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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. Atmos, great report from Snetterton or Snotterton as the club racers now call it,, it was my home circuit, 25ks up the road from my house, never raced, spectator or a marshall, 1966 went with some friends to see Hailwood on the 297 6cyl Honda, i cant forget the noise that bike made, its on Youtube,,,

    Wasnt it good to see Yourgay and Dovi going past Moaner, it really pleased me, Rossi,s place wasnt that bad, apparantly he had the 1000cc engine, but cut down to 800 for the race, so i really dont think Duke is to worried about this years results, even though Rossi is 4th in the standings.

    Simple, well, he got shown the way again, perhaps its time for a haircut? he was the slowest of all on the fastest part of the track,

  2. Yes, i sent a request as soon as the topic got off the ground, had a reply saying Bina would do it but her internet connection is very unstable in her kibutz, so if it goes of the front page, will perhaps try George,

    Cheers, Lickey.

  3. An old Suffolk pub, [East Anglia, UK]

    Oi, where you going? well George me,, its 12 15am, got work tomora buh,george, I aint called time yet, whats the rush boy, gotta make my sarnies and need some grub afore bed, George, you can hev a cheese sarni with pickeled oinions and a hard egg, and another beer!, Me, ok you old bugger, but make it quick, ta, Me, i gotta have leak buh, back in a mo, George, you better tie a bit of string on the front door knob, do else you ownt find your way back, bloody foggy out there tonight !!

    Joyce, [georges wife] you know its darts here tomora night boy dont ya? Me, yes Joycey, Joyce, well, what do you want in your sarnis, Me, cheese and ham, cheese and onion, Joyce, heres 3quid, pick up cheese and ham and do you make sure its here no later than 6pm,

    On delivery, Joycey would bring me 3/4 small glasses of draught beer, usually Adnams Broadside,Greene King Abbott, and James White cider,i would have 3 pints of the beer and she told me, you can have the cider as your last pint, then you gotta get hume afore it takes effect, that was about 15 mins from finishing it,,,

    The pub closed about 1996, George died and it was too much for Joycey, i suppose some of my most enjoyable years playing 3 card/7 card brag, crib, knap, dominoes,darts all died with them, but i will never forget the good times i had there, its a memory now, and a pleasant one, it would be difficult to bring back,

    You fellas who want to re-kindle FC, perhaps introduce some pub leauge games, such as Crib, or Knap, Dominoes, Darts, have a plate of sarnis at the end of game, small donation from each of you would cover costs, or get a prize card going, sell 5 raflle tickets for 20bht, winner gets a small bottle of Regency or something, nobody will moan at 20bht,, loose or win!! Perhaps put a cereal sized dish of roast taters on a table of falangs, get them peckish, make them feel at home,

    Just a few ideas, trying to get an old flame burning again is hard work, but can be done, dont give up yet,,,,

  4. No problems atall, you can use your Thai license to hire a vehicle in the UK, your new 5 year license will also be in english, 2 times now i have used my thai DL to hire a car, i also have my expired UK DL as back-up if needed, but never been asked, but i do take along a family [uK] member as a garantor and for an adress of where we will be staying, with their ID, eg, DL, Passport ect..

    personally, i reckon the Thai DL is better than UK DL, thai DL has your passport number on it and can be traced anywhere in the world,


  5. My mrs had been married 4 times before and has 7 kids, i paid for a big place to be built for all of us and then 3mill bht sin sot, and it turns out both her parents died 9 years ago before i ever met her,

    Sorry, that was all BS, but i could envisage it happening here, my mrs is a goodun, well, if she had a little more respect for money, but that dosent seem part of the Thai nature,

    Well Erik, seems this lady used her charms on you, asking you to lie for her, it nearly worked, but she beat you to it, she told Adolf the truth before he met you, ok, she lost out a bit on the all important money, but if she hadnt have told him and you did, she might have lost all, and her cash buffalo for months to come,

    It seems no matter what some falang thinks about what is fair, a coniving thai lady will be 10 steps ahead of him on the money ladder, ....

  6. Chris Vermullen didnt come into your reckoning/ hes not that bad is he, i mean, A protege of our very popular Barry Sheene, he must have learnt some media tricks from Barry?

    Ive had a chat on 2 occasins with Barry, and he is Mr Likeable, he was a great bloke, spoke with Carl Fogarty to, talk about a hard bastard, just couldnt get my head round the fella, running down everybody in racing, he just didnt seem to enjoy competing, he had to win, if not, everybody else was against him,

    Russell Benney Phase 1 endurance is also a great bloke. ive chatted with lots of UK top riders from the 70s 80s,90s, in my job as pit lane marshall, I will always remember Joey Dunlop at the Ally Pally bike show, got 2 cups of tea and 40 mins chat with Joey because he noticed i smoked Old Holborn, and he left his pouch in trhe hotel, but a lovely man..

    Bring on the WSBK in 4 days time, im missing it too,

  7. Yeah...alone and unassisted by the looks of it.....not like those other soft cok adventurers that had everything planned for them and support crews and vehicles.....that was certainly no adventure......the easy long way round etc.

    Looking forward to seeing a well documented TV series about his travels, although i very much doubt it, perhaps 2 pages in a bike mag?

  8. Eirik, i see by all your posts you dont have [or dont mention a thai partner] if not, of course you are on your own with this, in this case, feign sickness if you want and you cant meet anybody, on the other hand, if you do have a good thai partner, ask them to deal with it,

    I dont want to boast about my mrs, but she is straight, she will tell falang if the girl/family good or no good, she has no qualms with this, yes, she has been threatened by famlies to shut up, she takes no notice, in our comunity, her family is large, she says nobody mess with my family, no, not mafia, just well respected,

    Personally, when i have known something was going on with the "intended' And the falang has found our place for a chat and a beer, i will have a general chat about the area, land prices, building, farming, local bars, restrurants ect, and eventually get into some stories about previous falangs that have won or lost on investment, local girls who have 3 falang husbands or boyfriends and the money they send them, and of course, "have problem with farm, need insecticde ect daughter have TB, have to go BKK special hospital"

    If the german man asks you if you know this lady, just say, yes, i see her in village on motorbike with 2 kids, her kids? i dont know, perhaps sisters kids? or other family, im not sure, ask her yourself,

    I think the above aproach would be an easy way around issues without incriminating yourself, and of course tell the german fella, its your understanding of the local comunity, and if he comes back to you for more help, say sorry, its all i know..

    Good luck, Lickey..

  9. Jim, a masterpiece, thankyou for your time in helping me and other newbies, yep, so very true, the planting is over, and the long wait begins,

    If i may ask you a question, for eg, i have just planted 40 rai, in the waiting time, i have looked after all and paid for everything, how long do you think it will be into producing time i will recover the intial investment,

    Thanks, Lickey.

  10. Yes Kurnell, the ice has worked, but very temporarily, i had just done this this morning and was resting on the sofa, the salon massage lady got hold of my calf and dug her fingers in deep, i cried with pain, then i had to go to the docs, yes, 2 injections and 3 lots of tablets, ok the pain has gone, but im sure its only a mask, perhaps in the long term the tabs will help? the only blister pack tab i can read is Tolperisone HCI 50mg , 3 times a day, the other looks like Fernisal, mg? and an orange torpedo looking tab NL, when pain is too much, what the injections were? no idea, the pain has gone, but i do know its not going to heal the muscle, so keeping bandage on and walking accordingly,,

    The massage lady is very sorry, and promised to bring me some beer tomorow, such is life,,,, Thanks Lickey..

  11. Thanks for the advice Sheryl, the mrs had been putting the bandage on top to bottom, no doubht this caused the ankle swelling, Going to Udon in a couple of days so will go to the Royal Military hospital, been good before,

    Cheers, Lickey.

  12. I had a similar thing, sposed to go shopping for funiture ect for new house, but broke a bone in big toe, gave the mrs card and number, max 20k bht, [5 years ago] she came back that night and gave me bills totalling 150k bht, <deleted>,how? who? , she said i found the things we wanted, gave them your card, told them you sick, they take my ID card and copy, and all ok,,,, grrrrr. next time we went to the store, i complained bitterly to the boss, and he gave us a microwave,

    Moral is, dont let your card out of your sight, and now, even i dont know where ive hidden it,,

  13. Im not a sportsman [anymore] but ive pulled or torn a calf muscle, it was about 10 days ago, ive been using an elasticated bandage rather than the stocking type, i just wondered if there is a right or wrong way to put this bandage on, do i start from the bottom and work up or vice-versa? also its still very painfull and i cant walk without the bandage, is there a good horse type liniment i could use, or do i go to the docs and have the 2 injections he gives everybody for everything?

    Thanks, Lickey.

  14. Dont bother with him Jim, like a whole load of others on here, hes waiting for the goverment, some seem to have been here a long time, but dont seem to have learnt much about thai face,

    I could have paid all for the plot, then what? wait wait wait ,,,,,,,,,, no, my mrs is clever, she knew there would be a lack of interest by all parties once the money was handed over, i agree, its great face for your thai partner to hand over big wads of cash, makes her look good in the community, bit like sin sot i suppose?

    But to have a thai wife who doesnt give a monkeys about face is far more important to me, she gets things done, without the bamboo and plastic bags!!!!

    Bored Jim? dont forget the rubber thingy mate,, Cheers, Lickey.

  15. There is no engine oil , that is a separate system , the transmition oil will enter the lower end through a leaking crank case seal , a very common problem on 2 stroke engines , no way jetting of any kind can cause all of the excess oil you have entering the combustion chamber . I suggest you take the machine to a competent mechanic who works on 2 strokes and have that seal replaced , it should not be expensive as it is a straight forward job . Too many cooks in the kitchen .

    Of course not , but a mechanic could have changed the jets in an attempt to lean the bike out when the smoke first started to occur, which results in a hot cylinder, which could then lead to a cracked head, cylinder, toasted gasket which leads to water coming in.

    Gotta check everything ! ;)

    Gotta check everything,, OP already said the rad coolant is clean and temp shows normal,,,

    Gotta read everything too...

  16. MD, take the exhaust off and remove the air filter, fit some ear plugs and start it up, does it rev better now? if so, replace the filter, still revs good? re-fit exhaust, back to 7k revs? you say the exhaust has been cleaned out, ok, lets take that for gospel, Strokers need exhaust back pressure to run nice, but that back pressure can expose a leaking crank seal,

    this simple test should show up the problem. dont worry too much about the oil you see in the exhaust port, the pump is delivering at full throttle opening and the engine is not reaching it, normal..

    Didnt try this simple test?

  17. Opps sorry Soihok, missed your birthday post, hope you had a good-un and hope you still got the Great British Trumpet,,

    You know Jesus was a rocker dont you? you could hear the roar of his Triumph all over the land,,,

    Best Wishes Mr 46, Cheers, Lickey..

  18. MD, take the exhaust off and remove the air filter, fit some ear plugs and start it up, does it rev better now? if so, replace the filter, still revs good? re-fit exhaust, back to 7k revs? you say the exhaust has been cleaned out, ok, lets take that for gospel, Strokers need exhaust back pressure to run nice, but that back pressure can expose a leaking crank seal,

    this simple test should show up the problem. dont worry too much about the oil you see in the exhaust port, the pump is delivering at full throttle opening and the engine is not reaching it, normal..

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