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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. From searches it is not $240 billion. Some said below $200 billion. https://m.investing.com/economic-calendar/thai-forex-reserves-(usd)-1326
  2. You will know it when it is in Thailand from the overdoses . Actually fentanyl thrives where heroin is not so available as it is a cheap synthetic substitute. So Thailand should not have any problems with fentanyl with the heroin availabllity due to its location.
  3. And it gets better and better. https://thepattayanews.com/2022/09/15/rolling-loud-thailand-hip-hop-music-event-set-to-hit-pattaya-in-april-2023/
  4. Not only the racket from these frequent events. There is all this construction / deconstruction of beach stages that goes on for days to put up with. Seems these ever increasing events (never been this many) are an attempt to compensate for the major lack of foreign visitors. Just about all Thais here now.
  5. As is the construction trailer trash about Jomtien Beach Rd @ Soi 13
  6. https://www.pattayamail.com/news/beach-road-drainage-pipe-installation-to-begin-in-june-47271.
  7. Ok when does the Good Fairy show up.
  8. Then the Chao Phraya river that discharges average 25,400 cubic feet per second will be backed up and overflow into Bangkok. In fact it is just this backing up of the river at very high tides in the gulf that cause Bangkok flooding. Any chance you have a reference for this 'wall' ? And on what side of Lam Chabang deep water port. ?
  9. From North end 1.5 meter diameter drainpipe from another project where pumps were not included.
  10. They better get alot of foreign engineering help for this. If they can't even connect the latest Beach Rd drain pipe project to that existing pump station at South end. As evidenced by all the portable pumps .https://bangkokherald.com/business/transport/broke-thailand-mulling-trillion-baht-on-unneeded-bridges-to-nowhere/
  11. Good summary. But in Pattaya you missed the s***lodes of these korean males who come to smoke cigarettes all day. And I tell them just that when passing by these clones.
  12. Is that supposed to be some kind of off the wall joke? A causeway across about 80 km of the gulf. That blocks the ports.
  13. https://www.tripsavvy.com/thailand-in-summer-3898490#:~:text=Summer in Thailand (June%2C July,days increasing steadily until October.
  14. Right the higher spending tourists are going and the lower spending tourists are coming. In Pattaya section news said domestic tourists/foreign tourists is about 10/1. Like I've said before July, August used to be a mini high season along the beach for Europeans. With the so called improvement projects there like the glorified road that is supposed to pass for a promenade that is full of motorbike riders . As well as cafes replaced with fast food - they have lost that visitor demographic. There is not an endless supply of first time visitors (especially these days) to make up for the loses in returning visitors.
  15. I don't know about that. The people who have found alternatives to Thailand recentely might have found something better. And are not going to be returning on schedule.
  16. 11% less ?. In an article last week in the English newspaper on the commentary pages. A Thai PhD who seemed very knowledgeable reported the the average tourist spend/holiday has gone from 50000 to 30000 baht. Down 40% . And also states that GDP this year about 1%
  17. If you had the money she has would you stay in Thailand,?? I would not.
  18. Nice sucker punch ! There are about 40 people I regret missing that shot.
  19. Indeed, isn't it high time to stop all this running scared business. Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. I am unvaccinated for SARS-CoV-2. No question about my being exposed. Took test yesterday. Have type O, BMI 21.5. Exercise, raw garlic.
  20. Asleep, in denial, thai apologitis. Maybe these people miss the "microagessions" But how in the world do they miss this video??? Unbelievable
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