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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Here is what the support is about Hoss that ya all don't seem to get whiles in your endless diatrabes . It not really that we like Trump so much but what he wants to do: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/number-people-terror-watchlist-stopped-mexico-us-border-risen-rcna105095 https://aseannow.com/topic/1317865-trump-is-dominating-the-primaries-that-doesn’t-mean-he’ll-beat-biden/?do=findComment&comment=18650722
  2. https://www.icij.org/investigations/windfalls-war/halliburton-contracts-balloon/
  3. And not being held accountable. Like the Bush , Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz conspiracy invasion of Iraq. Added by that discraced general. Search for Cheney's Halliburton contracts in Iraq war.
  4. What's not to like about securing the Southern border ( where middle eastern men have been intercepted - haven't seen any of them picking strawberries. What's not to like about restoring law and order from this mass looting anarchy in cities. What's not to like about upgrading infrastructure in the USA, with funds that are now going down the Ukraine rabbit hole. ??? Ask the liberals here. They will give you 3 pages https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/number-people-terror-watchlist-stopped-mexico-us-border-risen-rcna105095
  5. The deal for more endless paperwork. Let's reserve judgement on fixing the border problem after he is elected president again. About six million illegals have crossed into the US during this saps administration . Are you happy about that ?? https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/5-5-million-illegal-aliens-crossed-us-border-since-biden-took-office-report-4844013?utm_medium=GoogleAds&utm_source=PerfmaxM&utm_campaign=PM_max_Maga_20240103&gclid=CjwKCAiA8NKtBhBtEiwAq5aX2FjSKONq4apr61UdWNOlYwDyNz6DD6MG_abscl0qOapyTMHIFwhhtRoCYEcQAvD_BwE
  6. Like I said before would much prefer DeSantis over Trump. And could be nominated at convention if Trump becomes ineligible. DeSantis has the Right policies without the baggage. That is: Secure the border , round up the overstayers and ship them out. Restore law and order in these liberal saps run cities - martial law when needed. And stop sending billions down this Ukraine rabbit hole . Then upgrade all infrastructure in the USA.
  7. Typical ' it happens everywhere' thai apologists response- ad nauseam
  8. Responsible , patriotic ?? - Could have fooled me Hoss. Ya all's for this Southern border invasion letting millions in uninspected. Oh I mean bidens open border policy. Sounds like treason to me.
  9. Fine , Let DeSantis be nominated at the convention. Trump policies without the baggage. Secure the border, restore law and order in these liberal saps run cities: With martial law. Stop sending Billions down the Ukraine rabbit hole . In order to up grade all Infrastructure in the US.
  10. Improve things for the future?? - Your looking at it. The whole place is going to have to be dug up. (over and over again) . Then all this deconstruction/construction...
  11. It's really time to stick a fork in this one. Again , A real WALL. And round up this ten million and ship them out
  12. This border deal rabbit hole to "discourage migration" is mostly about paroles ,release policies and is not going to "end the major issues" Trump as well as everyone else on the Right way of thinking want a real solution, not these endless stop gap this and that. But of course the progressives and Romney are trying to make Trump look bad . Maybe you should re read my post that your not replying accurately to. So your sources are the progressives and Romney on this ??. So much for your credibleity Jim.
  13. No Putin is in trouble . Sure he would like have the USSR back. But you can be sure his Generals are not happy at all with this Ukraine situation...
  14. Surrendered to the Taliban? Good Grief- let them have their 12th century country. Should have never been there in first place. So trillions and 20 years wasted is ok with you? Again the Schadenfreude when Trump wins is going to be worth a million bucks. As well as not putting up with this endless mumbo jumbo
  15. Right Trump had not started any bogus wars/invasions. This fact seems completely lost on all these people that can't stop calling Trump a Hitler. Trump is a nationalist: Secure the border. Restore law and order to these liberal saps run cities. Declaring martial law if required. Stop sending billions out to lost cause Ukraine. And instead upgrade all infrastructure.
  16. Yes fences are not going to get it. This wall must be a serious structure as in high security prison walls.
  17. Good observation. And if there was a proper WALL. Funding all this paper work would be unnecessary
  18. Border control should be federal for sure. The problem is that these SAPS in the biden administration with their open border policies have lost control. We shall see how that works out for them this November
  19. There is absolutely nothing unclear about this English: If the number caught dwarfs the number who made it through undetected (unknown) Then this states that the number caught is much less than the "number who made it through".
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