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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Cheap political position.. Pick a position the Government has adopted and oppose it..


    Not a chance in Hades this will pay off for them...


    Prayuth does not have to call another election for 2 more years..


    Germany will have legalized by then. How many more countries are in the process of legalization?  5 more legal states in USA after next month's elections.


    Anyone enjoying the current situation in Thailand will not vote for them.. Sellers, consumers and those close to them. The "anti" forces are not that numerous to make a difference.


    Yesterday's position.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    All this talk about getting stoned I thought the permitted levels of whatever is in cannabis which was permitted were below the levels you could get stoned on ?

    Are you in Thailand? Because if you are you must be living in the back of beyond..


    Every city here has lots of Ganja shops.. and they aren't selling catnip.


    Pattaya has over 200 shops..

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, stoner said:

    technically all hybrid strains would be classified as gmo ? 

    According to my newly acquired knowledge, no.


    Hybrids in the case of Cannabis refers to crossbreeding between the two sub-species, Sativa and Indica. Traditional cross-breeding, selecting for desirable traits.


    WHO's definition of GMO..


    "According to the World Health Organization (WHO), GMOs, i.e., genetically modified organisms can be defined as organisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination."

    • Like 2
  4. On 10/27/2022 at 5:58 PM, Mark1066 said:

    I didn't think personal attacks were acceptable on this forum? It's really a shame you can't have a discussion without resorting to insults but something has obviously got your goat. I don't see why you should resent other men getting pleasure from using a straight razor. It's harmless, it's relaxing and, for me personally, has turned what used to be a chore into an enjoyable hobby (and saves money as well). If it's beyond your abilities and you need a nice, safe alternative, that's fine but if you want to call me stupid again, I suggest we arrange to meet and you can try doing it in person.

    Will you be bringing the straight razor?    ????

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Clones are also hormone treated. 

    Agreed, but the topic being PGRs, rooting hormones are targeted only on the ability to root. Feminized seeds are treated to only produce female seeds. I'm not yet ready to deal with such a fundamental modification.


    And I'm pretty happy with my decision to stick to the original plant blueprint regarding sex. It does no good to engage in semantics like a plant treated with rooting hormones is the equivalent of a plant that has had it's sexual identity bio-hacked...


    But I think the more we understand the better it is for us.

    • Like 1
  6. So far, so good.. This is how we are going to learn, when knowledgeable people discuss the pros and cons..


    Given my recent awareness of PGRs, I have not formed a solid opinion yet. But reading about reduced THC levels does not fill me with confidence. If that is a problem that is not solvable by growers, then it makes my decision easier. I've already mentioned to one dispensary owner that I got to know, that I'm a bit confused by the fact that a lot of premium priced weed that I've bought is not getting me that whacked. I put it down to inexperienced growers, but 90% of the almost 20 different strains I've tried fell into this category, despite looking very good, with good bud density. Bud density has always been a quality marker for me, But now that's in question..


    I already know that this is a divisive topic but please let's not attack each other. Educate us, even with bias, and let us learn enough to make reasonable decisions.

    Keeping in mind that the experts are not of one mind on this.. so I'm reading. But i want to learn as much as possible, because it looks to me like we are talking about GMO weed..

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Onerak said:

    By bangladeshi community? I think they have a similar dish called chicken butter. I don't like chicken masala. Except chicken tandoori, I don't like any Indian chicken recipes. And Indian chicken curries are no no for me. Recently discovered a Bangladeshi restaurant in Sukhumvit soi 11, Bangkok. Tried a few Bangladeshi dishes with a friend (an Indian American) and I liked them. Specially the fish curry and mutton curry. He said it reminded him of his mother's cooking. 


    Pattaya has too many Indian restaurants. 

    I did read somewhere that many, if not most, Indian restaurants in the UK are run by Bangladeshis. I don't recall if any explanation for that was given.


    And while homegrown (UK) chicken tikka masala  may be the most popular Indian dish in the UK, I doubt that would be true in India.


    I really wish that Indian restaurants were less expensive here, as I'm not a fan of most Thai food. I know that Thai food is very popular in the West, as is Indian food, but I prefer Indian.


    Unfortunately, The Indian restaurants in Pattaya are too expensive, relatively speaking.

    • Like 2

    Finally, relevant to today, Russia has endangered 75 years of peace in Europe. Even if much of that time was labeled a "Cold War".


    Russia is a nation I grew up viewing as the next adversary.. Gorbachev and Perestroika was a welcome surprise. Now Russia is back at it.


    Personally, I was prepared to live and let live.. a situation that played out living here in Thailand, Jomtien specifically, for the last 20 years. Jomtien becoming almost a Russian outpost.


    I now am not particularly happy to share my retirement home with Russians.

  9. To add to my first reply...


    Russia's refusal to declare war on Japan, who had comprehensively destroyed both Russia's Pacific Fleet and their Black Sea Fleet in 1905, did the allied powers no favours and probably contributed greatly to the loss of Colonial possession in Asia.


    They did declare war on Japan in the last weeks of WW2. Piling on, so to speak.

    • Like 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Yes, it was mainly the Russians who beat the Nazis and the U.K had a peace pact with Russia , which both Countries adhered to .

       The USA did help a bit though , after they were forced into it by Japan bombing Pearl Harbour

    Yes and no to your first statement.. It was primarily Russian forces on the ground, but the American Army Air Force and the Royal Air Force were simultaneously seriously degrading Germany's industrial capacity. This seriously impacted Germany's production of war materiel, and their ability to replace losses due to combat. The German Air force was unsuccessful in doing the same.. In England, too many allied aircraft to defend, American and Russian factories out of reach. America factories across the Atlantic, Russian Factories relocated eastwards.


    Not too mention the American Lend-Lease program which allowed Russia to press the ground war.


    Also.. the Americans went home. The Russians moved in and occupied Eastern Europe for over 50 years.

    • Like 1
  11. I hope that this is close enough to the topic to stay up..


    Google fed me this article, I didn't go looking for it.




    Vanity Fair coordinated with Pro Publica to research the article, based on a Senate investigation..


    Makes a pretty convincing argument that it was an accident at a level4 lab that released the original Covid virus.


    It's a long read.

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