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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I can see maybe using them/they for a schizophrenic as potentially there are two people in there.???? But for me they/them is plural. 3rd person singular would be "it" As an actress do "they" expect two salaries?
  2. Why is sex in a canoe like American beer? <deleted> close to water
  3. ^ Not even remotely cultured???? What did the toad say when asked about cheese? Rennet, rennet, rennet...
  4. Well I suppose that is fair. I've never met anyone who likes Americans much except people from America. But I also note there are many Americans on Youtube who seem to see fit to have videos commenting on videos from England (as you pit it) but zero videos by Brits commenting on videos from America. I am still ruminating about the reason(s).
  5. Nah. I think all Brits know there are two kinds of Brits. Those that are and... Those who wish they were.
  6. So Out and about costs more or less? Shouldn't that be included in the total Sorry I just look for the executive summary. I don't go out that much so save my money by not going O&A.
  7. ^ OK then, the technology of an EV predates that as electric cars came first. A battery or batteries, a couple of wires and an electric motor.
  8. I think there is mortar that than meets the eye????
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