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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. Thankyou Khonwan for your post, im glad you think it makes a lot of sense as im sure many others do, i also nominate Jim, to me he is the predominate Rubber Doctor on the forum,

    Reading Daklings recent post about starting rubber trees ect, it seems he has his own methods from the WWW and that a "local" hands on is of no use to him, so be it, he doesnt need to read the topic or contribute to it in any way..

    And yes, i remember the way Dom err guided you in? to do the Cassava Topic, cunning old bugger he is!!

    So folks, who else nominates James Coll to start this off, [only if you have the time Jim, up to you! }


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  2. We choose some "city" land, called the seller, told them to bring family round for an evening of food and drink and we would talk about it,

    about 7 of the family came to our old house, we told them, yes, we want the ground, and have the cash ready, Mrs gave them 50k bht of the top of the pile and said, get the boundaries done by goverment office and the chanote, and this heap of money is yours, their eyes were near out of the sockets at so much money, 7 working days later, we witnessed the goverment fellas measuring out the plot, and the pegs going in and signed the chanote papers, building started next day,

    Now i wonder how we got it done so quick?? anybody think we put the onus on the seller to get things done?? did some of that 50k bht find its way somewhere else??

    The purchase paperwork shew a price that was about 1/5 of the paid price, this is for the seller to avoid taxes, and all the paperwork is in my wifes name, and if i wanted to buy another plot, thats how i would go about it, because while you are waiting for the goverment, for months, and old family member might turn up and claim his right to some of the land, another battle starts,

    By paying for land that you dont know the size of doesnt seem like a good idea to me, but appeals to others, <deleted> indeed????

  3. Hello to the Thai Rubber Farmers Secret Society, it doesnt really bother me whether you rubber farmers post a start to produce with fert regimes or not, im not into rubber, im just thinking of newbies who might be,

    The site i posted was the result of a google search "thai rubber farming" so thats what a newbie will see, in reality, its far from the truth,

  4. I bought land in Korat, correction my Thai wife bought land in Korat (rural villige past Phimai). It took an enormous amount of time to get the survey and transfer done. She was living with me in Australia and visited home to make the purchase. Land belonged to her sister who was experiencing financial difficulties so we decided to help and keep the land in the family at the same time. It took seven to ten months. She visited home 3 times during this wait. I had never asked or expected to have my name on the deed. If you split she will still walk with everthing....Kun Thai na? I dont know when it finally went through but i think it was just after my step daughters 18th birthday. I discovered the deed secreted away and in the daughters name. Just about the same time we started experiencing marital difficulties. Might have been a coincidence????. We are now divorced, but that is another story.......or is it?:whistling:

    Memock, i hope you are beginning to understand my post now.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpRH4bhLeFg

    Hopefully this clip will work, cos i think Dorna or somebody has taken it off, Randy looks over his left shoulder, sees moaner coming and moves over to his right, same line as moaner wants, i watched the clip many times, i dont see moaners bike snaking under heavy braking, i cant see by the clip if there was a blue flag [if they still use the overtaking flag?] and this is just the warm-up, moaner is hyper and should see a trick cyclist, 5k euros is probaly what he gets for wearing a badge on his leathers for one race.

    Simplechelli is really making friends, Redposa is of course the latest, its quite obvious simple is over enthusiastic, Dani leaves with a broken collar bone, and simple with a ride through, is there any justice??

    Opps, perhaps im getting like moaner? sorry..

    But some great racing in all 3 classes, really enjoyed it, Specially 125s, Maverick was brilliant,

    The penalty thing, i suppose that Rossi went past moaner and lost it, he didnt touch him, moaner ran into rossis bike and went down, Simple cut across Danis path and brought him down, but stayed on, if he had of gone down too, it might have been classed as a racing accident, Just my view,

    Cheers, Lickey..

  6. Quite right Bluetongue, all Max had to do was look down at his engine, thump the front brake master cylinder, or similar, anything to loose a sec, and join just in front of the oncoming pack, his race pace would have secured him 1st place, a fella with Maxs experince and didnt do this, well, who knows?

  7. Im not a rubber farmer and recently not a farmer atall, but i do read all posts with interest,

    the 1 foot rubber sapling is about a year old? and the 2ft sapling is getting on for 2 years old and has more chance of survival because of its age, although its price is perhaps 15/20bht more, so the economics would suggest that the older tree has saved you a years fertilizer and weed cleaning [labour] and the costs that go with the labour, is it worth a consideration to pay a little more to save more?

    Thanks, Lickey.

  8. Eugene Laverty, well done!! the double at Monza Superbikes, and to get past Melandri on the last lap, brilliant, and of course race 2 was contraversial, Biaggi was unfairly given a stop-go penalty, Or was he? he was alone upfront, and made a mistake, similar to the first race, Nobody pushed him off the track, there was nobody near him, i believe that the judges saw him as a danger to himself and possibly other racers, and the stop-go was a sign for him to obey the race command or get a race ban or something,

    The Roman Emporer has been racing a long time, and with a lead of 2+secs, he should have put in consecutive laps to the end, but to mess up like he did, questions should be asked!

  9. Mrs employed the farmer opposite our farm to help out with various things like early morning salad & fruit picking, and weeding jobs ect, he would do a good job and we were always well pleased with his efforts, he came to the house every night, have a tin of Leo with me, collect his pay and go home, great bloke,

    It came the time to buy the fert for our first try at cassava, so i bought the fert next day, delivered it to the farm, told him what to do, ect, then went home to do some other jobs, later in the afternoon, i took the Mrs Wave to the farm instead of my 1200Yamaha, i saw him spreading our fert on his plants, had i been on my big bike he would heard it and ducked down and hid, he didnt see me atall, so i phoned the mrs, she came along and he was caught red-handed, the poor sod nearly cried after the mrs onslaught, and he promised to pay for the 2 bags he nicked when he harvested his cassava,

    We harvested the cassava at a great loss, mainly because of the wall street crash ect, and our man was trying to get back in favour with us, he sprayed the salad beds and overdone the mix, nothing would grow for 18months, so we went organic.

    I really pity you fellas farming from afar, even with your mrs keeping an eye on things, she has got to know farming, whats needed,when, how much ect, and make sure its done,

    Reading all the posts as they arrive, im a very glad i didnt do it from afar, and now im more or less out of it, im not unhappy, its closed a bottomless pit,

  10. It sounds like an earthing problem, otherwise to the steering colunm cluster switches, main fuse box, even a bulk head plug fitting, also if you wash your truck often or there has been heavy rain lately, perhaps water has got into some fitting somewhere, unplug a few main componets and look for green mold on contacts,,

  11. Warpy, good to see you have calmed down, whats all this about trans? you trying to get me going or something?

    well , yes you are right, if it isnt overhauled correctly, by a factory trained Tech, you will most likely have problems, I had 5 years of re-building Allison 4 speed and World series electronic controlled trans, [allauto] , as one of the only agents for Allison in the UK, these boxes had to have a 2 year guarantee, most of the trans came from buses or dustcarts, so you can imagine the hard stop/start work they had, in drive all day long, We could programme the electronic boxes to hold a gear on a hill, rather than changing up, loosing power then going down a gear again,

    I seen some very worn out auto boxes, and some faliures, if the box was abused, ive never seen it, ..

  12. Ive been reluctant to admit this for 6 years now, but i feel now is the time to help others, its not directed at the OP,

    After meeting my thai GF, i decided it was time to sell up in the UK, and settle in Thai, so doing some net research, i found a company in Thai that could help me, they are sponsers of TV, so i got into an online chat with them, i explained i wanted a retirement visa, they said they can do this if i Paypalled them 350quid, which i did, and they sent me the adress of the thai embassy in Hull, saying i would have to pay 40quid for the visa, after arriving here, 3 weeks getting settled in, we flew down to BKK to this agent, they said what i had paid for was the information they had already given, and for a retirement would be 25k+ marriage would be [all in] 35k, so im thinking, what happened to my 350quid? we flew back to Udon, went to Nong Khia immi next day, all is in order sir, 1900bht,, will i use an agent again? no thanks, i can fend for myself with simple form filling,

    I admit, i was a real sucker, but never again!!

  13. I have a good BB conection and pay 300 bht a month for True Platimum,, seems ok to me,,

    OK Lickey, I'll bite. 300 baht a month for True Platinum, how do you do that?

    Hi IA, will send you PM with all details, Cheers Lickey.

  14. Swisse, perhaps not much to do with reception ect, but you might remember a post a few years ago about storms & gold ect, we had our first big storm yesterday [sunday] started at 4.30pm, mrs has a box for such ocasions, off came the gold necklace bracelet and ring, her mobile, she turned off, put them all in a box and under the stairs they went, it wasnt till 9pm did she retrive them, and then called all her family to see if they were ok,

    Some times i get 2/3 wi fi possible conections here, i can see 7 towers from the top floor, if only i knew the sign in passwords, mmm, free internet!!

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