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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Indeed, Would go to Half Moon Bay from the Monterey bay area just for the fish and chips. Have no doubt this guy was known as a whacko case even before this. And law enforcement should have been watching him. It's called preventative law enforcement. Unfortunately the liberals block this since some whackos civil rights are more important than public safety.
  2. So because the $19 billion manipulation does not jive with your agenda here then it's a "story". And maybe you should read this again non selectively; 37/$ by mid 2023. expected. And from this BOT mumbo jumbo quote it seems "volatility" only requires intervention when the baht is weakening as this case in point. I ain't clinging to anything here Hoss, my standard of living is not affected whatsoever by these FX games the thai government is playing.
  3. Could have fooled me. $19 billion not exactly chump change. And why do knowledgeable people like Enrico say they expect the baht to be about 37/$.https://www.thaienquirer.com/44229/thai-baht-heads-to-near-37-baht-us-as-bot-defends-its-use-of-19-billion-in-defending-the-currency/
  4. Yes when the baht is weak at 37 they buy baht. Then when it switches up in value at 32 they buy dollars. And it is no coincidence that those that benefit from this are also in influential positions. Again with a very minor currency it is not difficult to do this. Not saying this is the total picture, as outlined by the OP .
  5. Seems you have "overlooked" this BOT manipulation on the baht when it was at 37/$. As you say a very controlled boutique currency . And for this reason not difficult to prop up as "needed" https://www.thaienquirer.com/44229/thai-baht-heads-to-near-37-baht-us-as-bot-defends-its-use-of-19-billion-in-defending-the-currency/
  6. And now a new row of seafood venders have set up on sidewalk that was Southern border of the first/front parking lot . As you approach from South on side walk just past the new parking garage . This sidewalk corner is now blocked forcing pedestrians to walk on the road where vehicles are turning left to enter.
  7. Before getting DNA test a parent can be eliminated with certain "impossible" blood type combinations. See. chart.https://www.britannica.com/science/blood-group/Paternity-testing
  8. It is imparitive that this case be followed: And if he gets off with less that 15 or 20 years then a very serious letter writing movement to embassy's is in order.
  9. He is not over stating, he is describing the situation in Pattaya on the Pattaya forum. While beach cities like Santa Monica have homeless I don't think beach towns like Carmel , Newport, Laguna, La Jolla would put up with the riff raff that infest Pattaya Beach. Fwiw I've given up on Pattaya beach and motorbike promenade. Besides the cigarette smoking low life locals, the white cigarette smoking foreign slobs Not my problem anymore. Hello Jomtien
  10. Ok if the Brit did not instigate this then that sure does take "these pos thai males" down to a lower level.
  11. Instigate: to start or initiate. No one is say that the two above are the same. I hope this thai pos is locked up for 20. But the Brit had been drinking for hours and although there is only one witness, I believe the Brit instigated this with the banging on car.
  12. If Myrtle Beach had Pattayas nightlife - I would prefer Myrtle Beach . Outside of the "nightlife" options I've about had it with these thais.
  13. Do you want to link the source for this ? But I can imagine a scenario: This thai jerk made a very dangerous move for the expat. And the expat had been drinking and reacted too much.
  14. And Cambodia is # 1 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8rLmCFR/
  15. https://thepattayanews.com/2022/12/30/update-two-more-bodies-possibly-foreigners-found-on-beach-at-racha-island-phuket/ Now two more ,male and female found on Racha beach. What's going on here
  16. The only people that need to be asked (ordered) would have been the army corps of engineers. As this nonsense at the border(less) is a national emergency. But the democrats would rather be giving away billions down the tubes to lost causes like Ukraine. Have to keep the "campaign contributions" from the military industrial complex coming. It is physically possible to construct a wall that works believe it or not.
  17. And if the democrats would have supported the wall from the Pacific to the gulf then this would not be happening. Can't have it both ways.
  18. The whole place is booby trapped. These people are lucky if they can tie their shoes every morning. This is next to a light post in Jomtien. Step on this when it's raining...
  19. With the nearly complete destruction of what was once upon a time a city with some nice natural enclaves, the city is lucky to have sh*tloads of oblivious Asians, Arabs , Russians and all the saps from western countries to keep tourist numbers up. The rest are here for other reasons.
  20. And the stated purpose of this was to create more parking, but as noted above and plainly visable that is not happening. So just another cash cow contract/ kickback project. As noted running right through the high season.
  21. I'm sure alot of Thais miss that nice environment too. Sounds like the OP is from Europe, the rest from US. So we are used to environment destruction being challenged and blocked. In this country the locals just don't complain about anything so these "developers" can run roughshod on the country. And environmentalists here are living dangerously.
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