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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Not all about laws: Take the beach promenade in Pattaya. All seating removed, nice trees hacked down, converted into a glorified road for local lowlifes motorbike riding. And now parking for the pickup crowd. And of course the sh*tshow at South end. A hostile environment for foreigners and the local ladies.
  2. How much education is required to know it is wrong to go through red lights ?? Not all about education
  3. Not that complicated. Unhealthy people have the comorbidities and are at high risk. Im surprised alot of them are still walking around anyway.https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-comorbidities-coviddeaths-idUSL1N2TU22X And further more don't have false security if vaccinated with comorbidities: 6 months protection .https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-covid-vaccine-protect-you#takeaway
  4. 6 % according to CDV https://towardsdatascience.com/covid-19-comorbidities-are-the-elephant-in-the-room-7d185bd6cfe2
  5. I guess foreigners associate with these thai males out in the sticks. But not even in places like Bangkok or Pattaya. For good reason
  6. Sure you can say that. But for you and the : "it happens everywhere" crowd the point ya all are missing is the greater frequency, the mass quantaties here.
  7. Indeed and omicron is a distinct lineage from delta. https://covariants.org/
  8. Just another sh*tload of jerks to put up with around here. As if it wasn't bad enough with the mototaxis. On a side note wonder how much revenue these unfortunate patio restaurants lose when hijacked by these crews. Ive noticed very few customers in these places. Sure the owners are aware their business is going to ****
  9. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-11/repeat-booster-shots-risk-overloading-immune-system-ema-says#:~:text=European Union regulators warned that,to the European Medicines Agency.
  10. Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater Hoss. Let's just ban about 75% of the Pattaya population carrying the XY chromosome.
  11. Excellent Sir. Could not have said it better. This had nothing to do with having a beer. Give me a break. I like that no go zones. These local lowlifes shouldn't be allowed on the promenade. What with their smoking, lying around, riding motorbikes. And things like this report that I have no problem with accepting .
  12. It can be done with just a layer of water on smooth flat surface
  13. https://www.shutterstock.com/search/skimboarding
  14. So what we have here are 4 different vaccines: M,P,S,AZ. Taken 3 at a time equals 4^3 = 64 different permutations.
  15. And with alot of pug faces https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeQafsKc/
  16. Don't forget that for Jomtien ,90 day there is an area to right of entrance in parking lot. So you don't have to wait 45 minutes in the main line like I did last week
  17. It's not going to improve. So any high tech is going to have to rely on foreign engineers. As all the highly technical projects here like bridges, subways, skytrains , electrical grids have only been possible with foreign engineers. That extended link also states that Thai household debt is now 100% of GDP. And that FDI for 2020 was $17 Billion for Vietnam and $10.8 Billion for Thailand. Do you have to be a macro-economist to see major headwinds here.
  18. Again it's not the beach and water - It's being on the water. Taken this morning.
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