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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. ok so on the one hand we have this:

    RT @mpoppel: Reuters journalist aboard Vietnamese search aircraft says they failed to locate any objects in area where images showed poss. debris

    and on the other we have this:

    RT @mpoppel: WSJ sources: U.S. officials investigating possibility missing airliner was diverted toward undisclosed location with transponder turned off

    this is all getting seriously loopy...


  2. When I was setting up the new SSD the other day I'm pretty sure I saw something in bios about changing fan speeds so will investigate that.

    The noise is definitely coming from this front fan, doesn't sound like it's catching on anything too, just whirs too loud, I have it disconnected for now anyway and th PC is back to being silent.

    Will check out a high end fan next time I have chance to go to fortune IT mall (hate Pantip) and yeah I'm pretty sure I got ripped of over this new fan and was aware of that at the time as they went to buy it from another shop because 'Mai mee' at Banana IT but didn't care at the time :)

  3. Why do you have a fan sucking air out of the back?

    You may be creating a bit of a vacuum which is affecting the balanced running of the front fan. Try disconnecting the rear fan and see what happens.

    The best cooling is by having positive pressure in the computer case, that is have fan or fans sucking in at the front and letting the air find it's own way out the vent holes at the rear.


    This is the same setup I had before with the old one and it was fine, I've also seen diagrams recommending this as then air is pulled in across the components and then out the back, I've no idea if this is the best setup or not.

  4. So I took my desktop to Banana IT on Sunday as the front fan in the tower had gotten very noisy and also to get it upgraded. The broken fan had come with the tower which is about 18 months old and was always very quiet and practically silent.

    I had a fan by the same manufacturer (Cooler Master) and same size and quality installed, it cost about 500 baht and they put it in for me at the shop while adding my SSD etc, it seemed quiter in the shop but I guess I should have properly listened to it in a quiet environment because as soon as I turned it on at home it was very loud, not as loud as the previous one when it was broken and it doesn't sound like it's installed wrong but it just whirs far too loudly and it's too distracting. My PC tower is pretty big and well ventilated plus my PC only heats up when I run high end games which isn't often these days so so I've just unplugged this fan for now.

    Any solutions?

    I've been told I should go to Pantip and get an expensive quiet fan but I'm worried I may have the same problem again and I'd rather get this one running quiter.

    I read that the noise might be due to the fan running too fast and I downloaded SpeedFan but couldn't figure out how to slow the fan down or if that's even possible...

  5. Running great so far, loving the speed.

    However just noticed a folder on my new C drive 'windows.old' so i Googled it and it says its from an old Windows installation?


    If you install Windows 7 by performing a custom installation and don't format the partition during the installation process, files that were used in your previous version of Windows are stored in the Windows.old folder. The type of files in this folder depends on your computer

    What the heck? Its a fresh install on a brand new SSD...

  6. ok got a 120GB, had to play around in the setting so it would appear in Windows, I have it as the E drive and if I want the OS on the SSD and for it to be the boot drive I need to do the following right?

    Go into BIOS and change the SSD to the boot drive

    Restart and then install Windows to the SSD, then drivers, software etc

    Then the old HDD is just for storage, do I leave the old Windows installation on there too?

    Im also not sure if I should install other programs to the SSD or to the HDD, would I see significant performance increase with them on the SSD?

  7. Im taking my desktop into a PC repair shop this weekend to get the front fan on the tower replaced as somethings loose in it and its v.noisy now (cant replace myself due to the structure of the tower).

    I want to significantly speed up my PC load time for when I first boot it up and for opening and running multiple programs and files so I want to get an SSD put it and have a few queries about best way to do this:

    What capacity should I go for? I was thinking 120GB, I would have it as the main C drive and install Windows on it and my current 500GB HDD which is the C drive at present would just be for storage.

    Should I get an internal or external one?

    For optimal performance would it be better to have files I use regularly stored on the SSD also?

    Anything else I need to know?

    Im also thinking about upgrading the RAM, currently I have 8GB, am I going to see a significant speed increase if I increase by 4GB, 8GB or more?


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