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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Agree but it can also be addressed at the first scheduled service. It may never happen again.
  2. Do they need to???? Norway on one side, Finland on the other.
  3. That has no been my experience where I live. They are simply civil servants doing a procedural job.
  4. ^^ We have a garbage can in the corner ????
  5. I think in China they have decided that distributing electricity is easier than distributing oil. Much the same in a way to Finland who decided cell phone infrastructure was easier than land lines a lot earlier than others.
  6. ...and more than that for someone to come along in a van and fill the ATM.????
  7. That's nice. It took me 10 mins to walk to the BTS. Only leaving 5 mins at 2mins per station, not including waiting for a train. 15 mins can only have been thought up by a committee who never went anywhere.
  8. My FIL but that was a long-time ago. 10,000 baht according to my wife.
  9. Where I used to live I Phrakhanong anything I wanted and could access in 15 mins has been turned into a condo or a coffee shop. So that is a big fail.
  10. Friction loss. What a load of twaddle. The friction loss for 2 x 45 is almost identical to one single 90 bend. (2x 2.5 vs. 1 x 5.5) In the OP's case he did add bends but friction loss depends on velocity. If the new intake works fine just leave it be. In gutter down spouts the 45 vs. 90 discussion centres on blockage due to birds nest et al not friction loss.
  11. I try and avoid water. My mother didn't like it either.
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