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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. "Boon is alleged to have forged his former daughter-in-law’s signature to secure a loan, resulting in damages estimated at 7.5 billion baht." With such massive sums involved you'd expect the lender to at least ask to see the person who's signature was on the form.
  2. From the pic it looks as though he's balancing on the grey water pipe. If he did have a few drinks, yes speculating I know, then he may have thought if some fun to walk the length of the pipe.
  3. Given that it is obvious Taksin enjoys the support of somebody of way higher standing than anyone else the decision of the AG is entirely understandable. I expect the Constitutional Court will come to a similar judgment.
  4. All those Chinese tourists have a big appetite.
  5. Banks have crazy lending criteria. Wifey and I bought a car recently. Wanted a loan as I can get better interest on my capital as the loan rate. Turned down despite income of nearly 100k per month so paid cash. Wifeys friend was granted a loan for a new pickup. Repayments 7k per month with an income of 9k per month. Madness. Friends mum is now scrabbling around every month borrowing money to pay the loan for the family car.
  6. "constitutional technicalities" BS, MF were stitched up a treat by the Fascist dinosaurs still able to pull the strings.
  7. Maybe you can tell my Thai wife why you're in favour of lax law enforcement on Thai roads. Her brother was helping at the scene of an accident when he was killed by a speeding drunk driver. Clung on to life for a week in ICU before succumbing to horrific injuries. His mother attempted suicide whilst grieving for her dead son.
  8. "...Pattaya City Police, and are reviewing CCTV footage. Although the store’s management has yet to release surveillance footage" Hows that work then?
  9. I can't wait to take my grandkids on a trip to a derelict wind farm on their next visit to Thailand.
  10. I doubt they will be in for that long. The need to decrease severe prison overcrowding coupled with the annual amnesty's means they'll be out after 10 years at the most.
  11. If they really introduce these cycling and walking lanes then they will only work if they are strictly kept clear of other vehicle users and street sellers. Every new cycle lane I have ever seen soon has motorcycles using it, cars parking on it and street sellers using it as a convenient place to sell their meatballs.
  12. Maybe it was one of those self driving Fortuners.
  13. I can understand why people sometimes take the law into their own hands here when the Police do <deleted> all in spite of all the evidence available to them.
  14. A bird scarer? Big enough to demolish the house? I have my doubts as there are many of these cottage fireworks factories in Suphanburi.
  15. Watched that myself only yesterday. Yes, great little kit as a backup in emergencies.
  16. known locally as a “dangerous crossing,” Dangerous due to the idiots who just won't stop at a red light and wait for a green.
  17. The contamination of evidence doesn't seem to stop the conviction of suspects in Thailand. Most seem to confess to the crime anyway after some friendly interrogation.
  18. Maybe it's one of those Thai cultural things he's so desperate to protect.
  19. Depends on the severity of the break. Thai friend of ours had a hospital bill for nearly 400k bht when they had to have a nasty break plated.
  20. I'd wager it was the same guy getting pulled 37 times.
  21. I seem to recall Taksin Shinawatra being tried, convicted and sentenced in absentia for crimes he allegedly committed in Thailand. Strange how if you're seen as a threat by the military such trials can take place but if you're actually in the military they can't.
  22. Why the picture of school students? Corporal punishment is already banned in schools and the new legislation seeks to also ban parents from using corporal punishment on their own kids..
  23. Nearly a billion people live on flood plains and islands that will be affected by rising sea level. 'People will adapt and move' is easy to say but the potential for worldwide disorder when those people need to settle elsewhere is a very real threat.
  24. Insurance seems next to useless if not covering medical expenses for health issues.
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