperature is still rising.
  4. Some countries have policing by consent. This means the majority of the people abide by the law. Only the wrong doers need to be "policed"
  5. “Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.” When in Rome I do what the Romans do.
  6. Over 100 in the USA. Younger drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident. Something like half the population is under 25. Etc, etc.
  7. 555. I broke at least two of your laws today. Rode the wrong way about 100m to the hairdressers for haircut. Then rode without a helmet to take my wife around 500m to the wat for a ceremony. I have ridden in the back of a pickup and have ridden in a salong (spelling) motorbike with sidecar, many times. They are like taxis in our city. I don't feel anything, good, bad or indiferent.
  8. family first. If you are in our car you are family, if you are not in our car you are not family. That and "Me first"
  9. Dear Eric, Isn't Thailand a nice place to hang out while you pen drivel like this? Sunshine, palm trees, happy smiling people, good infrastructure, reasonable medical care, good after work parties, et al. Have you ever thought of moving to Indonesia, Vietnam or Cambodia where I am sure the populace would be just as happy to hear your opinions.
  10. Looks a bit like Strike Back a UK based series. It started off OK but then the writers have to cobble up scenarios and it got a bit flat. May have been OK once a week by the fire with a beer but...
  11. Outside Nana Plaza about 2 AM? Not sure if they were the best but they were the best at 2AM.
  12. That is not why I would buy a hybrid. I would buy a hybrid for the extra 130hp-ish kick I would get went pulling away or when passing.
  13. Mostly we all have that problem.
  14. Break for lunch? Friday afternoon?
  15. 1. GT-Riders Monthly get together. 2. Saturday get togethers?
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