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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 2 hours ago, Sakeopete said:

    A Lot of America bashing on TV. They are not perfect but most of the free world has slept well under their watch. Can anyone here honestly say the world would be better under China or Russia? 

    I actually feel quite relieved that today Russia, China, and Iran are serving as a counterbalance to the USA's bullying.  Lets face it, they surely couldnt possibly be as ruthless and self centered as the USA. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Pedrogaz said:

    Clever move by Putin. He is streets ahead of any other leader on the world stage. I do worry though that the Neo-con nut cases, like Bolton and Pompeo running the US would rather start WW3 than lose face. 

    To me this is similar to Libya and Syria. Maduro has strong support among the populace otherwise he would have fallen already. Similarly Assad has huge support among Syrians which is why the US was unwilling to allow him to enter any post-transition election. Also Gadhaffi would have fallen if he lacked popular support, it required direct US/UK participation in airstrikes to turn the tide against him in the civil.

    Well said!

    • Thanks 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:


    shoulder blade right arm

    As mentioned in my post above I have compression fractures in my upper spine, T7 and T8? caused from jumping off the roof when I was a kid.  Still very clear on xrays to this day and got me out of conscription to the Vietnam war thank god.  Rarely affects me if I sit correctly, no straining to lean forward when sitting (like reaching for the remote from the opposite side of the coffee table when sitting. 


    When affected I get a very sharp pain between the shoulder blades, a slight tightness in the chest like I imagine a heart attack to be, and a pain running down my right arm and across my right hand.  Sound similar?


    See my previous post for how I easily fix it.  Good luck

  4. 20 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:
    20 hours ago, Enoon said:
    I get regular, but infrequent, lower back pain. Dating from an injury when I was 18.
    Find some way to apply heat to the area.
    I strap one of these (hot water bottle) over it:
    Gives fast relief and speeds up healing.

    Good advice, i found frozen peas and hot water bottle helped, better than drugs

    Cold doesnt work for me, actually makes my back pain worse.  But a hot water bottle does wonders.  I also have a kind of padded belt thing full of a silicon/jelly type substance that you heat in the microwave and strap around your injury with the aid of velcro straps each end.  Bought from Bangkok pharmacy and works very well for me.


    I have damaged discs and arthritis in lower back plus 2 upper vertebrate with compression fractures.  Fortunately upper back pain doesnt strike me very often and is usually due to how I sit ie no stretching out forwrd while sitting.   No drug Ive tried will touch it however someone big giving me a lifting and jolting bear hug from behind relieves it immediately.  If no such person is around I look for a tree with a strong bough just out of my reach or similar and by jumping up and grabbing the bough the jolt of my body pulls my spine straight again and the pain goes.


    My lower back is all about pain management as most drugs Ive tried wont touch the pain.  Its all about how I sit, get out of bed, stretching exercises and knowing what my body can take eg lifting etc.  My chiro suggested Thai massgae for when I moved here but the one time I did go, I couldnt  even walk the next day the pain was so great.  That time I went to Ramkamhaeng hospital and they gave me an injection in the bum which made me totally pain free for three days (best I have felt for years).  I never found out what it was sorry but doubt an opiate because no grogginess at all.


    I hope you can get some relief soon.

  5. 1 hour ago, Number 6 said:

    An enjoyable place to live in which I've found the people by and large friendly.


    A country that allowed me to skirt visa regulations for a decade with impunity 1992-2009 really.


    Some of the best beaches I've ever visited and camped. Absolutely cheap national parks to camp.


    Ease to travel about the nation in cheap and relatively comfortable transportation.


    A country that allows me to stay year on year for a few hours of paperwork and 400k banked.


    Despite prices sort of skyrocketing, reasonable low cost standard of living.


    A wife that that never given me a moment's trouble in ten years. Makes almost zero demands on my finances. Family is hard working.


    Coming out of retirement, a second career in which I am now banking 40k a month on basic monthly savings.


    A previous job that paid me for 4-5 months outside the classroom while making 55k pm.


    Some amazing years as a younger man using Thailand as a base. Thermae1, Soi0 and Pattaya 97-04.


    In Bangkok I appreciate all the young people about me. I enjoy teaching, having young people about me. It makes me feel so much more alive and youthful. All the beautiful women in Bangkok.



    I dont recall Thailand never rolling out a red carpet for me. Things are becoming complicated and to this end I will never buy a condo here and in fact completely changing my retirement strategy.


    What I resent is after being married ten years is not being given PR, allowed to buy condo without my wife making claim upon divorce and the inability to buy a home/land.


    I will state the bureaucracy is way out of hand. Needing to report upon arrival and reporting when traveling domestically is the most assinine thing I've heard about in my 30 years in Asia. US doesn't do it. Communist China doesn't do it. What's worse is it's not consistently enforced and there's no detailed information how to follow the rules.


    Another bit of absolute stupidity is laying blame on the foreigners when Thais (landlords) bureaucrats (Immigration) make mistakes. We pay both with penalties and fines. Truly Kafkaesque.


    I'm unhappy at the developments but I think those that cant meet the old requirements and had lied on their affadavits have no place to harbor bitterness or resentment. I'm not necessarily saying this is the OP.


    So many countries to see, adventures to be had but Thailand was never about soaking up the Thai culture. It's about high standards at low costs and sweet prostitutes that don't make you feel like a loser when you employ their services. That's really if we are honest why so many single men just can't leave. Philippines is dirty and dangerous, Cambodia is undeveloped and gritty, Vietnam is run by communists and will always have a bead on you. So the party is over.


    Don't go away mad, just go away

    Yeah ok ok ok but what you got apart from all that?

    • Haha 2
  6. 17 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

    What nonsense. De Niro obviously has not seen the awards presented to Donald Trump over the years by those like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Don King for supporting and helping the black community. I guess because Trump does not subscribe to leftist groupthink then you must start the name calling. 

    These awards mean nothing.  Lets face it,  they once gave the Nobel Peace Prize to Kissinger who is one of the greatest murderers in the history of mankind.

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