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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. Please enlighten me as to which Western democracies have had their Courts dissolve 3 political parties in the last 5 years?
  2. Seems the height of stupidity to venture into a cave prone to flooding when there is heavy continuous rain in the area.
  3. It seems we've been reading about the rebranding of Pattaya as a family friendly destination for the last two decades.
  4. How much is the extended warranty? I had a Triton for just under 17 years and the only serious problem I had in all that time was the AC matrix failing twice. 5000 bht to fix each time.
  5. Four years for the sexual abuse of a young child and the possession of child pornography is shamefully short. I hate to think he may be out in two years for good behaviour. Hopefully he fellow prisoners will make his stay particularly memorable for him.
  6. Our plan is to go off-grid fairly soon as we save so much anyway. Installation of a smart meter will just hasten the switch. As a further comment when we talked at PEA about installing solar panels, we were interested in the feedback bonus, the guy we chatted to told wifey the meter may run backwards! He actually said if you don't go overboard cutting the bill too quickly and by way too much it's unlikely a smart meter will be installed anytime soon.
  7. If you have a non-smart electric meter it will run backwards during the day banking units for when you run the ac at night.
  8. We have a simple 5kw grid-tie system. 90k bht installed. We have ten 610w panels but disconnected two as it's kicking out too much power on sunny days. Those 2 panels will go toward making another 5kw array when we install a battery sometime next year. We live in Kanchanaburi. Installation was carried out by a small team recommended by a friend. Zero regrets so far and very happy with their work.
  9. Well he's definitely got the gut that rank of uniform demands.
  10. Yeah, best thing we did swapping our car for an EV and installing solar panels. Previous home electric and car fuel bill were just over 12k bht per month. Present home electric and car charging when we can't use solar is about 1700 bht per month....over 10k bht in savings per month.
  11. I submitted an application for a British Passport renewal in Bangkok on July 12th. On the 22nd July I received an email stating it was ready for pickup. Very good service imho.
  12. Good news for him is that it was reduced by half due to his confession.
  13. Cars were recovered in Thailand more than seven years ago. From the article cars haven't yet been returned just the promise of return 'per legal requirements'. My how slowly the wheels of justice turn here.
  14. If somebody did that to one of my daughters they'd no longer be breathing.
  15. Sounds like self defence to me.
  16. Facebook don't give a siht, just after the advertising revenue. I've reported several scams and nothing gets done about them.
  17. Blame it on the pickled fish.
  18. 'Certificate of Innocence'.....does it come with another ribbon to pin on his uniform?
  19. "Excuse me sir, we agreed a price of 150 baht for my conveyance back to my abode. I'm sorry but I cannot agree to your demand for more than double that amount now my trip has completed. Could we please ask your two colleagues if your insistence on more is justified and what might be their suggestion for a satisfactory resolution of our impasse."
  20. Wonder if the students had proper forward facing seats with seatbelts in a purposely designed passenger compartment with impact protection and the driver taken part in an official public service driver program?
  21. No idea. All I know is that my average house bill have gone down from about 2500 to less than a thousand and the TOU bill also about a thousand less as I'm charging our EV using solar too. Maybe it's because we're still connected to the grid too and alot of the time the meter's spinning backwards like crazy.
  22. My 5Kw system cost 90k bht installed. I'm saving about 2500 bht a month so payback sometime in year four.
  23. Big difference between being 'shocked' and actually condemning a barbaric, murderous attack on innocents.
  24. So what company is it or aren't we allowed to know it's name?
  25. Some foreigners are more foreign than others.
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