There was a guy struggling to come up with a costume to wear to a big fancy costume party.
Then he had a bright idea. When the host opened the door he found the guy standing there naked with a condom over his nose. “What the hell are you supposed to be?” The host asked.
He answered "f c u k nose"
Did you buy it new?
No one else has worked on it?
You didn't notice until now?
As has been said the thermostat is stuck open or depending on the answers to 1 and 2 someone has removed the thermostat.
Diesels do have a tendency to run cooler than a gasoline equivalent.
Were I to be a disciple of anyone it would probably be Patrick Moore.
I can s see the logic in reducing pollution in urban communities after all it worked in post-war London. It is the abandonment of science and logic in favor of emotion and sensationalism that bothers me.
Because they are powered from their local grid. Which is probably fossil fuel-powered. An irony lost on disciples.
Yes thanks. Had I known you were interested? I could have offered it to you.🤔