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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. As well as the kicked back city hall employee who gave out contract.
  2. For sure there is some heavy surf along that part of the coast. A fishing boat was hit by wave and capsized off Trat. The report says the doctor was washed out by a large wave and that the friends dragged him out of the surf. This suggests it was just the backwash from a large wave that got him: If it was an organized rip tide he would have been carried out bound at least 25 meters and not in a position for the friends to drag him out of the surf. So yes it seems he was not an ocean swimmer at all .And probably did not have the basic experience to just dive under the wave. Instead the wave hit him and put him under some whitewater. Then as he was being rolled he took on some water. Next the normal backwash from the wave running up the beach could have rolled him back out where he also took on more water.
  3. Right you certainly don't read about any Californians or Australians drowning in Thailand.
  4. Going out in those conditions without fins was a mistake. The girl was found 300 meters South. Not all rips are outbound. This was as I suspected a side rip along the shore. Either from tidal current or waves hitting a point at an angle and water forced along shore.Then at the other point the water is outbound. In any case, as you did, just go for a ride and get picked up later.These two most likely started struggling as they lost control of their position.
  5. That does not apply to French nationals. She has French citizenship
  6. She has a French passport and had plenty of time to see this trial coming. There is no extradition from France to the US. She could be in Paris and the hi-life. What was she thinking.
  7. Most likely these "contractors are paid first and long gone. This mess on Pattaya Klang up from Beach road is going on a year.
  8. You should know the FDA is not requiring clinical trial data on the redesigned BA 4,5 boosters before public use. https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/fda-will-not-require-clinical-trial-data-authorize-redesigned-covid-boosters-2022-06-30/#:~:text=NEW YORK (Reuters) - The,FDA official said on Thursday.
  9. FDA will not require clinical trial data to authorize redesigned COVID boosters -official NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will not require companies to submit clinical trial data on COVID-19 vaccines modified to protect against the BA.4 and BA.5 versions of Omicron in order to authorize those shots, a top FDA official said on Thursday. Dr. Peter Marks, head of the agency's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, told Reuters the agency will rely on data from clinical trials vaccine makers have run on shots designed to combat the BA.1 lineage, as well as manufacturing data, for emergency use authorization submissions before the fall. https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/fda-will-not-require-clinical-trial-data-authorize-redesigned-covid-boosters-2022-06-30/#:~:text=NEW YORK (Reuters) - The,FDA official said on Thursday. So to expedite this new booster omit possible adverse effects data
  10. Your kinda picky Bud. What about these Puerto Rican girls in Central Park.
  11. https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/
  12. https://wap.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/omicron-ba-4-ba-5-can-dodge-immunity-from-infection-covid-vax-study-122050100722_1.html Yes why o why would you want to continue injecting this stuff. And is not going to help with the omicron 4 and 5,s and counting. Do a search on garlic too.
  13. Sure they are. And the wine girls are looking good too.
  14. "Honorary" Thai. How many butts does a foreigner have to kiss for that. Case in point.
  15. And these failed projects make a mess of the beach. The correct way would have a pumping station directing the water well out into the bay. And you would have expected this latest drain system to be connected to the pump station right next to the outflow. Of course that would have required foreign engineers.
  16. Photos from some go go's from the 00's. The girls are still looking good 2022. What's for sure not the same 2022 are some of the foreign males around here : anti prostitution, offended by working girls in go go's, bragging rights about ladyboys?? So the question: What are some of you people doing here? 0
  17. Give me a break Chief. NYC photos 30 years after "summer of love
  18. I started paying for it in New York City with Puerto Rican girls. What's the problem.
  19. That's alright. There is nothing wrong with girls in their 40's And by the way all you folks taking potshots: Show me what you got.
  20. Trust me they all have the XXX chromosome.
  21. That's right new drainage doesn't work. This is the latest failure at Pattaya Beach South end. Notice the ridge of deposited sand that built up. This has preventedthe gravity flow water drainage and now portable pumps are necessary.
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