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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Are you suggesting that the UK is not a democracy? Compared to whom.???? Would you prefer the head of state to be Screaming Lord Sutch or Boaty McBoatface. Charles did not get there by, what the Archbishop of Canterbury, called wish or will, tyranny or politics. Some countries have heads of state who seem to do nothing but cause division and whose relatives use their position for personal gain, allegedly When you go for or went for a job do/did you wish it to be a democratic process or based on your ability or experience?
  2. Is there am executive summary????
  3. He didn't chuck them out he simply stated his own church. Catholics in Britain have existed since the reign of Henry VIII. There are many churches and an Archbishop of Westminster. UK has freedom of religion.
  4. He can be defender of many faiths. Doesn't mean he has to practise any of them.
  5. https://royalcentral.co.uk/features/insight/think-a-republic-would-be-cheaper-than-monarchy-think-again-40065/ France more Italy more Germany about the same Poland the same.
  6. I'm not a chemist but large power boilers from memory use an amine solution which in theory can capture up to 85% of the CO2. The rub is then there needs to be a secondary process to strip out the CO2 so the amine can be used again. Then the CO2 needs to be treated and compressed/liquefied. But then what to do with it if there is no industrial user of CO2 nearby. I suspect the Saraburi cement plants to also be huge CO2 emitters.
  7. An increase in electric cars, expanding population. et al. Also maybe during said expansion they are adding better burners and scrubbers????
  8. I believe Canada to be a bit more pragmatic.???? The country is bilingual with a large 'French" population yet I don't see call for a revolution and guillotines. Having a British head of state keeps them culturally separate from their loud neighbours to the south.
  9. As opposed to a more expensive elected head of state who would obviously never use their position to bolster their own affairs. ???? Charles doesn't need to bolster anything. His status in society is set by nature of his birth. Even if he wasn't legally head of state he would still be King Charles and still be as wealthy. Stability is the key to a countries prosperity.
  10. What if Superman worked for the Germans???? Just another "What if" question
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